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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: ejm_langosta on May 14, 2012, 03:06:53 PM

Title: triple play draw poker with TITO
Post by: ejm_langosta on May 14, 2012, 03:06:53 PM
Hola.. ando buscando si es que existe algún juego  para IGT Game King tipo triple play draw poker... yo tengo versiones M0000230/G0000903 y M0000561/G0001118 pero no me sirven.... saben si existe alguna versión que se pueda hacer TITO con impresoras tipo Future Logic?

Desde ya muchas gracias

Title: Re: triple play draw poker with TITO
Post by: lbertolotti on May 14, 2012, 05:14:37 PM
Hola, yo tengo un kit de juego para esa plataforma, pero no posee los juegos trilple play draw poker, el kit es el M000027/G0001126. Este kit tiene los juegos de la gama de bonus poker y algunos de bingo, pero tiene el protocolo SAS 5, que permite instalar un aceptador de billetes y una impresora para poder conectar las maquinas en TITO directamente.
Yo tengo maquinas con el juego triple play draw poker que funcionan en TITO, pero poseen una placa adaptadora que se encarga de realizar las comunicaciones entre el sistema TITO y la maquina. Esta placa no funciona del todo bien y produce fallas al cargar los creditos en las maquinas, ya que tiene que emular la comunicacion del antiguo aceptador de billetes y el hopper.
A mi me serviria probar con el kit de memorias M0000561/G0001118 para poder corregir un par de problemas con estas placas adaptadoras, necesito un kit de juego que tenga la posibilidad de activar el EFT.


Title: Re: triple play draw poker with TITO
Post by: ejm_langosta on May 14, 2012, 05:21:17 PM
Que tipo de impresora le conectas??

Title: Re: triple play draw poker with TITO
Post by: Ron (r273) on May 14, 2012, 05:52:58 PM
ejm langosta:

Type of printer connect you


Hello, I have a kit of game for that platform, but does not have trilple play draw poker games, the kit is M000027/G0001126. This kit has the range of bonus poker and some of bingo, games but has the SAS 5 protocol, that allows to install a banknote Acceptor and a printer to connect machines in TITO directly.
I have machines with the game triple play draw poker that they operate in Titus, but possess an adapter plate which is responsible for the communications between the TITO system and the machine. This Board does not work very well and produces failures when loading the credits in machines them, because you have to emulate the communication of the old banknotes Acceptor and the hopper.
To my me serve try the memories M0000561/G0001118 kit in order to correct a couple of problems with these adapters plates need a kit of game that has the possibility to activate the EFT.

Best regards

ejm langosta:

Hello.. do I'm looking for if there is any game for IGT Game King type triple play draw poker... I have M0000230/G0000903 and M0000561/G0001118 versions but not serve me.... know if there is any version that TITO can do with printers type Future Logic?

From already thank you very much

Title: Re: triple play draw poker with TITO
Post by: lbertolotti on May 14, 2012, 06:52:19 PM
yo la conecte con una future logic gen 2 st, con los jumpers internos puestos para netplex y el firmware GNARG6000