Title: rock ola 1432 1950 Post by: poof on June 18, 2012, 10:36:13 PM I am new to jukeboxes, but would like an old vintage machine that looks cool. What is this machine worth in great condition? I saw it for 2200 but dont know.
Thanks Title: Re: rock ola 1432 1950 Post by: volts1776 on November 05, 2012, 02:06:31 AM Poof do you have a picture to post? Not knowing what part of the country you are in, if in Illinois, there is a jukebox convention next weekend 11/10/2012 and 11/11/2012 in St. Charles, Illiniois at the Pheasant Run Hotel on North Ave. Saturday and Sunday for a small entrance fee, you can go inside and look at jukeboxes, pinball machines, as well as slot machines for sale, repaired and restored.
Title: Re: rock ola 1432 1950 Post by: FORDSBS on November 05, 2012, 11:32:13 AM Bill (keystone 9) is the guy to check with