New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: Amachanic on March 15, 2012, 01:03:17 AM

Title: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: Amachanic on March 15, 2012, 01:03:17 AM
Time to see if we can get this machine up and running again.. I had a Post back in December on this machine call  "S2000 System Error after moving my machine.. Could it just be cold?" Here's the link: (

Well the weather has warmed and I started on this machine again today.. So far today I have installed a new 3V battery on the MPU, and checked all the connections on the door and lower half of the machine including mother board plugs, I/O on the outside of the MPU, and lower power supply connections.. I then decided to start over by clearing the machine by using a Clear 97 chip..  I did clear it 5 times by waiting for the 2 amber lights.. Then reinstalled the SB Chip and went through the Testing Memory and the alarm and turning the key 4 times, and pressing the test switch for the 3 seconds.. Now here is where I can't seem to get past?? :103-  You close the door and I do get the Call Attendant message, but when you open the door and turn the reset 3 times it want to go back the the screen saying to "Press and hold the test button for 3 seconds" again and the reels never spin?? I tried the whole procedure 3 times with the same results?? The machine doesn't want to cycle to the Machine Type Mismatch display.. This machine was working correctly back in late Oct or Nov... But when moved from the Garage to the house is when the problem happened.. Oh I forgot to mention my Key chip is a #45.. These are my first attempt at the S2000 machines, so what I told you is about my knowledge of this machine for now, but I have time to learn while I'm healing from my Ruptured Appendix 10 days ago, and I'm off work for the next 4 weeks. Time to get this thing fixed with all your help...

Thanks Gary

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on March 15, 2012, 02:01:32 AM
I had this same problem before on a machine and I changed the SG chips to 363s and I was able to complete the process and get the machine to ready to play mode.

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: Amachanic on March 15, 2012, 02:09:28 AM
If I remember right this machine does have the 363 game chips.. I know when I first cleared and Key chipped this machine I was suprised to find it had 13 different settings for Multi-Denom..

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on March 15, 2012, 02:11:58 AM
What version chip are you using?

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: Buzz on March 15, 2012, 02:26:01 AM
Install clear 97 ( you will see 2 led's ) AT this time do not install SB
install key 31 ( you will see on vfd "Netplex Link down"
Install SB chip ( with the main door open machine should go through boot up and check memory It will then give you a error, turn the key 4 times and VFD should say press test button for 3 seconds, then close main door, now will give one more error, open the main door and turn the key 4 more times. machine now should go into  key menu, ) if every thing is OK the first thing you will set is accounting. then coin denom, game selection, if your going to multi denom, and don't forget Machine Type. now your done in key Config. If you have a printer go to Con fig II 2nd option down and enable printer. YOUR DONE

I can tell you for a fact the above works, I cleared and keyed 5 macnines today.  Unless you have some off the wall Game installed 363 are all you will need. If you have a problem PM me your phone number and I'll call you. I live on the West coast.

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: Amachanic on March 15, 2012, 02:31:23 AM
I might have just found the problem. My Version chip was not seated tight.  Too late tonight to fire it back up. I don't  want to wake the family. I'll report again in the morning.

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on March 15, 2012, 02:35:23 AM
just unplug the bottom and 2 top speakers and let r' rip.

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on March 15, 2012, 03:59:15 AM
just unplug the bottom and 2 top speakers and let r' rip.
Great answer for late nite thinking

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: SLOTMAN on March 15, 2012, 09:03:36 AM
I can agree with Buzz.  I was a little reluctant to go directly from clear to key without putting the SB in as is a typical scenario but I did it once it worked and then did it on 2 others with no problems at all.  YOU CAN go directly from CLEAR to KEY and then SB instead of CLEAR - SB - KEY - SB

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: Amachanic on March 15, 2012, 07:47:04 PM
Ok here's was my problem. I now remember that we pulled the Version chip to make a file and a back up chip. Looks like I just never had it snapped tight in the socket. It was just kind of sitting there. Once I secured it and re-keyed the game everything came up as it needed to.  Buzz thanks for the offer to help over the phone  :259-..


Heres a pic of the machine... Not a bad looking Round top for $250, plus a MMII Board and a Sound Simm, it even came with 3 LED Bulbs... Even has a Hopper, but it's large coin.. Sorry for the pic, best I could do with my cell phone, wife ran off with the camera today..

Title: Re: S2000 Help Needed, I Can't Get to the "Machine Type Mismatch" screen?
Post by: Yoeddy1 on March 16, 2012, 12:45:11 AM
One of my favorite games.  The sounds and design are very unique!  Glad you got it going.
