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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: Oceans777 on May 28, 2012, 01:40:06 PM

Title: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 28, 2012, 01:40:06 PM
Im looking for a base chip for Uncle sam it seems to be the only piece left i need to get it running lol . Let me know *)

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on May 28, 2012, 03:02:46 PM
Im looking for a base chip for Uncle sam it seems to be the only piece left i need to get it running lol . Let me know *)

You must be looking for I0001101.  Here's my deal for the day, make your NLG name change from Blue to Green (small donation), PM me your address and I will mail you one tomorrow.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: knagl on May 30, 2012, 03:24:34 AM
K+ Buzz for your great offer.  I hope Oceans777 takes you up on it.

Oceans777: There's a link to send a donation to New Life Games in my signature, or with the yellow "PayPal" button at the bottom of every page on the site.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on May 30, 2012, 10:51:56 AM
Yes Sir it's all taken care of and I mailed the eprom yesterday.

Damn Kevin I was suppose to send you something months ago, I'll get it in done today, promise.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 11:36:56 AM
Thanks for your help, looking forward to it tyvm  :88-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 12:31:37 PM
I put the base chip in that you sent me *) ty again.. now i get the CALL ATTENDANT after it does its color test, so i chip keyed it and cleared all and reboot. After that I put base chip back in... goes thru color test for a bit and say CALL ATTENDANT again hmmmm im stumped. Any Ideas? :37-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 02:26:47 PM
Question: Was thinking are there more than 1 type of base chip for Uncle Sam?

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: cp on May 31, 2012, 02:47:21 PM
Just a shot in the dark...   Do you have the door switches  OPEN or Closed. ? ?  Should have Main Door OPEN.  During boot up, if the Door is closed, CALL ATTENDANT shows up on screen.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on May 31, 2012, 03:33:00 PM
I don't know how you got the chip so fast, I didn't mail it until Tuesday afternoon.

Everything I have says Uncle Sam has one Base chip and 3 different game chips ( different numbers )

Base   I0001101
Game G0001203
Game G0001645
Game G0001724   ( 15 Line )
PXL    C0000913   ( used with all 3 Game Chips )

I would try with the door open, let the machine go through it's thing and when or if "CALL ATTENDANT" comes up, grab a hand full of jackpot key and start turning and follow on screen promps. If there is a error, sooner or later it's gonna tell you what that error is.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 04:16:35 PM
Thanks for replys everyone and the help ill be trying the door open son ill let you know ty again..

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 31, 2012, 04:50:37 PM
Thanks for replys everyone and the help ill be trying the door open son ill let you know ty again..

I will try and help a little here too if I can. Can you please list the numbers of the chips and SIMMs that you have for this game. Please be specific with the labels of each SIMM too, list the Cxxxxxxx # as well as the bael such as PLLFx, DSxxxxxx, etc....  Maybe something is wrong or missing? I have to see what I have in my PSR collection to see if it helps out?

ADD: Just thought of this.... When you see the call attendant screen, is it a solid background, or do you see an actual game screen???

CH :95-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 05:27:55 PM
ADD: Just thought of this.... When you see the call attendant screen, is it a solid background, or do you see an actual game screen???

Solid black cant see game at all .. SNDF.DSS00141 16m.....CGF 1 of 3 C0000913 8m........GME1of2 G0001645.....GME2of2 G0001645....PXLF3 2of3 C0000913 16m (B466).....PXLF4 3of4 C0000913 16m(C006) .. base chip I0001101

Thanks for anyhelp banging my head against the wall 8(

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 05:38:43 PM
Door open same results :279-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on May 31, 2012, 06:24:16 PM
Sorta new at this but door is open but is there a switch i should look for too?

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on May 31, 2012, 08:22:58 PM
I typed a big long reply and guess I forgot to post.

because your not getting a Picture I would check the game eproms and make sure your didn't bend a leg when you installed them, and the base chip.  :89- :89-   I'm thinking your PXL simms are OK because your not getting that awful graphics screen, but just to make sure remove all the simms and clean the contacts with a pencil eraser. 

Have you ever had this set of softwear installed in a machine ???

Give me a hour or so and I will install this game in a machine and see if it will work.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on June 01, 2012, 06:03:38 AM
OK    Using  Base I0001101
                 CGF  C000913
                 PXL  C000913  (2)
                 Game G0001645  (2)
                 Sound DSS00141 

In using the above Combo. the game works.  I never got the sound to work but I didn't try very hard to fix it.

If first impressions mean anything this game isn't worth the time it takes to install it. I really shouldn't say that in all fairness's I didn't play it long enough that I should  have a opinion. ( 6 or 8 games ) It is not multi denom. 

I just realized tonight how handycaped I am. Here I am messing with these games and I never ever play one in a real casino. If it's not a Video Poker Machine I'm not going to set in front of it. When I get one of these games to play I don't know what to expect from it. With piss poor eyesight, trying to read the HELP menu on the screen is a pain in the butt !!!!!!!!!!!!!  ( Skipper notice I said BUTT and not that other word)

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: CaptainHappy on June 01, 2012, 06:10:54 AM

I find that very ASSuring!

CH :95-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: zarobhr on June 01, 2012, 09:38:41 AM
yes the game was working at one time, it was sent to me for testing and i had no issues with it, and sent back to oceans777. it was also working on the same machine he is trying to install on, only thing is that while i had the uncle sam for testing his machine had enchanted unicorn installed and working.

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on June 01, 2012, 11:21:32 AM
Ok thanks all again for input.. Ill try cleaning the contacts on the cards.. Legs on chip seem fine :103-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on June 01, 2012, 04:28:07 PM
Well we have a known good machine and a known good set of software.  Seems like we must have driver error ( they always blame him ) What is it, you can't see the forest for the trees.

Ocean You ask a question in reply 13 that wasn't answered, my bad.    The switch your looking for is the jackpot key that's on the outside of the machine. When you see "CALL ATTENDANT" turn the key a number of times and follow the on screen prompts.  ( don't worry if you turn it too many times, that won't hurt anything )  When it tells you to press the "test button " it's the small button on the front of the MPU tray. When you hear that awful horn start blaring, turn the jackpot key to silence it. You may have to do all the above steps 2 or 3 times.  If 3 or more times doesn't make the machine boot up and work, you may need to redo the clear and key steps.

Let us know what happens.!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on June 03, 2012, 11:24:03 AM
 :25- :25-I turned that attendant key about 50 times and still says Call Attendant, nothing happened.  :103- :103-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Oceans777 on June 03, 2012, 11:48:36 AM
 :186- Yea guys thanks for everything but im so over this Uncle Sam machine.. anyone wanna sell me the whole tray with all the working components? I also have some parts for a money storm that I only need a flat top glass and a base chip to complete. I could just switch it but worried if the board is bad sorta useless *( . this game was just working with a enchanted unicorn in it . Im open to purchasing to get a machine of some sort on it *( im open thanks again guys this site ROCKS! :131- :131- :131-

Title: Re: Uncle Sam help
Post by: Buzz on June 03, 2012, 02:36:54 PM
 Well if your going to give up so quick so will I, but what makes you think the jackpot switch is any good ??  Put unicorn back in the machine and see if it works.