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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 09:11:36 PM

Title: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 09:11:36 PM
OK, I have been reading everything I can but a cannot figure this one out. I have an S2000 slant enhanced with i960 that on bootup has Display's NETPLEX link is down on the VFD. The reel backlights are on, the B/A cycles properly, after about a min the reels spin up to home positions then the VFD goes black and the right side display reads NO DISP. about 10 seconds later the 2 tone alarm goes off. 

Things I have replaced with known good parts.
Replaced the P/S behind reels with new
Main Power supply (not Win-Tech)
harness's to the VFD
I/O controller
checked all netplex connections, reseated connections
disconnected printer
disconnected B/A

What am I missing, this thing is driving me crazy  :99-

Pls Help, thank you, Newb -Buzzarama

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 09:24:51 PM
What game theme is this on? Single line? Multi-line? If multi-line, does it have the multi-line display to the left of the reels?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 09:27:30 PM
Single Line 3 reel red white and 2 blue

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 09:32:08 PM
Single Line 3 reel red white and 2 blue

Oops, sorry, game theme is triple double strike, not red white and blue

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 09:34:15 PM
Looks like you've swapped out all the common problem causers. With the machine off you might pull the MPU tray and make sure all your chips are seated properly with no bent pins. My bet would have been a loose plug going to the vfd or from the vfd to the circuit board with the white plastic cover on the inside door panel. Does your VFD display have a ribbon cable plugged into it or just the two molex plugs on the side?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 09:40:52 PM
It has the 2 molex connectors, no ribbon. I tried a new SB Chip (SB100448) before I swapped the MPU this morning, the new MPU had all new chips in it. Still no dice.

What I dont understand is why the VFD has its message and once the game loads to a certain point it goes out and the display on the right says its message. Almost like when something initializes, it kills the VFD.

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 10:11:09 PM
Do you get anything in the other display with credits, winner paid and whatnot?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 10:13:46 PM
No sir, just no disp.

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 10:18:03 PM
Do you have that part of the display next to the reels or below them? The credits and winner paid part I mean

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 10:22:37 PM
Its just in the main door, nothing next to the reels, its below the reels (slant)

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 10:31:54 PM
Sorry, forgot you'd said slant top earlier. So you've got a separate 12 pin molex that goes into that display. I'm gonna be a little foggy here as my 663 display, which is what it sounds like you have versus a 552, is all one assembly where mine is two separate assemblies. Can you post a picture or two of that complete assembly for us so we can see the differant harness's plugged into it for the VFD and LED display sections?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 19, 2012, 10:33:22 PM
Could it be the 6-6-3 v.s. 5-5-2 settings in the menus?
I had this error last week when I tried to install a 6-6-3 display with an SG pair of chips that wouldn't support it.
I can verify the problem was with my SG chips being non-supportive...I wanna sue for child support... :5-

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 10:34:57 PM
That's a good thought Bunker. I know I've read about that, but mine have always autoconfigured when I change them so I've never actually seen it.

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 19, 2012, 10:48:38 PM
I think we need to see what display set-up he has under there and what chips he's using.
Maybe we can find something that'll work for him?

Buzz, what SG's chip pairs (GME1&2) are you using?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 19, 2012, 11:38:58 PM
I will send some display pics in the morning.

Here is the chips (good point cause it is the only one of these titles I have)
SB 100448
SG 000492 1of 1
SG 000492 2 of 2

Bunker, not sure what you mean 662 and 552. Is there some settings I need to look at?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 11:48:38 PM
Those are the 2 differant types of LED displays that IGT used in the S2000 machines. They are defined by the number of individual LEDs used for each section of the display. 5digit, 5 digit, 2 digit or 6 digit, 6 digit, 3 digit, representing coins paid, credits and coins played. And by your listing of the chips you have, it appears that your MPU is a 1270 enhanced board. If you have a volt meter would you check the voltage on the green 3 cell battery and post the findings. Those 1270 boards will do some funky stuff if that green battery dies. Also, check to make sure you have a good plug connection between the board those chips are mounted on(known as a legacy adapter board) and the main MPU board.

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 19, 2012, 11:54:03 PM
 :72- :97- :208- I just typed out a long drawn out explanation and when I was gonna hit the "post" button -
all I saw was the red warning " Someone May Have Posted While You Were Sleeping"
or something like that!  :25- :279-
Cowboy, you ride this one in....I'm outta here!  :288- :273-

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 19, 2012, 11:59:01 PM
Bunker that's when you say screw it and hit the post tab again. Or set your profile up so it doesn't display that message and just posts your reply...

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 20, 2012, 12:09:13 AM
IC, I will check the battery in the morning and let you know my findings. Thank you both for your time. I know I'm in for a lot to learn.

Something else while we are on the MPU subject, would a RAM clear help at all here and if so what chips are needed to clear the enhanced board. Does the backplane (not sure if that is what it is refered to in this cabinet) hold any info that needs cleared when changing the MPU?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 20, 2012, 12:22:27 AM
The MPU and the backplane or motherboard both store info that gets cleared when you use a clear chip. At this point I don't beleive a clear chip will do you any good as those are generally only used for clearing the machine to reset accounting related settings. A key chip would be a good thing to have though as it is used commonly to change payback percent, player denom on multi-denom games like yours and other game function type settings. With the enhanced board you'll be wanting to find a key45 chip. If you feel you just have to have a clear chip then I'd go with a clear224

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 20, 2012, 12:05:54 PM
Ok CG, the voltage on the green (varta) 3 cell is 1.18v, it has listed 3.6v so the battery is a little weak huh.. Display pics will follow shortly.

Also, key45 chip and clear chip 000224 are on their way just in case. (Thanks Ebay ;)

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 20, 2012, 01:05:26 PM
That green battery is rechargeable. You can try leaving the machine on for several hours to see if it recharges fully and makes any kind of differance in game operation.

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 20, 2012, 01:58:57 PM
On and charging

Here is the display 5-5-2?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 20, 2012, 02:04:53 PM

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: cowboygames on March 20, 2012, 02:43:48 PM
What type of harness plugs into that part of the display?

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on March 20, 2012, 02:48:17 PM
On and charging

Here is the display 5-5-2?

To help you understand . When you look at the display  count the amount of individual leds in each section as described as per cowboygames post  Yours shows (5) space (5) space (2)

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: buzzarama on March 20, 2012, 08:53:02 PM
Winner winner chicken dinner, I now have funtioning S2000 again

So here is the skinny, I let it charge a few hrs but didn't get it, I got to reading so more and Correct me if I am wrong but appearently its not a good thing to have the 2 like netplex molex's on the backplane switched cause that was the culprit (well that and a bad "new" I/O card behind the reels. Swapped the cables, changed the the I/O, cleared some errors and presto!   

Just wanted to thank everyone that helped me out. I understand these chunky little fella's a little better now.

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 20, 2012, 09:50:12 PM

Good job!  :244- :3-

Title: Re: S2000 Displays Netplex link is down and NO DISP, pls help.........
Post by: Foster on March 20, 2012, 10:04:57 PM
Glad you got it working.

The Netplex connections for the motherboard are the at the lower end of the motherboard
The 4 are drawn and wired in parallel
I could theoretically unplug the VFD from the door and plug it into a Netplex port on the Power Dist Board in the top box if I had a spare VFD harness and it will work just fine
I have looked at the schematics and the boards the only one that cant be switched is the BV netplex because it is a 12pin as apposed to the rest being 10 pin connectors.
The 2 extra pins are used for the  BV door switch.

Now the SENET connectors at the top of the board cant be switched around and are labeled spare, door and cabinet SENET. spare is the one for the top box