New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: BrokenWizard on May 25, 2012, 07:01:49 PM

Title: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: BrokenWizard on May 25, 2012, 07:01:49 PM
Please forgive my newness I'm so new I couldn' find how to ask this question thats been asked many times before. So Many that I'm confused as to what chips and where's the best place to purchase them. I have an IGT s2000 Wild Cherry It needs a clear & reset and I don't know what chips I need or where to get them. I'm sure I'm leaving out some important info to get this answered so just email me at
Thanks in advance for your help.

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 26, 2012, 12:13:44 AM
Why get something you might not need?  :128-
  :299- Let's start off with what's wrong with your machine?
I'll bet you we will help you get it running the way you want in less than a week!  :89-
If you can give us good details as to what's going on with the game, I'm sure
that we will have some answers for you!

BTW  :238-

Remember, the more you can tell us - the better we can help you!

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: staz on May 26, 2012, 01:31:30 AM
you need a 17 full clear chip and a 45 key chip any vendors from here would have them....... you might not need to do a clear on your machine so i would tell us whats wrong with it 1st before you start doing clears..... but its always good to have a set of those chips......

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: Foster on May 26, 2012, 03:14:51 AM
I am going to say this for 1000th time, the only time you need to clear a S2000 is:
Accounting denomination is not $0.01 allows any coin denom
You have a serious error that just wont clear, in other words we use clear chips as a last resort for errors or tilts.

Why do you want to clear it?
Clear chips for the S2000 are 97, 223, 224
Key chips are 17, 31, 45 usually a 31 will handle most S2000 game chips and MPU's

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 26, 2012, 11:26:11 AM
you need a 17 full clear chip and a 45 key chip any vendors from here would have them.......

uh...staz...where did ya get your super-duper special powers "17 full clear chip" ?
Will it fix my lawn mower? If so, I want one of those!  :97-

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: staz on May 26, 2012, 12:53:55 PM
you need a 17 full clear chip and a 45 key chip any vendors from here would have them.......

uh...staz...where did ya get your super-duper special powers "17 full clear chip" ?
Will it fix my lawn mower? If so, I want one of those!  :97-

i screwed up its not a 17 i thought it had 17 on it..... it just says s-2000 EE & RAM CLEAR IVC00224...... lol.... cut me some slaclk bunker im still learning :97- :97-

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: Buzz on May 26, 2012, 03:28:38 PM
Please forgive my newness I'm so new I couldn't' find how to ask this question that's been asked many times before. So Many that I'm confused as to what chips and where's the best place to purchase them. I have an IGT s2000 Wild Cherry It needs a clear & reset and I don't know what chips I need or where to get them. I'm sure I'm leaving out some important info to get this answered so just email me at
Thanks in advance for your help.

BrokenWizard    :238-

You ask a pretty simple straight forwand question and deserve a simple straight forward ans.  S 2000 Wild Cherry you need a clear 97 and a key 31. Other chips may work but these two will work. ( I don't even have the files for a clear 223 or 224, guess I never found a need for them)

I don't recommend just doing a clear to be doing something. A clear chip is not a cure all, I clear and key every machine that comes through the door and very rarely ever have to clear one again. If your having a problem with your machine, please tell us about it and we can show you how smart we think we are.

Bunker What was it you said "Why get something you might not need?"   I have a couple of fire extinguishers in my home.

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: BrokenWizard on May 26, 2012, 04:48:04 PM
Thanks for the chip NFO. My problem is when I turn it on I get Door Open MB and it doesn't work. After reading many post I found one that said after it warms up error goes away. Well I hadn't tried that so I left it on and bingo the error went away. Since I'm not good at removing and soldering in new chips I didn't try that poster procedure of cooling each chip after it warmed up to see which one was causing the problem. I found an exact duplicate board on randy real deal site. They said it was tested and working
(I'll find out for sure when I get it). I thought that when I move the game chips to the new board I would have to do a clear/set to get things working. Trouble is all the many post on clear/set just confused me more. So I thought I'd ask the experts here at new life which chips I should have on hand if and when I need them. If Buss is correct all I need is Clear 97 and key 31 so Which vendor do you  recommend?
Thanks very much for all your help. Joining NewLife was one of the smarter thing  I've done lately

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: BrokenWizard on May 26, 2012, 04:49:18 PM
sorry Buzz I finger checked and wrote Buss

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: Buzz on May 26, 2012, 05:20:35 PM
Your more than welcome to call me anything you like.  PM me your address and I'll send you the chips.

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: BrokenWizard on May 26, 2012, 05:39:02 PM
OK Buzz now you'll really see how much of a newbie I am. How do I PM you?

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: Buzz on May 26, 2012, 05:52:58 PM
Look to the left under my avatar bottom right click on private messages.  Or in my profile is my email.

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: Foster on May 26, 2012, 11:00:18 PM
When you get the board post back what chips you have on the current MPU and the MPU from John the owner of Rudy's Deals

We can then explain what chips to move from your existing MPU to the replacement MPU so is is as painless as possible for you.
We want to avoid you having to use the clear chip
You might have to use the key chip (but I doubt it) the only thing a MPU swap if you use all your existing chips should mess up is any existing credits, and maybe some sound settings.
The rest are stored on a chip on the mother board, the board the mpu plugs into.

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 27, 2012, 01:50:26 AM
i screwed up its not a 17 i thought it had 17 on it..... it just says s-2000 EE & RAM CLEAR IVC00224...... lol.... cut me some slaclk bunker im still learning :97- :97-

lol Staz, you know I was just pullin' yer leg right?!  :96-

I wish I knew what was wrong with Broken Wizard's machine in the 1st place?
Now, it doesn't sound like he needs a clear chip...he might need some work on a power supply or MPU instead?

Thanks for the chip NFO. My problem is when I turn it on I get Door Open MB and it doesn't work. After reading many post I found one that said after it warms up error goes away. Well I hadn't tried that so I left it on and bingo the error went away...

I thought that when I move the game chips to the new board I would have to do a clear/set to get things working. Trouble is all the many post on clear/set just confused me more.

Foster and I were asking WHY he needs a Clear/Set chip ( By The Way, the S2000 use Clear chips and Key chips.
Set chips are normally reserved for the S+ machines)

We all know that many times new guys stick in a Clear chip thinking it's a magic wand !!!
Then they get on here asking "What happened to all my settings!"
In the end, it would be good to have a set of chips for your machine Broken Wizard,
and I DO applaud  :3- Buzz for getting them out to ya.  :131-

Always ask here if you need to use it or not until you learn some more about your S2000 slot machine.
It's always best to give us details so we can help you better!
Never  :60- be afraid to start a new thread!
How else you gonna learn?
Before long, you'll be a Master Of Your S2000 !  :89-

I'd like to add that if a machine that has errors has problems that go away after warming up -
it could be very possible a cold solder joint in a power supply box on a capacitor or heat sink chip.
Those ones seem to warm up the most on those MPU boards.
Many S2000's have TWO power supply boxes too.
One up behind the reels and one in the lower part of the cabinet.

One way to check with any special tools is to hold up the MPU board up against a very bright lamp w/the shade removed and see where the brown-outs are.
Brown-outs are basically over-heated areas that look a little "brown" on the green MPU circuit board.
It shows up immediately when you peer at the board with a bright lamp behind it.
Also, check the board as carefully as you can at every soldered point on the board with a strong magnifying glass.
See if ANYTHING looks unusual.
Post a high-resolution photograph of the board and maybe someone here will spot
and pinpoint any trouble areas?

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: BrokenWizard on May 27, 2012, 09:10:57 AM
Thanks for all the help. I suspect I'll get the new board sometime next week. I'll post the chip info as soon as i get it.

OK received the board and chips from Buzz. Soon as I figure out how to upload pics I'll put both new and old boards up.
It looks like U21 Stepper chip and U19, U46 Game Chips and U44 a Version chip are whats not on the new board.

I got to get a chip extractor as I don't want to take a chance on screwing thing up.

So hopefully later today I'll be all set with uploaded pics and help from you guys

Third try at getting pic uploaded Cross my fingers

Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: knagl on May 30, 2012, 03:35:52 AM
sorry Buzz I finger checked and wrote Buss

For your future reference, you can click the "Modify" button, or inline Edit icon to modify your existing posts to correct typos.   :214-


Title: Re: IGT Clear - Set Chips
Post by: BrokenWizard on June 04, 2012, 12:13:47 PM
Final post.. With a lot of help from Buzz I got it going. After swapping the board I haven't had an open door MB error in three days.