New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: syd on April 25, 2012, 05:25:21 AM

Title: Door Open Tilt Won't Clear - What am I missing?
Post by: syd on April 25, 2012, 05:25:21 AM
Hello, I have an S+, and I have been reading many relevant threads from start to finish, as much of it applies.  Thanks to you all for being there..... I am certainly no expert with any of this stuff, but if I can get the 13-0 to toggle to 13-1, doesn't that mean my optics are good?  Further, if I am getting 13-0 to go to 13-1, why wouldn't my door open tilt condition (fast flashing lower candle light) clear?  I have no belly switch that I can see, and the cash box switch wires have been spliced together....but my door is clearly not being recognized as closed I think, because for example, in self test, closing the door should end the self test right?....and that does not happen.

Machine will function if I push credits with the tiny credit button, and appears to be functioning correctly (spins, makes noise, pays out, etc.).  Self test and jackpot key options are all accessible and seem to be all functional.  Maiden spin and "insert coin" are present upon powerup...... but with the door open tilt flashing, no coins or bills are accepted.  Thanks for your help.


Title: Re: Door Open Tilt Won't Clear - What am I missing?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 25, 2012, 11:44:54 AM
The flashing candle and flashing 13-1, 13-0 won't go away because the machine thinks that
you're still performing the [13-1] door closed input test.
Press the Test switch one time.
You will see a [10] in the Winner Paid display window, then close the door.
The display should go out and then come back on as  the game is ready for play.
The bottom half of you top-box candle will still be flashing rapidly.
Now what it's telling you is that the door was recently opened.
Completion of 1 full game will make the flashing lower half of the candle stop.

In the future, for kicks, watch your "Coins Played" window.
The number that's in there will change to a zero whenever the door is physically opened.
It will go back to whatever number was in there before you opened the door.
This assures you that the door optics are fully working!  :89-

If you're seeing that number change to a zero whenever the door is open, the problem lies with something else.
If it's not taking coins, check the coin comparator, coin- in optics and make sure that you're using the right sandwiched encoder guide for the size of your coin.
Also, the sample coin in the comparator must match the coin you're dropping in.
You can also adjust the coin sensitivity dial on the coin comparator.
Turn the dial fully counter-clockwise all the way then turn it clockwise a quarter of a turn
and try dropping a coin through.

Coin-In optics: Pushing the little Service Coin button on the optic boards while the door is open does NOT mean the coin -in optics are fully functioning - all that you're doing is adding a credit to the machine for testing purposes.
Usually for the hopper operation or reel check.
The encoder guide sandwiched between the coin-in optic boards under the coin comparator needs to be the correct guide for the coin that you're using.
The coin must pass through 3 optical beams to register a credit signal back to the MPU.
We're seeing a lot of S+'s that were being used as a high denomination coin towards it's final life on the casino floors and many times they used large tokens or dollar coins - the coin guides were the large ones.
So when the homeowner gets the machine and tries to use a nickel or quarter - we get horrible coin acceptance problems.

Finally, if your coin-in optics input tests ( Try the [11-1] and [12-1] tests) check out okay.
Oh!... this is how you check, pull off the coin comparator and wiggle something the size of a popsicle stick down in the between the coin-in optics boards. The "1" will change to a "0" meaning its good.
If okay, then check the coin comparator fully.
Make sure the rake isn't binding up, the sensitivity dial is adjusted, and all related wiring is sound.

We will attack the bill acceptor later.

Title: Re: Door Open Tilt Won't Clear - What am I missing?
Post by: syd on April 28, 2012, 03:29:46 AM
Thanks stayout, no matter what I tried, I could not get the door close tilt to clear, so get I took it upon myself to bypass the door optics using the cherry switch as described in a separate post.  The machine worked just fine, the tilt cleared the coins played showed 0 when the door was opened, as you said it should.....I even played a little to test coin optics and overall function, which, as I said before, was then it was time to use the set chip to get my BV working..... after running the set program and setting my denomination and then re-inserting the game chip, I got 61.  I can push the reset to get a chime and a 61-1,  but that's where it stays.  The machine is in door open tilt again and my door close bypass doesn't seem to be working anymore, as a simple door close and turn of the reset key should bring me out of the 61-1 and back into business right? 

I can not enter self test at all, and the reset key does nothing in door close tilt with 61-1.......any thoughts?  Bad motherboard?  I strongly feel that it is JUST the door not being recognized as closed, since it worked just fine.....for a moment anyway......

Thanks all, for your advice and assistance.

Title: Re: Door Open Tilt Won't Clear - What am I missing?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 28, 2012, 03:47:34 AM
You better get yourself a set of working optics because that's the ONLY time the bypass harness doesn't work.
You need real optics to get past certain codes.

Title: Re: Door Open Tilt Won't Clear - What am I missing?
Post by: syd on April 28, 2012, 03:59:12 AM
Thanks Boss.  That is what I am going to do......stay tuned....


 :285- :285- :285-

Title: Re: Door Open Tilt Won't Clear - What am I missing?
Post by: syd on May 05, 2012, 12:57:11 AM
New Optics did the trick.  Next time I will not waste time trying to bypass.  Thanks again so very much for your advice.  I have a reel alignment/game chip question, but I will start a different thread for that I think.
