New Life Games Tech Forums

NLG Members who host their own Repair Logs of Various Games. => Channelmaniac's Arcadecomponents' Old School Repair Logs => Topic started by: channelmaniac on June 30, 2012, 04:56:14 AM

Title: 8 Liner Boards
Post by: channelmaniac on June 30, 2012, 04:56:14 AM
Model: Bootleg Dyna Cherry Master
Symptom: Boots at random when powered on.

Board would not always boot when powered on. Would sometimes boot after sitting a couple of minutes.

Replaced bad reset switch and tested.

These boards use a toggle switch to "reset" the machine. It's not resetting the CPU, but rather whacking the battery backed memory by switching the +5v power pin to ground to clear it. It crashes the CPU when this is used while the board is powered on. If the switch is bad and not supplying +5v when the machine is on then the machine will do random, crazy things.