New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Bally Reel Games. => Topic started by: coorslight115 on July 07, 2012, 12:15:59 AM

Title: Bally 6000 sound chip identification, 8 meg dip needed !
Post by: coorslight115 on July 07, 2012, 12:15:59 AM
I am helping out a fellow member identify his collection of Bally 6000 Pro Sound I sound chips. I have read them in a burner and have the part/ps#. I have no list or reference to go by. Do any of these numbers look familure to anyone? or is there a list somewhere?  These are the early prosound board that uses the 27c080 chip not the clam shell tsop48 chip.

here is what I have any help greatly welcomed :279-

ps0000000020-00 I know this is generic

35171 Pictionary X17  v.151-snd-100 v1.00

These are all OEM chips (not files) and need to know what they fit

any help would be great and I share info  :88-  (not to be confused with files)

Title: Re: Bally 6000 sound chip identification, 8 meg dip needed !
Post by: FORDSBS on July 07, 2012, 12:53:02 AM

Title: Re: Bally 6000 sound chip identification, 8 meg dip needed !
Post by: coorslight115 on July 14, 2012, 01:09:57 AM
I refuse to beleive that with all the professionals on this board and all the combined knowledge that there has not been a database list of the bally sound chips put together :37- :37-. I just picked up a large batch of older s6000 machines with the pro-sound 1 card (27c080 chip) and have a large variation of chips in them. Some correct and some not. I am playing musical chairs to see if I can guess what they are. I would be more than willing to put this data base together and share with all interested. I am NOT asking for the files or the chips !!! Just the chip number and game title it fits (and SMI#) so I can build a list for all here to benifit from. If you have any Bally sound chips and you know they are proper for the game, PM or e-mail me the chip number, SMI# and game title and if it is Prosound 1 (27c080 8meg chip) or Prosound II (clamshell flash chip). I will put together the data base list and publish here and share with all interested. Again in LARGE TYPE>>>> I ONLY WANT THE INFO...NOT THE FILE OR THE CHIP...

Thank you! trying to give back to all that have helpped me in the past and better this board, please make this happen as I know there are a lot of Bally 5500 and 6000 owners out there that this info would greatly help !!

stepping off soap box and going to bed :88-