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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 01:50:30 PM

Title: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 01:50:30 PM
I am at wits end trying to set the accounting denom on a machine and keep getting "accounting ----" with no option to change it.

Critical info:
Varta battery 3.6v
Yellow batt 2.9 v
Using clear 097 and set 17

These are the steps I have been performing:

Remove SB install clear 97
Install SB turn key 4 times
display asks to close door. I close door.
display prompts call attendant
open door get EEPROM error EEPROM CRC Failure 0x1
Turn key it resets goes to machine type mismatch
remove SB install Key17
boots to keychip menu but when I go to accounting I just get 4 dashes with no way to change.

Anyone have any suggestions???

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 01:53:14 PM
Sooo, no light on the spin reels button when you get to menu option 7.1.1? Do you have a key31 you can try? Has the key17 worked on this game before?

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 01:56:54 PM
That is correct.  No light on the button.  I can change everything else as usual but not denomination.  What is throwing me for a loop is the EEPROM ERROR EEPROM CRC FAILURE 0x1 as soon as I open the door after being prompted to close door.

And no, I do not have a key31. Wish I did.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on February 25, 2012, 02:02:06 PM
Are you trying to set denomination with the key chip still installed ? as  in 1st post

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 02:06:22 PM
After key is installed two lights, key removed and replaced with SB so no I am not trying to set denom with key installed.  I didnt even know that was possible since the display never gives options with key installed.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 02:12:42 PM
Sounds like you've tried the process several times now. Bunker I think had a list of what key chip was the required minimum for what SB chips. I'm wondering if yours is too old. I tried using a 17 on a vision game once and got a similar problem, had to go to a 31. The theory being that if the keychip software is older than the SB software there is a good chance it won't work right

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 02:17:03 PM
Actually Buzz refreshed my memory that I did have a set31 that I must have forgot about.  I am going to try that but has anyone come across the eeprom crc failure directly after opening the door after being prompted to close it???

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: Buzz on February 25, 2012, 02:17:41 PM
 :172-  Rich  nothing is ever set with the key chip installed, key chip only opens the door to key menu.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: Buzz on February 25, 2012, 02:19:13 PM
I better quit this damn thing posted twice. 

Rich it looks like your doing everything right.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on February 25, 2012, 02:23:22 PM
Sounds like you've tried the process several times now. Bunker I think had a list of what key chip was the required minimum for what SB chips. I'm wondering if yours is too old. I tried using a 17 on a vision game once and got a similar problem, had to go to a 31. The theory being that if the keychip software is older than the SB software there is a good chance it won't work right

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 02:24:50 PM
If you have to open the door to close it when it asks then you've already gotten ahead of the process. After removing the keychip and reinstalling the SB chip you have to leave the door open or it cancels the keychip authorization

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 02:25:38 PM
I know, I was responding to plunger. He had asked if I was trying to set denom with key chip installed and I didn't think that was physically possible. I think he misunderstood from my original post because I didn't mention removing key and installing sb. I omitted that step in my description because I assumed everyone would know I removed key and replaced with sb before trying to make changes.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 02:27:32 PM
Cowboy, the opening of the door is after the clear. Not the set. Typically after the clear your asked to close the door and you get a machine mismatch. I am getting a call attendant then the EEPROM error

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 02:34:10 PM
Lol, now I'm getting confused :47- Clear machine, reinstall SB, close door, machine resets and says call attendant, open door and get alarm, go through key resets till it says push reset button for 3 seconds, then close door when asked, then put clear chip in and remove after getting the 2 light, reinstall SB leaving the door open afterword and set keychip programming

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on February 25, 2012, 02:43:57 PM
Lol, now I'm getting confused :47- Clear machine, reinstall SB, close door, machine resets and says call attendant, open door and get alarm, go through key resets till it says push reset button for 3 seconds, then close door when asked, then put clear chip in and remove after getting the 2 light, reinstall SB leaving the door open afterword and set keychip programming
COWBOY . You missed up on the last part of your post  it should read . Then put KEYCHIP NOT CLEAR in and remove after getting 2 lights ,reinstall SB chip leaving door open afterword and set keychip programming. As not to confuse this any farther. AS you already knew but you were typing faster than you were thinking

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 02:44:03 PM
Hopefully this clears it up.  

Remove SB install Clear 97
Get 2 amber lights
Remove clear install SB
Boot up
Turn switch 4 times
machine prompts to close door
close door
machine prompts CALL ATTENDANT
(this is typically where we see machine type mismatch)
Open door
as soon as I open door I get EEPROM CRC FAILURE 0x1

All this is even before installing key17 but I do go ahead and install key 17 anyway and end up at keychip menu like normal

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: Buzz on February 25, 2012, 02:49:36 PM
Rich  start over.  I'm old so do it my way in my order.
Install clear 97 ( you will see 2 led's ) AT this time donot install SB
install key 31 ( you will see on vfd "Netplex Link down"
Install SB chip ( with the main door open  machine should go through boot up and check memory then go into key menu, ) if every thing is OK the first thing you will set is accounting. then coin denom, game selection, if your going to multi denom, and don't forget Machine Type. now your done in key Config. If you have a printer go to Con fig II 2nd option down and enable printer. YOUR DONE

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 02:53:49 PM
Buzz, your way coming up.  I will let you know.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on February 25, 2012, 02:54:59 PM
Try thisi

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 03:07:09 PM
Buzz: Tried your way exactly.  The last step where you should be at keychip menu I am brought to a RAM ERROR then I open door and get GAME CRC MISMATCH.  I took it one step further and tried with the key 17.  Got the same exact thing.  I am wondering if my SG's are corrupt?

I have a 1:00 appointment so I will post back a little later.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 03:15:16 PM
Plunger, you're mostly right, I was doing it on my phone while getting my haircut. Almost cost me an ear...

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 03:33:46 PM
I always get 2 errors after running a clear. One is a ram error and one is a eprom mismatch error. I have to use the jackpot key and step through clearing them both individually before it'll let me continue on with the keychip

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 03:41:11 PM
I screwed myself now.

I took a good working board from another machine and popped it in.  I got the same error (after the machine recoginzed it was a different board and I turned the key)

So I figure no biggie, the problem lies in the machine itself so I pop the good working board back in the machine that was working perfectly and now I am getting ACCOUNTING DENOMINATION UNKNOWN.

Keep in mind all I did was take one board and swap it to the machine that I am having the problem with.  I didnt touch or use any key or clear chips.  How could a machine kill the accounting denomination like that?

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 04:15:23 PM
Now you've got to clear that machine also :30- Although you might try opening and closing the door a couple times first to see if it changes. That might be just an error code it picked up from the other motherboard. Referance my previous post if you run a clear again on the first or either machine

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 04:58:09 PM
I tried opening and closing the door a bunch of times. I was able to clear and get it back up but I am still stuck with my original problem. It is obviously the machine and not the MPU because the problem stays with the machine regardless of the board used. I tried it with coin hardware in and tried it with coin hardware jumpered out

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 05:14:02 PM
Try it once more from scratch and when you get there, clear both succesive errors with the jackpot rest key. They will show up back to back after you put the SB chip back in post clear. Then you should be able to key it normally.

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: SLOTMAN on February 25, 2012, 08:51:29 PM
Ok, GOT IT!!! First I want to thank everyone for their help.  I believe the problem was somewhere in the coin handling, I was able to reseat the connector and then set the denomination.

Buzz: Your technique of going directly to key chip from the clear chip without putting in the SB chip also worked like a champ.  I did clear, key and after the inital reboot it went right to key chip config

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: cowboygames on February 25, 2012, 09:18:36 PM
Good job slotman! Hell of a way to spend a Saturday though :208-

Title: Re: Going crazy trying to set accounting denom on S2000 cant do it.
Post by: brianfink on February 25, 2012, 11:28:07 PM
when you do a key 97 it should clear your denoms and machine type. If you are not using a printer and you are only using one denom you should not even need to do a key 17. just try to do your key 97 when you get to machine type mismatch go to key chip config and set accounting denom coin denom and machine type. after you close the door all errors should go away and unless you want to set up a printer or multi denoms or game selection. after the machine is up and running with no errors you can do a key 17 at any point as long as you dont have any credits or errors on the machine.