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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Universal Reel/Video Games. => Topic started by: KidEgo on January 30, 2009, 05:25:10 PM

Title: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: KidEgo on January 30, 2009, 05:25:10 PM
I'm so glad I came across this forum. About a year ago, I bought a working Universal Thunder and Lightning slot machine from a friend of mine. The only thing that didn't work in it was the bill validator, so I figured it was worth the $300 he wanted for it.

We'd been using it in the basement until two weeks ago when I had the bright idea to disconnect the wiring from the "Cash Out/Play Credit" button. I have two young boys who like playing the machine and making the reels spin, but they would sometimes push the "Cash Out/Play Credit" button and proceed to have the bejesus scared out of them when it started throwing out coins and ringing.

I thought unplugging the wires and disconnecting the button was no big deal. Wrong! Tha machine hasn't worked since. As soon as I disconnected the wires from the button, I got error messages (13 and 50) and coins dropped straight through the coin comparitor and into the tray.

After coming across this forum today, I was able to read through the posts, view a Universal manual, and figure out how to properly reset the machine. But it still doesn't work. I even got pics from my friend of his parts machine, and it looks like I've rewired the button correctly (I hope anyway).

I did one of the self tests that should have spun the reels, and music played but the reels didn't move. And I got a new error code: 41 (something about the first reel I believe).

I also see that the red light of the coin comparitor doesn't light up, and I don't recall if it was lit before.

Bottom line: The machine worked perfectly until stupid me had to get creative and unplug the wires from the "Cash Out/Play Credit" button. How could this one act, as dumb as it was, screw the machine up this badly?

Note: I did that one test to get the model/eprom numbers and the 5 numbers are 8933, 0074, 8986, 0028, and 1000.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: uniman on January 30, 2009, 10:09:28 PM
Hi Joe,
Sounds like you may have blown a fuse. Check the bottom fuse on your power supply. AC24V-3amp-(DC32V)
Make sure your wires are right on that switch. What colors wires do those four connectors have and where are they plugged in?

You don't have to remove the wires to prevent cashout. That white assembly unsnaps from the button. Just give it a little wiggle while pulling down. When it is unsnapped you can't cashout.

Error codes 13 means power up, error code 50 means door open or was open. They won't go away until game is played. They are not causing the problem.

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: KidEgo on January 31, 2009, 12:06:21 AM
The switch is currently wired as follows (and you can a bit of the detail in the pic I've attached). Don't know if that's how it was before I pulled them off the first time.

Back Contact = Red w/Black stripe
Front Contact = Double Orange
Right Middle Contact = Red
Right Bottom Contact = Black

The strange thing is that the parts machine my friend looked at only had three wires to the "Cashout" switch.

And you were right about checking fuses. The bottom two fuses were blown. Can I simply replace them with a comparable 3A fuse from a hardware store? What would have actually blown the fuses? I'm not sure I understand what about pulling those wires off the contacts screwed things up so badly.

By the way, I read your "Hint" and did a collective "Duh" to myself. I'm really not as simple as my dilemma is making me out to be. lol

Once I get this stuff ironed out, I'll have to start a separate thread to ask questions about the bill validator. But...let's burn one bridge at a time.

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: uniman on January 31, 2009, 12:31:40 AM
I would think the loose wires touched something in the machine and shorted to ground. Radio Shack should have the fuses. Hardware too, maybe.
Your wires are correct in their locations. Should be 4 connectors, one with the double orange as you stated.
You have the Universal 8800 logic board in your machine. I don't have any info on it. It is not in the Universal manual.
The 8800 replaced the 8116. The 8800 can handle DBV's and respin and nudge games that the 8116 couldn't.
I've never worked on the DBV for this style machine so I might not be much help. But I do have the dip switch settings that enable/disable the DBV. Give me some time to dig them up.

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: KidEgo on January 31, 2009, 06:01:39 PM
As many have probably said, "Uniman...u tha man!"

I put in two new 3A fuses, and the machine is back from the dead.

Thanks so much!!!

I'll start a new thread soon with some other questions I have about the machine. And if I can get the "parts" machine from my friend's boss, maybe I'll have a "project" on my hands...and a great place to come for info.

Is the best way to thank you guys to donate to the server costs? If so, I'll donate shortly. Since I can't buy you a beer, that seems like the next best alternative.

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: uniman on January 31, 2009, 07:14:31 PM
As many have probably said, "Uniman...u tha man!"

I put in two new 3A fuses, and the machine is back from the dead.

Thanks so much!!!

Is the best way to thank you guys to donate to the server costs? If so, I'll donate shortly. Since I can't buy you a beer, that seems like the next best alternative.

Yes, donations are always apprecited and a great way to say thanks.
Glad I could help.
Post a pic of your machine when you get the chance!

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: brichter on January 31, 2009, 07:40:15 PM
Wait a minute!! Did he say Beer???  :131- :131-

You could do both, as the hordes of users usually descend upon Command Central every 4th of July for a great barbecue and fireworks show!
:BBQ- :136- :136- :136- :wa!

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: KidEgo on February 05, 2009, 05:09:50 PM
So where exactly is "Command Central?"

Here is a pic of the machine in all its glory (now that I got all the bulbs replaced).

My 16 month old son is very grateful to everyone for their help in getting it working again. He hasn't learned to walk yet and doesn't say too many words, but darned if he can play the slot machine all by himself (from putting quarters in to pulling the lever to pushing the "Bet 1" button). (He's also a big fan of playing pinball.)

If my boys end up having gambling problems as adults, I guess I'll be to blame. Or I can just blame the teachers and society like everyone else does for their kids faults. lol. (Sorry...funny because my wife is a teacher. Not meant to turn this into a completely different thread.)

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: Ron (r273) on February 05, 2009, 05:34:57 PM
So where exactly is "Command Central?" (

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: uniman on February 05, 2009, 09:20:36 PM
That's a nice Universal.  :89-
Looks like about 1993 vintage.
I think your picture answered a question I had. Recently I bought a bunch of Universal Ultra Series slot parts. I got a box of card reader bars, but they really don't fit my Ultras. So I removed the plastic laminate Universal banner and installed them on my Ultra card reader bar frames. Now the top box light shines through the plastic laminate and illuminates the banner!
I was wondering what machine they were for as my older Uni's have no card reader area.
First pic below is one of the card reader bars. Looks like yours except mine say Universal.
Second pic is one of my Ultras.

If you don't know what % payback chip you have, press the test button nine times. You will see the number 9 in the win meter, then five different numbers repeating. Post those numbers and I can tell you what % chip you have.
Let me know when you decide to tackle that BV, I'm sure I'll learn a few things too.

Title: Re: Slot Machine Newbie - Universal Thunder/Lightning Problems
Post by: uniman on February 05, 2009, 10:52:54 PM
So where exactly is "Command Central?" (
There is also the ChicagoLand show. Several midwest members have been meeting at McD's every year during the show. (