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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: mah on February 24, 2012, 11:35:18 AM

Title: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: mah on February 24, 2012, 11:35:18 AM

I installed a 2 coin DD Mine kit and it fired up fine EXCEPT the bill validator will not work.  The display says insert 2 coins (not credits) but I removed all coin components and installed the plug on the end of the harness.  I switched bill validators (a known working one) from another machine, same results.  The validator cycles normally during start-up.   

The validator is enabled in the software but will not let a validator test be performed from diagnostics.  I have a feeling the machine is looking for coin.  In the key chip menus, there is no choice for coinless like in my Ms. Little Green Men.  Is there something else in the menus I need to change to tell it it is a coinless machine? 

Hopper test still shows up in the menu so again, I think it is looking for coin. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: cowboygames on February 24, 2012, 11:39:03 AM
What are your limits in menu 3.1 set at?

Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: cowboygames on February 24, 2012, 11:42:23 AM
Also, if you've got the jumper on the coin comparitor harness, the machine doesn't care if it's set for coin or coinless as it thinks there's a comparitor there. Every machine I've bought had coinless mode disabled with no coin mech or hopper installed. Just the jumper on the harness and they still worked

Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 24, 2012, 12:41:40 PM
In the key chip menus, there is no choice for coin-less like in my Ms. Little Green Men.  Is there something else in the menus I need to change to tell it it is a coin-less machine?  
Hopper test still shows up in the menu so again, I think it is looking for coin.  

I think he's not seeing those "coin-less" options in the menus?
I'd like to know what SG chips he's running...maybe I can pull up a PSR sheet on it?
Maybe there will be some info in it that will shed some light?

Also mah, a pretty common mistake is people trying to get in the menus
by using the reset key instead of pushing the little white test button.
Turning the reset key only allows one into part of of the menus - not all.
I don't know if you're doing that?

It may also only be a keychip option?

Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: mah on February 24, 2012, 01:41:52 PM
In addition to pressing the white button to access the menus, I did key chip it and still no "coinless" option available.

I will see what my 3.1 limits are tonight and the SG numbers.

On a seperate issue, on a second DDM Vision, I'm once again getting a Protocol Mismatch error.  Same issues as discussed in the thread linked below.  Help on that one would be appreciated as well. (



Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: cowboygames on February 24, 2012, 02:22:21 PM
So in keychip menus, submenu 7.2.5 doesn't come up? Though as I said earlier, the setting for this option doesn't matter as there is no corrolation between the bill validator and whether the machine is set to take coins or not. It's saying play 2 coins on the display simply because it's a 2 coin max bet machine

Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 24, 2012, 02:25:31 PM
I agree with you cowboy.
It's probably acting just like a display sign like "PLAY MAX BET !!!"

Mah switched bill validators for some reason...
Is the bill acceptor taking bills and crediting them?
I gave a karma + to everyone here because I like threads like this -
everybody learns something new!  :89-

Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: mah on February 24, 2012, 02:58:22 PM
I switched bill validators (with a known working one) just to ensure the original wasn't a faulty one.  It cycled normally and I could see red lights lite through the side of it.

No matter which validator I used, it would not take in a bill and the bill validator entry lights are not lite either.   



Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: cowboygames on February 24, 2012, 03:13:23 PM
You need to check your limit settings. The fact that it cycles when you turn the machine on verifies that it's getting power. You're not getting any BV errors on the VFD and it's showing enabled in the menu so you know it works. With no door bezel light coming on after the machine cycles indicates that the BV limit isn't set.

Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: mah on February 24, 2012, 04:57:12 PM
Are the BV settings in the 3.1 menu area?  If so, what limits are recommended?

I went through every menu setting looking to see how to set limits but I dont recall it to be labled anything relating to the BV.  I'm thinking it was more like credit limits and there was another section where only 2 digits were able to be changed.

Again, thanks for all of the help and I should be able to work on it later tonight.


Title: Re: Diamond Mine Won't Accept Bills
Post by: cowboygames on February 24, 2012, 05:18:14 PM
I think it's 3.1.4 and labeled limits. If you go in there you should find settings for Hopper, Credit, Jackpot and Bill limits. Your credit limit needs to be significantly higher than your desired bill limit. For example, if it's a quarter per credit bet and you want to be able to put $100 into the machine that'll give you 400 credits per bill so your credit limit, accounting for a fair amount of credits already on the machine and to avoid handpays every time you get a decent win, needs to probably be over 1000