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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Other Reel Games => Topic started by: Amachanic on June 24, 2012, 09:08:14 PM

Title: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 24, 2012, 09:08:14 PM
Hi... Wanted to share with everyone here my find... It's an old Dutch Boy Jennings Slot that had been family owned for a long time.. It's still 100% original except for the locks. The seller couldn't find the keys so we had to pick the locks.. To my suprise it's very clean, the wood cabinet is in great shape too.. The seller said it has a coin jam right now. From what I have been able to find out so far it dates from the mid to late 1920's and was one of the first slot machine with the Jackpot window.. I'm looking for a place to pick up a few parts for this baby.. I need replacement door and cash box locks, and a new payout card and cover for it.. Does any one here know a place of business where I can find these parts or a web sight? I almost forgot, I bought it for $600 for those who were wondering..  :103-

Thanks Gary

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 24, 2012, 09:09:49 PM
couple more pics

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 24, 2012, 09:12:16 PM
and 2 more...

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: IFFV68 on June 25, 2012, 01:13:44 PM
You did very well.
Were you wearing a Ski Mask when you stoleeed it?

I would leave the outside finish as you found it. I know it would look nice restored but it's very original as is. The inside looks Mint.

I have a couple of Mills. One is a Blue Castle Front. Behind the Drill Proof sides is the Original Mills factory sticker that reads, 12/26/35 & has a Bell sticker on the lower mech. The other is a Black Cherry, 1947-48?
They are a lot of fun. Too bad they can't talk, what history.  That's when a nickle was wort a nickle.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 25, 2012, 01:25:04 PM
I actually found it on Craiglist. I bought it from person who said it was his dads. I don't plan on restoring it, just a good cleaning and a new payout card cover and maybe the payout card its self. A little window cleaner and some 409 and it should be looking good again. I'm still looking for a place to buy the parts.

Thanks Gary

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: slotsteve on June 25, 2012, 02:50:30 PM
409 not good for painted  stuff might make the old paint run

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 25, 2012, 03:01:52 PM
409 not good for painted  stuff might make the old paint run

Ok thanks.. I was more concerned with the dirt down in the casting on the top and front. It has a rough or bumpy surface. I'm not trying to make it look new, just clean. I will make sure to stay away from the paints surfaces with the 409..


Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: poof on June 27, 2012, 10:34:36 PM
WOW....nice find!

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: IFFV68 on June 27, 2012, 10:42:14 PM
Most of the Goose Necks were the 1920's & early 1930's. I don't remember any in the 19-teens or earlier. I know Charles Fay had one of the first in 1895??. What a Genius.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 27, 2012, 10:44:56 PM
WOW....nice find!

Thanks... Making progress, I've got it accepting the nickels but it's not paying out. My bottom payout slide seems to be stuck or jammed. The outside cleaned up nice, I'll have to post a couple new pics. I've still had no luck tracking down a new payout card.


Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: IFFV68 on June 27, 2012, 11:38:03 PM
Try some three in  one oil. The slides should be brass. Take the reels & strips off & any paper on the Mech. Take it to a car wash, hit it easy with the soap, lots of water. Air gun, lightly till all water is dry & lube & oil. the Slide in the back gets the lube. Lightly oil, work the Clock & the others will work themselves .re-oil every six months or so, depending on the use. Only do the car wash as last resort. It's scary but will work if done on the easy side. Some of these newer car washes can take chrome off bumpers?
 They used Vaseline to lube & Gasoline to clean. I know, a lot of the old Speak-Easys burned to the ground.

As they say at the Casino's, Good Luck.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 28, 2012, 01:13:57 AM
Thanks for the information.. I liked how the instruction say to clean with a wire brush and gas..   :12- :12-  I was planning on removing the coin tube holding the payout coins so I can get down to the slides.. The seller said he and his cousin used to play it and they would put Penny's and dime's in it too. I did find a mix of coins in the coin box, so I'm wondering if a penny or dime might be jamming that last payout slide?


Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: slotsteve on June 28, 2012, 09:21:23 AM
A penny  should NOT fit in a dime slot. just think if you could put pennys in a dime slot in a slot back then you could make 10 to 1, only  dime slots I have seen take pennys are ones that came back here from overseas in england they had a coin between size of penny and dime, take off coin tube and see whats down in those slides
good luck

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: slotsteve on June 28, 2012, 09:25:33 AM
just looked at you pic,s that machine says 5 cent play dimes and penny should not go into trip area  they should fall into a slug box

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 28, 2012, 10:03:35 AM
A penny  should NOT fit in a dime slot. just think if you could put pennys in a dime slot in a slot back then you could make 10 to 1, only  dime slots I have seen take pennys are ones that came back here from overseas in england they had a coin between size of penny and dime, take off coin tube and see whats down in those slides
good luck

Sorry for the confusion... This is a nickel machine. The seller said that his cousin when they were younger would feed this thing pennys and dimes. I was just wondering since they are both smaller and thinner the the nickel, that it's possible that a coin or nickel could be stickIng up between the bottom two slides?

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: slotsteve on June 28, 2012, 10:20:01 AM
very good chance there something  just stuck there very buttom slide is just a safety slide , take tube off and see whats in those slides

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: jbshocks on June 28, 2012, 06:55:36 PM
Nice machine.  I almost went over and bought that one.  I probably would have had it not been for the fact that I picked up a pinball machine the day that listed.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 28, 2012, 08:51:41 PM
Nice machine.  I almost went over and bought that one.  I probably would have had it not been for the fact that I picked up a pinball machine the day that listed.

I jumped right on that ad when I found it Friday night and good thing too. I was the first one in, and as we were loading it in my truck the seller said, now I get to go disappoint about 20 other buyers and tell them its sold... I've been on the other side too many times, I know that feeling. So what pinball did you pick up this time? Did you get the Playboy one fixed? I think those posts were yours?


Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: jbshocks on June 28, 2012, 09:09:38 PM
playboy is now 100%.  I got silverball mania.  I have that working 100% but have a little clean up to do and some very minor touch up.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: jbshocks on June 28, 2012, 09:15:05 PM
owners had it since 98.  Was sort of working.  It would boot,  keep score, 1/3 of the lights worked and 2 solenoids worked.  Still had a battery in it but it must have been new in 98 not 79.  The owner was shocked when  he watched me take it apart. He didn't even know the back box opened or how to remove playfield glass.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on June 28, 2012, 09:54:34 PM
Sweet machine... I saw it posted about a week ago.

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: warry on August 26, 2012, 03:57:28 AM
This is my dutchboy that needs a little attention. Can anyone help?
Amachanic, i like your machine! To get down to the brass sliders is quite a job but can be done. Best advise is to take as many photos as possible as you go. If you need any help let me know. I found mine seized from the old grease. So just a clean and now it works!

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: warry on August 26, 2012, 04:01:51 AM
The jackpot trigger seems missing. And the dampner for the reel locks is also missing

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: warry on August 26, 2012, 04:08:08 AM
This little lever is broken. Please can anyone take some photos of these parts so that i can reproduce them or even better if i could purchese the replacements but i am sure that is shooting the curl.
I bougt this in a not working state and stripped it completely, cleaned and regreased, and now it works very well. I have almost lost all my investments so far but i am sure it will start paying out soon ..... lol

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: Amachanic on December 10, 2012, 02:00:30 AM
Well was finally able to get back to this machine.. I pulled the reels and stops to get to the slides. I found that someone who had it before me had put one of the slide in upside down and bound them all up. I removed them and cleaned, oiled and regreased the whole machine.. After making sure the slides were clean and dry they were installed and screwed down.. They now slide smooth and lock and unlock.. After reinstalling the reels and stops I coined up the mech and gave it a spin.. I hit 2 cherrys on the third try and out came 2 nickels..  WOOHOO!!!   :136-   Hit the cherrys a few more times and paid out every time   :3-  but heres my newest problem  :103-.. I hit a 3 oranges payout and it still only paid me 2 nickels?? Did the same thing the second time I hit 3 oranges?? The lever for the oranges payout did go into the holes on the payout disk like it suppost too, and it should have paid out 8 coins? I'm not sure what to check next? Anyout out there know much about these old machines? I've attached pics of the payout lever through the reels disk..

Thanks Gary

Title: Re: My New Basement Fresh Find, A Old Jennings Dutch Boy, I have a few questions
Post by: slotsteve on December 10, 2012, 10:54:41 AM
that arm  for oranges should let 3 slides go  a 2 pay a 2/3 a 4/5 pay  to = 8 to 10 coins  they may have put wrong arm in wrong place , or cut off  some of  lower arm