New Life Games Tech Forums

Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => NLG Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => Topic started by: jdkmunch on July 31, 2012, 07:42:09 PM

Title: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on July 31, 2012, 07:42:09 PM
My last post was too simplistic.

Here is how we can get TITO to work

when a ticket is inserted the machine transmits

we must respond with an interrogate command which is

the machine will then answer with
Redeem ticket length
Ticket status
Ticket amount    <--------------- now for some reason all my tickets that I print have a value of 0 so  :103-
parsing code
validation number

ok once we get this string of info - -   we have to respond with a 71 to redeem the ticket

the 71 command has the ticket length, machine status, transfer amount, parsing code and validation number
all which we just got from the interrogate command

voila ticket is accepted and credits are applied to the machine

so the sequence looks like this:

RX: 67 -  a ticket has been entered
TX: 70 - interrogate the ticket
RX: 70 - --- with the data from the ticket here
TX: 71 -  with the info we just got from the RX

bam - ticket accepted -  

this now works for me-  I can accept tickets

Here's the rub -  at the end of the transmittal for the last 71 command we need a CRC checksum

if someone can help with the calculation of this crc I'm pretty sure I can get this going.  

Others here have said they have TITO working -  if they actually do then they know how to calculate the CRC

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on July 31, 2012, 11:04:15 PM

Foster posted a nice example of the entire chain of events in reply 19 in this thread -
Zarob posted the CRC routine for C# here -
The routine for PICS in assembler is here - Still have to implement it

Both I believe have TITO working from their PC's

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on July 31, 2012, 11:15:53 PM
This is fantastic news -

because if the Amicus18 (which based on your post should)  can do this then we are golden!

I have to say I'm torn -    Who really cares if the machine actually eats the ticket?     We can right now this second - print a ticket and put it back in for $100 - or whatever amount you want.

I guess the real prize is to print a ticket for 44.22 and have it redeem for 44.22

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on July 31, 2012, 11:19:07 PM
For what it's worth I wasted 2 nights and about 14 hours just hooking the IGame up to SAS

don't know why but the computer doesn't read a thing on channel 1 or 2 when it's on 3 it works

took me 4 computers and two nights to stumble upon that

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on July 31, 2012, 11:30:20 PM
you are right

public  static byte[] ComputeCRC(byte[] val)
            long crc;
            long q;
            byte c;
            crc = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++)
                c = val;
                q = (crc ^ c) & 0x0f;
                crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 0x1081);
                q = (crc ^ (c >> 4)) & 0xf;
                crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 0x1081);
            return new byte[] { (byte)(crc & 0xff),(byte)(crc >> 8) };

looks like it will do the trick -   thanks for linking to those other posters-   K+

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 01, 2012, 04:20:53 AM

Based on all the info already posted by Zarob and Foster TITO  should be do able on a single machine. Multiple machines will be quite a bit of extra work.
Right now You can trigger a fixed amount by inserting a ticket (Ticket does not get stacked).
Whats the ETA on Your amicus board ?

Has anybody done anything with secure enhanced validation ? whre the ticket value is encoded in the validation number (IE validation calculated by host and not EGM)

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Foster on August 01, 2012, 06:21:53 AM
You cant use secure enhanced validation to encode the amount into the ticket number,
The Electronic Gaming Machine creates the number using a sequence number and a algorithm when Enhanced validation used
Enhanced validation has to be initialized by the validation server. it is actually 2 numbers in the data packet sent during the initialization but one of them is supposed to be assigned by IGT when the validation system is SAS based (they have some listed in their docs)

For home users just pick a number and stick with it, and vary the sequence number if you start getting duplicate tickets, after a change that forces you to initialize enhanced validation
yeah you need to code a way to do it manually in case your code does not catch the SAS code that says it is not initialized.

To encode the amount into the ticket/voucher number you have to use system or standard which ever allows the host to create the number and there might be some restrictions on that.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 01, 2012, 09:56:10 AM

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on August 01, 2012, 10:00:48 AM

Based on all the info already posted by Zarob and Foster TITO  should be do able on a single machine. Multiple machines will be quite a bit of extra work.
Right now You can trigger a fixed amount by inserting a ticket (Ticket does not get stacked).
Whats the ETA on Your amicus board ?

Has anybody done anything with secure enhanced validation ? whre the ticket value is encoded in the validation number (IE validation calculated by host and not EGM)

to encode the ticket amount in the validation number would use system validation. i am planning on implementing that but havent had much time to code lately

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 01, 2012, 10:34:54 AM
That's interesting  -- when I had the I-Game on System Validation I did not see a 67 when a ticket was inserted - 

The ticket went in and came out without an event

I changed to Enhanced Validation and the 67 event was generated

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 04, 2012, 03:21:06 PM
can the amicus run this?

public  static byte[] ComputeCRC(byte[] val)
            long crc;
            long q;
            byte c;
            crc = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++)
                c = val[i];
                q = (crc ^ c) & 0x0f;
                crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 0x1081);
                q = (crc ^ (c >> 4)) & 0xf;
                crc = (crc >> 4) ^ (q * 0x1081);
            return new byte[] { (byte)(crc & 0xff),(byte)(crc >> 8) };

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 05, 2012, 05:49:46 PM

That routine I believe is in C# to run on a PC. The amicus uses a dialect of basic tailored to run on a 8 bit microcontroller with limited resources.
I did find a routine in assembler for PICS - still need to implement and test it.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 05, 2012, 06:18:05 PM
Thanks TZ is there a programming guide for this ?  I'd love to learn some more -
I've only done assembler on an IBM 360 -  other than that all my programming has been in high level languages 

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 05, 2012, 06:35:49 PM

Install MPLab and the Amicus dev environment as per this link -
All the relevant manuals are installed with the application and are availabe from Help - Documents.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 05, 2012, 06:56:21 PM
Thanks - this little thing is incredible

The microcontroller used on the Amicus18 is the Microchip PIC18F25K20, which has 32768 bytes of flash memory, 1536 bytes of RAM, and operates at 64MHz, which equates to 16 MIPS (Million Instruc- tions per Second).

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 06, 2012, 11:07:50 PM
I'm really disappointed -  I just checked the order and the status is "Warehouse Notified" whatever that means

then when I look at the item in the store it's estimated available August 13

I have a feeling it's going to be a while

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 07, 2012, 02:49:52 AM
Bummer - Hope You get it soon
Its always a drag waiting for parts - I order most of my stuff via EBAY from the east and the wait is generally 3 weeks

If you have a device programmer thats capable of programming it i would suggest You ad a PIC18F25K22 to the order
This chip works on the Amicus board but runs at 5 volts and has 2 hardware serial ports (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 07, 2012, 01:57:17 PM
i have seen where sometimes c# code can be converted into c (never done it my self). if we could convert the code for the crc to c it may work on the pic i used c to code a free play chip for the s2000 and i game.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 07, 2012, 04:30:49 PM

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 07, 2012, 06:18:11 PM
 :244- Outstanding

I ordered another board from and it says they have some in stock to ship today.  Lets see what happens.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 08, 2012, 12:36:58 PM

Which c compiler for PICS are You using and how have You experienced it so far?
The Amicus environment is pretty powerfull and I am nowhere close to using it to its full potential but would like to explore some C alternatives as well as that seems to be the industy standard

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 05:27:26 PM
Got the board today!

I programmed it - now I just need a little help with the hookups -

on the com analyzer all I see are many green 0's flying across the screen

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 09, 2012, 05:56:15 PM

I will be home in about a hour and a half and will post some updated TITO testing code and some pics

Oled               Amicus
+V                 +3.3V
GND               Gnd
In                   RB7

Are You going to use DCS port or the RS232 port?

Machine DCS   Amicus
DCS Pin 7        +5V
DCS Pin1         Gnd
DCS Pin 5        TX
DCS Pin 9        RX

Change Your SAS channel to 2 for dcs port
Also change Your SAS adress to 1 as my code assumes we are always talking to SAS address 1

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 07:15:25 PM
Your going to have to go real slow with me please -  as I have no idea what I'm doing.   

I tried hooking it up to the rs232 port TX,RX and ground on the board with power from the computer's usb and that did not work

1.  What is DCS?

2. Would that supply power to the amicus? - can you tell me what port it is and which pin is #2 I'll connect into it - I already wired and additional connector for it.

3.  I don't have my OLED screen working yet - I didn't realize I had to assemble it - I'll work on that later - I think it would be really really cool to insert it into the player tracking spaces in the top box. 

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 09, 2012, 08:27:25 PM
For Now just power it via the USB cable

The DCS port is on the backplane board - on a 039 its labeled J6 and DCS (Just above the LED)
Attached is a photo of the connector on a PE+
Unlike RS232 the DCS port also needs a positive supply from the device connecting to it - In this case the Amicus board

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 08:29:59 PM
will look now....

no photo btw

does dcs power amicus?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 09, 2012, 08:33:44 PM
Amicus Pinout

The red /Black and Tellow in the middle are for the OLDE so You can leave those for now
No amicus powers DCS - Having issues attaching pics. dont know why I have re Sized them

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 08:37:32 PM
so the black white and  tx/rx (yellow & green) go to the dcs connector

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 09, 2012, 08:37:58 PM
Previous PIC made things as clear as mud + Munch pointed ot a error.
This should be better

Machine DCS   Amicus

DCS Pin 2         Gnd
DCS Pin 7        +5V

DCS Pin 5        TX
DCS Pin 9        RX

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 09:56:42 PM
Just to recap - as I have nothing yet - com analyzer shows no communication

SAS is set to channel 2
machine address is set to channel 1

Is there anything else I must do to enable this dcs -  I have never plugged into this port on the motherboard before - it has always been on the lower board (channel 3)

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 10:04:19 PM
If I disconnect the slot and reboot the amicus i can see the tx light pulsing as if she is polling looking for the slot - as soon as I hook it up the pulsing stoops

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Foster on August 09, 2012, 10:11:52 PM
DCS is Channel 2

I would have the amicus board sitting in the machine with the wires going the DCS port as short as possible.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 10:18:38 PM
RIP Amicus   :8-

I think I fried her with the wrong pin outs -  as of now - 

totally disconnected from slot - I hook it up to PC and try to program it it says press reset - I do and it just hangs


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 09, 2012, 10:18:58 PM
If I disconnect the slot and reboot the amicus i can see the tx light pulsing as if she is polling looking for the slot - as soon as I hook it up the pulsing stoops

Just for the heck of it have you tried swapping TX and RX. Sometimes they are labeled in such a way that they are reversed from what you expect.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 09, 2012, 10:32:44 PM
Thats not good

If You go to device manager does it show still show Amicus under the comm ports ?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 09, 2012, 11:31:25 PM
Yes at least windows stills sees the amicus - from my research it appears that some others have had this problem.  The bootloader on the board could be corrupt.

I've been reading on how to re-flash the bootloader with no luck.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 10, 2012, 12:24:26 AM

Unless someone here on NLG has a PICKIT2 programmer I think I'm toast.

Oh well  -  my backup board will be here in a few days  :25-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 10, 2012, 05:21:06 AM
what kind of device programmer do You have? It may support the specific microchip.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 10, 2012, 08:04:32 AM (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 10, 2012, 12:32:01 PM
This board looks similar no?

If the code was ported to the arduino programming language I wonder if it would work.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 10, 2012, 07:57:53 PM
Arduino has become very popular in the last few years and is now the dominant hobbyist platform. The Amicus board copies the arduino's physical layout to accomadate the vast amount of plug in boards (called shields). Arduino uses a microcontroller from Atmel and the developement environment is in C. The nice thing about Arduino is that its open source and there is a tremendous amount of code available for it.

When I started the project I did consider Arduino as its so easily available but as I prefer to code in Basic I chose Amicus. I may port the project at a later stage to Arduino

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 10, 2012, 08:01:46 PM
ThIs is good news. Thank you

I ordered another amicus so I hope to be
Back in business Tuesday.

If anyone has a pickit2 programmer
They may be able to fix my confused chip

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 10, 2012, 08:04:25 PM
TZ what would be the hookups if I plugged it into the serial port on the 3902 like i do with my computer?

I tried TX,RX and a ground but all I got was many 00's on the com analyzer

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 10, 2012, 08:31:25 PM
You will need a TTL to RS232 converter board like this (
In my original post there was another member (Kibble) that got his gameking working with the amicus using one of those.

I am still on the lookout for a commercially available board to finalize the project on - The Amicus is a bit expensive. My original goal was >$20 but looks like I wont quite hit that
Waiting for one of these to do some testing on (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 11, 2012, 02:33:50 AM
i use HI-TECH C for my compiler.
and for a dev board i have used the p14 board similar to this and the stock debug boards that came with my pic kits. one down side to the board in the link is it has an icsp header so you need a different programer of a boot loader to program it. a plus is they have a built in psu that will run off of +7.5 – 15V DC or 6-12V AC and outputs both 3.3v and 5v.
i build the boards for most of my projects tho so then don't stay on the Dev board long

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 12, 2012, 06:05:00 AM
Thanks Vtyler

I have one of those boards on the way the EBAY.
American members can get it from sparkfun (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 16, 2012, 10:22:08 PM
Hopefully max232 will be here tomorrow and
the project can continue!

I ordered it Sunday from CA so hopefully
it will make its way to the east coast tomorrow

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 17, 2012, 01:05:32 PM
Just got the maxx232 ttl to rs232 adapter

How does this fit in between the amicus and the slot?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 17, 2012, 01:47:31 PM
the 3 pins on the bottem look like your signal pins you have to put a jumper wire between them and the tx rx and gnd on the amicus. i dont know the pinout of the amicus so i cant help much further.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 17, 2012, 01:52:16 PM
I wonder if I can power the max with the

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 17, 2012, 01:54:38 PM
And since it's a level converter, TX and RX may be referring to the input to the board (or not). In other words TX may go to TX and RX may go to RX on the amicus. I've had converter boards labled both ways.  

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 17, 2012, 01:56:26 PM
I wonder if I can power the max with the

You should be able to. The max232 only needs +5VDC

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 17, 2012, 01:57:45 PM
the top pin header looks like it says 5V the amicus shows a power pin header that does have 5v out and looking at the manual your tx and rx pins are on the port C header not sure where you would put the signal gnd.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 17, 2012, 02:01:53 PM
And since it's a level converter, TX and RX may be referring to the input to the board (or not). In other words TX may go to TX and RX may go to RX on the amicus. I've had converter boards labled both ways. 
i have had problems with this also i recently stuck a windows pc in a evo cabinet the touch screen tx and rx kept getting crossed.

what is the model for the 232 board it we can get a schematic we may be able to help determine the wiring.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 17, 2012, 02:07:34 PM
If he can see what pins on the MAX232 chip the TX and RX header goes to, we can tell which direction they are talking about.

On a similar note, the 9 pin plug may have a male or female plug, and that will help detrmine which pins are TX and RX on that end.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 17, 2012, 05:54:40 PM
Connections for RS232 Module to IGT Comms board

J82 On interface Board                             Male DB to connect to RS232 Module

1    TX         ----------   Blue    ----------   TX   3
2    RX         ----------  Green   ----------    RX  2
3    NC
4    NC
5    GND      -----------  Black   ----------    Gnd 5

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 17, 2012, 06:12:56 PM
Amicus To RS232 Module

RC7 - RX   ----------- Green ----------   TXD
RC6 - TX   ----------- Yellow ----------   RXD
GND         -----------   Black  ---------- GND
5V            -----------  Red    ----------   +5V 

as per Poppo's post RX and TX may be labelled differently on your module   

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 17, 2012, 10:31:30 PM
I don't have much time tonight - but is it possible the cable from the max232 is too long ?   I had it working with short 8" wire
from max232 to slot

i re-ran wire from slot to out side of cabinet - about 3 feet and now i can't get it to work.

at most I see 80 - 80 flashing really fast

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 17, 2012, 11:03:30 PM
It shouldn't be. I've run cables longer than that (TTL level RS232). After conversion to standard RS232 you can go WAY farther.  TX & RX swapped?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 18, 2012, 01:24:18 AM
if its on the rs232 side length can be affected by a lot of things, but normal length is 10 to 150 feet depending on the variables. if you know the cable is good and the wiring is correct you may want to check you power source. if your powering the level converter from the amicus make sure that the power supply can handle the load of the amicus, the level converter. and any other divides your running powered by the amicus board.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 18, 2012, 09:39:31 AM
The long wire is from the slot to the max adapter.
I'm going to solider the splice I made because
The wire is solid and connection to the slot is stranded - so
It can easily come apart.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 18, 2012, 10:05:22 AM
Twist the RX and TX wire pairs together
If You can use shielded cable even better (A lenght of  network cable will probably be easiest to use)

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 18, 2012, 10:14:39 AM
That's a great idea -  I will make the network cable now

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 19, 2012, 09:46:50 AM
Network cable worked like a charm.

System is now up and running.  I can generate credits from lamp switch or inserting a ticket.  Working now on getting ticket accepted with $ value

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 20, 2012, 01:17:11 PM
Quick Update

We are 95% there to standalone TITO.
In Bhinkley's thread Tom4100 suggested the following
by using 'system' generated validation, in other words, the microcontroller will interogate the machine for the credit amount then encode that number in the 'system' generated validation number printed on the ticket, this eliminates the need for a "back-end" database management system
This approach makes perfect sense for a standole in machine controller and has been added to the SAS @ Home project.

Thanks to JDKMunch who patiently tried many code revisions over the weekend we can now print a ticket with the ticket value as the validation number and also accept that ticket. Only problem now is accept routine only works once but hoping to sort that out soon.

Credit to Zarobhr for his CRC routine - Foster for posting TITO transaction sequences and of course JDKMunch.

Post by: jdkmunch on August 20, 2012, 05:52:15 PM
100% working (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on August 20, 2012, 06:27:20 PM
that is awsummmmmm  :3- :3- :3- :3- :3- :3- :3- :3- :259- :259- :259-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 20, 2012, 07:08:01 PM
Good job.  :244-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: FORDSBS on August 20, 2012, 07:48:53 PM
WAT TO GO  :3- :3- :3- :3- :3-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: kibble on August 20, 2012, 09:05:56 PM
this is really awesome :131-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 20, 2012, 09:12:43 PM
It is -  

Buy a board for each of your machines - and you will be able to move from one to the other with your tickets.

So Start of with $100 in one - and bounce around to any other!  :3-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: kibble on August 20, 2012, 10:15:32 PM
I was ecstatic when i got the code from tztech just to be able to get the Amicus to work on my s2000, just changed  3 lines of code to get it to take the ticket and add credits and spit the ticket back out.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 20, 2012, 10:18:45 PM
Yep - I prefer the tickets going in the cash can though -

For me - If the ticket pops out then why not have the change lamp add $$ - 

for each is own though - whatever you makes you enjoy the machines is what it's all about!

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on August 20, 2012, 10:37:58 PM
I like mine to Simulate thae casino as much as possible

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 20, 2012, 11:02:00 PM
a board should be designed so you don't have to have a full sized dev board in the machine. what kind of machines would it work on.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 20, 2012, 11:18:25 PM
Exactly - V -

get on that and let me know when it's ready.

would be much cheaper.   

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 20, 2012, 11:26:19 PM
i would like to try and modify the code so it will run on a smaller/cheaper chip i have quite a few test chips in stock, pic12 16 and 18s.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 20, 2012, 11:32:16 PM
The Pic18 on the amicus is only $2.  I know as I've fried one and I'm looking for a replacement.   

Read VZTech's earlier posts - he found stuff that has max232 with pic that will run sas for really cheap.

for me a few $ is not worth my time

I want results - yesterday

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 20, 2012, 11:42:09 PM
ya i showed him a dev board that i use too it had a built in level converter and power-supply.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 21, 2012, 02:49:37 AM
Hello All

The Amicus board although essential during developement is to expensive and overkill to have in each machine. From the start of the SAS project the aim was to offer NLG users something under $20 which I believe can be done but not from where I am. Ideally I would like to see someone design a custom built board and offer it to NLG'rs fully built and ready to plug in.

Right now the best sollution is to use a generic board that is cheap and easily available - I have found 2 that look promising. I have ordered one of each and will update everyone as to merits of each when I get them

This is the board VTyler is talking about - Its also available in the USA from Sparkfun ( (

The other option looks a bit more compact but will be more expensive for US users (

The first board may require some soldering to connect the RS232 circuit to the PIC. For both You still need a programmed chip and a 16Mhz crystal. I have a NLG member who is willing to offer programmed chips from the USA. You will also need to build your own board to machine harness.

Should work on any SAS compatible machine - JDKMunch I believe is now trying it on his Bluebird. Would be nice if we could have wiring details and setup instructions for each platform.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on August 21, 2012, 03:26:24 AM
yes the first board needs you to solder the rs232 wires in place. its not hard and i would recommend anyone that will be working with boards like this to learn to solder anyways. also it does require a programmer, a standard pickit(have tested with 2 and 3)will work but i had to build an extension cable, as the pickit doesn't fit in between the db9 connector and barrel Jack. i have already been working on a sas board for another project but wont know if it will be able to me modified for this until i can see code.

good work and very interesting project.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 21, 2012, 03:41:24 AM

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 23, 2012, 03:03:37 PM
We have to talk about power.  To buy a 9v wall wart is at least $10

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 23, 2012, 03:35:47 PM
We have to talk about power.  To buy a 9v wall wart is at least $10

For small projects up to 1A, I bought a few of these. No need for the +5V regulator. (

Or if one is really on a budget and only needs 1/2A (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 23, 2012, 03:37:40 PM
Don't know if they work on amicus

The specs call for 9v 800ma

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 23, 2012, 03:54:18 PM
From the amicus site

Power can be supplied to the board either via the USB port, or an external 9 Volt DC source. When powered from the USB port, a maximum of 500mA (milliAmp) may be drawn, and the USB port is protected by a resetable fuse. When powered via a 9V source, a maximum of 800mA may be drawn.

So just wire it to the USB port, or use one of these. (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 23, 2012, 03:58:54 PM
Yes thank you - I just bought a dozen

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on August 23, 2012, 07:17:49 PM
Good Point

On my original PE+ test platform I got power from the machine. Although officially rated at 9v Dc the regulator in the Power supply will accept anything from 6.4 to 15v according to its datasheet so we should be safe using one of the 13V supplies. Will do some testing and post results

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: poppo on August 23, 2012, 07:27:46 PM
Although officially rated at 9v Dc the regulator in the Power supply will accept anything from 6.4 to 15v according to its datasheet so we should be safe using one of the 13V supplies.

Yes, those +5V regulators will take a wide range of voltages. The higher the voltage though, the more heat the regulator will have to dissipate, hence the typical 9V listing.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: kibble on August 23, 2012, 08:34:22 PM
what did you have to set your security / validation up on the machine to get the ticket to print the amount in the bar code?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on August 23, 2012, 08:48:16 PM
:).  - system validation

The code is in the previous post

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: kibble on August 25, 2012, 03:01:17 PM
This project is awesome, I too can now print tickets and reinsert them and go into the stacker on my S2000

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: vtyler on September 02, 2012, 04:48:16 PM
so far not having any luck converting the basic used for the amicus compiler to work in other compilers. progress has been slowed because i am no longer injured and am now back at work.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 02, 2012, 05:50:47 PM
Dont let work get in the way of fun  :96- good to hear You are back at work though.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 11, 2012, 10:15:19 PM
this is awsume i got my tito working i wanna thank everyone on this project that made it possible....... (

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 12, 2012, 04:35:47 PM
here is a pic of my install on my s2000 i really couldnt decide where to mount the boards...... any other suggestions where to mount them???

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 12, 2012, 06:27:12 PM
I would mount it to the right of the colorful ribbon cable.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 14, 2012, 05:26:29 AM
Ok gents, I've gotta get in on this.  I saw the video that staz put up in the S2000 forum, and I about soiled myself when I saw his TITO working.  What do I need, what does it cost, how do I set it up, and how fast can I get it for my S2000 and Game King?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 14, 2012, 10:44:24 AM
What you need:

usb cord
usb power adapter
cable to connect slot to the board
$60 for the parts

in addition
computer to program the amicus18
keychip to change the settings on your machine
a bill validator that accepts newer bills

I have a few of these that I ordered extra - if your not up to the challenge of putting the stuff together send me a pm

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on September 14, 2012, 01:15:36 PM
I hope no one takes this the wrong way but just a warning to anyone thinking of using this method of TITO in a live environment, as in your own little private gaming room.
since there is no backend host to validate if a ticket has been used and to ensure validate amount

this should not affect 99% of the users on this site who this is intended for in the home gameroom. but for the 1% that want this to make money it is not the best solution.

what we on the site do not want to here is, OMG i got these and lost so much money becuase someone was using duplicated tickets.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 14, 2012, 01:16:53 PM
exactly  - this is strictly for home use

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 15, 2012, 04:43:46 AM
Could somebody take a photo of all of the hardware, cabling, and connections.  I was looking at the one staz uploaded, but it was a bit blurry.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: idesign on September 15, 2012, 01:50:45 PM

keychip to change the settings on your machine

Most of us have an S2000 so if you can post all the settings that would help.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 15, 2012, 01:53:09 PM
Just 3

Sas channel 3
Machine address 01
Validation set to system

That's it

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 15, 2012, 05:13:51 PM
Just 3

Sas channel 3
Machine address 01
Validation set to system

That's it

a few more things to set.......bally miser channel off otherwise you wont be able to set sas channel to 3 also set sas to follow credit limit instead of bill limit and your good to go.....

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 15, 2012, 06:17:10 PM
Hi All

Recieved the first generic Pic development board today (I actually gave up on this one as I ordered it in June and have since ordered another from a different seller)
This should make things considerably cheaper

Power comes from J85 connector on the comms box

Apart from the board that is avalaible from the following EBAY sellers You will also need a programmed 18F25K22 chip and a 16Mhz crystal. ( ( (

Fairly compact design

No Mounting holes for PCB standoffs
No visual indicators for power, TX and RX (But could be added to prototype area)

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: kibble on September 16, 2012, 12:23:25 AM
Just got this in the mail today
now i have perfect communication with my bally 6000 cash wheel, 5 line. for the first time it can print and use tickets, this program rocks.

 :136- :wa

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 16, 2012, 07:08:31 PM

I am a bit confused how You hooked that up to the Amicus  :103-

Bally 6000's are fairly common -for the benefit of other members could You please advise on machine settings and interface details.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: kibble on September 16, 2012, 10:14:05 PM
When i get home later i will post the setting from the slot.
 With the  RS232 RS485 UART TTL Signal Converter i used the RS232 to the slot itself and the UART TTL ports from the dev board.  I tried other R232 max boards from eBay but could not get it to communicate with the slot. but would work with the IGT just fine.
What does not come into the slot is the message that you had set up for me in the program.

Setting in attachment

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 17, 2012, 04:48:34 AM
Ok fellas, gonna give this a whirl...

Need to order the parts...Munch has been providing guidance on what to order, but I have a few questions that need confirmation:

1.  Cable connecting slot machine to Max232.  (Being developed)
2.  Max232 ttl to rs232 adapter (I ordered 2 of the following as they appear to be the same as pictured in Munch's photo: )
3.  Amicus18 (I ordered 2 of these as they appear to be the same as pictured in Munch's photo: )
4.  USB power adapter (I have 2 that I never use that were bundled with my iPhones...will these work?)
5.  USB Type A to Type A cable (I have these)
6.  I went out to the Amicus website and downloaded  I'm assuming this is the bundle that I will need to program the Amicus18's when I receive them.  I'm assuming this bundle contains the USB drivers for the board.  What else will I need from you guys to program these?  This is new to territory for me.

Anything else that I'm going to need?  It looks like the Max232's that I ordered come with some kind of connection wires.  I'm assuming I can use these to connect the Max232 to the Amicus18?

Thanks for your help guys!


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 17, 2012, 08:24:07 AM
Yep that's it!

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 17, 2012, 04:21:04 PM

Have a look at posts 79 and 105 in this thread for a cheaper alternative - I think most NLG members like You simply want something to fit and forget
I would recommend the proposed setup only for members who are interested in doing further development on the project.
JDKMunch hopefully should be able to offer pre programmed chips soon.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 17, 2012, 04:41:24 PM

Have a look at posts 79 and 105 in this thread for a cheaper alternative - I think most NLG members like You simply want something to fit and forget
I would recommend the proposed setup only for members who are interested in doing further development on the project.
JDKMunch hopefully should be able to offer pre programmed chips soon.

Thanks for info.  Parts per above have already been ordered.  My time will be somewhat limited for a while, but I really would like to experiment with this a bit and learn more.  From what I see, a ticket can go through the BV, register the credits, and go down to the cash box.  Or the ticket can go through the BV, register the credits, and then ejected back out through the BV (is that correct?)  I would be fine going either way.

Is there a step by step procedure documented yet around programming the Amicus16 to accomplish the TITO process?  I'll be using a Win7 x64 laptop and as I mentioned, I downloaded the software to do it.   I was just hoping to get a head start reading up on it before the parts arrive.

I'll help out with this project any way that I can.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 18, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Great - Welcome to the club.
Tickets have to be stacked before the machine issues credits.
The code can be found in post 86 on this thread - save the file change file extension to .bas. you can then open it from the Amicus IDE and compile.
Good luck and ask If You run into any issues.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 18, 2012, 02:04:39 AM
Thanks!  Did you mean post 81?  I see a .txt file attached in that post. 


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 18, 2012, 02:51:18 AM
So, I opened the TITO.bas file within Amicus18 IDE.  Again, I'm just nosing around the file until the hardware gets here, but is it just a matter of compiling the TITO.bas file as it currently stands, or are there specific values within the .bas file that you manipulate to derive different behaviors of TITO? 


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 18, 2012, 04:14:05 AM
Yep just compile and when You get the hardware load.

If You want to customize the ticket data let me know what You want Your tickets to show and I will send You the relevant text string

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 18, 2012, 04:46:48 AM
Cool.  Yeah, fire it over and I'll take a look.  I'm assuming this is different than the ticket data that can be configured within the printer settings within the menu structure of the machine itself?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 18, 2012, 05:29:40 PM
Same thing - they built that into SAS so staff in big facilities dont need to manually enter details at each machine

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 19, 2012, 04:11:34 AM

In a case where somebody wants to do a game change, or perform a clear/key on a machine, will that affect any of the programming that was done on the Amicus?  In other words, if I clear the memory on my 3902 (Game King) and stick in a different game, can I leave the TITO connections where they are or should I disconnect the RS232 cable to the machine, load the game up, and then reconnect the cable after it is complete and set up the following changes again?

Sas channel 3
Machine address 01
Validation set to system

I'm a frequent game changer, so I thought I'd ask.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 19, 2012, 05:30:24 AM
As long as Your settings are correct it should have no effect on the Amicus

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 19, 2012, 10:54:14 AM
has no affect at all as i did a few ram clears on my top dollar......only setting you will have to chjange after a clear is in 7 config
1-Validation set to system
2-voucher to sas
3-voucher to follow credit limit
then change your normal settings out of config
1-bally miser to off
2-Machine address 01
3-Sas channel 3

and your done!!

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on September 19, 2012, 10:02:53 PM
I got my kit from jdkmunch today . But my key chip is 20 miles away at my other house DAMM cant even try it . I want to hear the MUMMY pay out

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 19, 2012, 10:53:23 PM
is there a way to turn  off the sound of the ticket being inserted in the slot machine? cant seem to find that option?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 19, 2012, 11:05:21 PM
I got my kit from jdkmunch today . But my key chip is 20 miles away at my other house DAMM cant even try it . I want to hear the MUMMY pay out

Let us know how it works. 

I only have two more amicus boards
left and that's it.  I'm not in business to sell
This stuff. Just helping out with the few I have.

It's working really
well. I have all my machines on tickets
now and it's great.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 19, 2012, 11:11:02 PM
Hopefully my stuff will get here soon.  Coming from China...who knows.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: stormrider on September 19, 2012, 11:44:44 PM
is there a way to turn  off the sound of the ticket being inserted in the slot machine? cant seem to find that option?

Wouldn't that be under money volume
in the sound option menu.

But back to the main topic:
Following this thread with great interest
Great work guys..I'll wait till you all work out the bugs
and find the cheapest way before I DIVE IN......


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: FORDSBS on September 19, 2012, 11:53:09 PM
I've also been following this. Got some questions.
Do you need to hook up to computer to set up?
After set up do you need computer?
Can you take ticket from one machine & put into another machine?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 20, 2012, 12:42:43 AM
Computer is only needed to compile and program the Amicus18.  Once that's done, no need for a computer.  The Amicus18 and the Max232 connected to the slot machine is it.  As you can tell, I'm chomping at the bit to get my hardware in and get everything connected up.  ;)


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 20, 2012, 12:47:52 AM
Bill validators need to be up to the latest version as well, or at the very least need to read the latest 5's and 10's from what Munch and TZ mentioned.  Getting my WBA's flashed to 3.80 this week for this project.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 20, 2012, 12:49:54 AM
Bill validators need to be up to the latest version as well, or at the very least need to read the latest 5's and 10's from what Munch and TZ mentioned.  Getting my WBA's flashed to 3.80 this week for this project.

both types of bill validaters work wba's and mei

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 20, 2012, 01:02:01 AM
Great to see interest in the product

Quick question - are You guys using the add credits on service button toggle feature? Should I have it permanently enabled , enebled with a jumper or dipswitch or drop it from the code ?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 20, 2012, 01:05:14 AM
with ticket in and out i cant see why anyone would want that feature?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 20, 2012, 01:06:31 AM
TZ, for me, I probably wouldn't use it much.  I like plugging bills, tokens/coins, and coming to a theater near!!!  :)


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 21, 2012, 04:37:39 AM
Quick question...

Should the USB power adapter for the Amicus18 be plugged into the power receptacle inside of the machine or should it be plugged in to an external power surge protector with the USB cable running in from the back of the machine?  Perhaps it doesn't matter?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 21, 2012, 06:19:28 AM
Should not make any difference

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 21, 2012, 06:50:09 PM
Recieved the other generic developement board today.
This looks like the best candidate for the job.

Better voltage regulator design than previous board
Mounting holes for PCB standoffs
USA Availability (From sparkfun)

Bigger than previous board
Some soldering required on board

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 21, 2012, 07:56:25 PM
Gents, any suggestions on placement of these boards inside of the machine?  Since there aren't any factory mounting holes/studs, can they just lay on a shelf or the floor of the machine?  Double sided tape or Velcro to a wall?  ;)



Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 21, 2012, 09:55:06 PM
this was my install on both machines pretty simple......weirdest thing just happened  i put $1000 ticket in my machine and it gave me $40,000 in credit to play :103- :103-....... why cant this happen at the casino :97-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Foster on September 22, 2012, 01:53:58 AM
The error in the ticket amount has to do with the fact they are encoding the amount into the ticket
What happened to you has has happened to me as well when using system validation
Note BV misread the bar code of the ticket number and not a communication error.
if the ticket number from the machine does not match the ticket number from the computer or the micro controller then the machine should reject and return the ticket to player.

Basically it is an error inside the BV that caused it.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on September 22, 2012, 02:00:37 AM
Could it read a lesser amount as well as giving away the farm ?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 23, 2012, 06:02:01 AM
Staz, what do you have the boards laying on (black squares)?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on September 23, 2012, 11:54:41 AM
Staz, what do you have the boards laying on (black squares)?


heavy duty velcro....... home depot has them

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jay on September 23, 2012, 05:23:23 PM
Could the read error be something like $1000.00 in at 0.25 being 4000 credits ?

Will this system work in a S+ as well ?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 12:41:08 AM

I have an update:

Today I received both of my Amicus18's the Max232's and connection cables.  Munch and I have been working together throughout the day and I've got it narrowed down to the following:

I have an S2000 with a WBA 12 SS transport (3.80 firmware) and 12 bill head.  This combination IS NOT working with TITO.
I have a 3902 Game King 5.3P with a WBA 12 SS transport (3.80 firmware) and 11 bill head.  This setup IS working with TITO.

What it has come down to is the WBA.  If I switch the transports in the machines, the problem follows the transport.  The machines work fine, so we know the settings are correct in the machines, and that the Amicus/Max232 hardware is working.

The WBA with the 11 bill head works fine.  The WBA with the 12 bill head does not work.  Can the bill head be removed and switched?  If so, any procedure on how to do this?  Am I going to need to buy a new WBA 12 transport with an 11 bill head?  An important note...the problematic 12 bill head does eat real money just doesn't like TITO for some reason.



Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jay on September 25, 2012, 12:51:38 AM
OpBell could probably give us some insight.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: westec1 on September 25, 2012, 01:32:53 AM
As far as I know all the heads are the same, I swap mine when I'm testing,
The heads are usually tagged to match the transport, are the switches set to accept tickets
I believe switch 1 needs to be off, compare the switches with your working setup and make them the same

DIP Switch
Number Denomination Setting Meaning
1 Barcode Ticket OFF Accept
Barcode Ticket ON Reject
2 $1 OFF Accept
$1 ON Reject
3 $5 OFF Accept
$5 ON Reject
4 $10 OFF Accept
$10 ON Reject
5 $20 OFF Accept
$20 ON Reject
6 $50 OFF Accept
$50 ON Reject
7 $100 OFF Accept
$100 ON Reject
8 Off OFF Accept
Test Mode ON Reject

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 01:38:42 AM
Here is a photo showing the bill heads and which works and which doesn't work:


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 25, 2012, 01:58:46 AM
Will this system work in a S+ as well ?
Jay - for S+/PE+ I have seen a outputs for a printer on the schematics but have never come across SW or seen a printer that fits in these but then again TITO nver took off on this side of the world.
The project was initially developed on a PE+ so adding credits via service button and serial bridge commands should work on S+ as well.

As far as the BV's go it could be as simple as the BCR optic beieng dirty or faulty - I think there is software available on the JCM site that allowsYou to connect BV to PC to check sensors.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 02:08:02 AM
TZ, even if the one with the 12 bill head is taking bills fine, there's a separate optic for tickets?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 25, 2012, 02:17:18 AM
1st time I've ever noticed that the George Washington pictures are sometimes facing opposite directions in the base of the WBA's?

Look at Yoeddy's photo above in Reply #147... ^^^^

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 02:18:40 AM
If there is a way to take off the bill head (if this is possible), I could swap them and see if the problem follows the bill head to rule out a problem with the actual transport.  Anyone know how to remove a bill head?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 25, 2012, 02:27:14 AM

I have very little experience with WBA's and none when it comes to WBA's with TITO but from a quick look at the manual there does seem to be a seperate Bar Code sensor. download the WBA manual from the JCm website - Pg 81 shoes sensor locations.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: westec1 on September 25, 2012, 02:42:10 AM
Its easy to pull the head out, if your bill guide has an led in it, disconnect the wire on the side and pull it out of the way, then if you look at the front just above the bar that you used to pull the unit out of the machine, you will see a small round bar, push that down and hold it, then pull the head straight forward, some times they are very tight to get out, lift the transport and push the head from the back, make sure you have it lined up before you push it back in, all the heads are interchangeable

don't try to put a wba 10/11 transport into a machine with a 12/13 transport, as the plug in the machines and transports are different

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 03:22:30 AM
Thanks Wes.  I grabbed the manual and found the section that you explained.  Boy these things get dirty.  I pulled the bill head out on both of them and swapped them on the transports.


Both WBA12 SS transports with 3.80 firmware are fine.  The problem follows the 12 bill head...with TITO anyway, not will bills.  The 11 bill head works on either transport.  From what I understand, the bills heads are not flashable devices.

So either I have a defective 12 bill head with tickets, the 12 bill head doesn't like this homegrown TITO setup, or there is some other problem that could still be resolved that we just don't know about yet.

It would be nice to know what other folks in this project are running for validators.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: westec1 on September 25, 2012, 03:35:39 AM
Like I was saying, from what I've been told, the heads are all the same, there is a switch option on the transport for tickets, sounds like you have a bad sensor in the head that's not reading tickets,
I was told that the designation on the head is put on at the time it was built, just to mach the transport, other than that it doesn't really mean anything, a wba 10/11 will only accept bills in one direction, and a 12/13 does it all four ways, and I know both your units do it all four ways, proving that the heads are the same.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Foster on September 25, 2012, 03:40:42 AM
if the machine does not display "Voucher in Progress" and the ticket is being returned immediately means the head is not reading the ticket correctly.

Make sure all switches are off on the transport
I think the #1 switch "ON" disables vouchers
The other thing might be that head with the matching transport needs to be calibrated. I now mine does
Also are you using fresh ticket paper, I have noticed as the paper gets older the black is dimmer and the paper will become off white (yellowish brown)
I have some ticket stock that to me looks usable but the BV rejects every ticket I have printed on it, because it has aged.
If you want to keep them so you can re-use them store them in a dark place when not in the cash can until you use them.
They will deteriorate just like most store receipts.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 04:06:58 AM
Well, I have a WTB posted in the classifieds for a bill head.  I'm specifying another 11-SS since I know that model works.  Maybe Wes is right about them all being the same.  I suppose I could order a calibration paper as well in hopes that it would cure the 12-SS head.

Yes Foster, the 12-SS head kicks back the ticket immediately in either transport in either machine.  The 11-SS head shows validation on either transport in either machine.  

Sigh...guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.  Thanks again for the feedback.  I'll get some videos up soon.  This is a great project!


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 07:10:50 AM
I haven't followed this closely but I know you swapped
Entire transports - with the same results

Have you swapped heads only? To make
Sure that the problem is the head?

Scratch this - I went back and read the topic

Try cleaning the sensors and running a calibration on it.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on September 25, 2012, 05:24:43 PM
There is an interesting application on the JCM website which may be of use to everyone trying out TITO (
There is a custom sw to  program to  the head and then a PC application that tests various parameters of tickets inserted.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 06:23:48 PM
Granted you have the correct hardware to connect to a JCM device.  Home users won't be able to do this as the BV's require special interfaces to connect with a PC right?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 07:01:10 PM

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 07:44:20 PM
Here's my BV that does not work with TITO - I just opened it and cleaned the sensors -
I'll see if it works.

I don't even know what head this is

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 08:00:26 PM
Munch, see if this helps:

1.  Lift transport lever
2.  On the front of DBV push down on the metal bar.  This lifts the metal arms on the left and right sides which release the bill head.
3.  While pushing down on the bar, grasp the black plastic tabs next on either side of the duck bill and pull towards the front.  This can be tight.

Each photo represents each step.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 08:00:48 PM
Well - I have achieved great success !!!!!!

I cleaned the sensors so they were spotless, flipped dip 1 on and off (just to make sure contact was good)
and my last machine now has working TITO

This BV does not take the newest 5 either -  

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
For step 3:


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 08:03:02 PM
Yoeddy what you are opening is the transport -  you need to open the head - where the
sensors are -  

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 08:07:20 PM
Yeah, I've opened the bill head too and cleaned the sensors.  What exactly did you clean and with what?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 08:12:22 PM
Mine looked cloudy  (all)  so I used spit and my t-shirt and believe it or not it worked  - the cloudiness disappeared

If you have rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth I think that may work better  :97-

anyway click those dip switches too

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 08:29:45 PM
Well, unfortunately for love.  Flipped the switches too again.  I've got another bill head coming.  If that one doesn't work, I may blackout.  :)

For what it's worth too, I may order a calibration paper and give that a whirl with the problematic bill head.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 08:37:46 PM
Very interesting -


#1 firmware is correct
#2 transport confirmed working from other head
#3 Tito confirmed working from other BV

At least you know for sure it is the head 

Did you use a q-tip and the lenses look clear?

Just so you know my other BV is a 12 and it works fine.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: westec1 on September 25, 2012, 08:44:49 PM
When cleaning the sensors never use alcohol or any kind of solvents,
only use a lint free clothand and mild detergents, or you will cloud the sensors and degrade there ability to read properly
this information is right out of the JCM manual

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 09:00:55 PM
I'm betting a bad sensor.  Will update on Thursday when the BV gets here.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 09:22:01 PM
When cleaning the sensors never use alcohol or any kind of solvents,
only use a lint free clothand and mild detergents, or you will cloud the sensors and degrade there ability to read properly
this information is right out of the JCM manual

I call bullshit on this -  (not on you Wes)
I live under the tno pretense (Trust No One). I think JCM
Is trying to sell their "cleaning" strips. ...

I don't know I just smell crap here

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: westec1 on September 25, 2012, 09:53:19 PM
You could be right on with that one,  although the lenses are made of a polymer, and depending on the strength of the alcohol,
it could cause trouble over time.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 09:57:07 PM
Jcm may be 100% right
I'm just spectacle of everything

What magic solution is on
Their pads?

I just think it is some alcohol

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 10:00:26 PM
I have to tell you I was shocked when my Bv took
The ticket

You should try two or three times

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 25, 2012, 10:09:04 PM
So I shouldn't have used Mad Dog 20/20 to clean it.  Is that we're saying here?


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 25, 2012, 10:11:27 PM
Bleach and hydrochloric acid work best

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 27, 2012, 05:52:05 PM

Well, I got another WBA 11SS bill head in the mail today.  The good news is that it now reads tickets and TITO is working great on my S2000 now.  So both machines are working with TITO.  The bad news is that this bill head does exactly the opposite of the other one.  It will read tickets all day long, but won't read any bills.    I take that back, I did finally get it to read a 1 dollar bill.  What I think I'll do at this point is order a calibration paper.  I cleaned all of the sensors, rollers, belts, path.  Maybe these bill heads do get out of alignment, thus affecting what they can read, and casinos just replace them instead of clean and calibrate...who knows.

Anyway, I'll get some video up later.

Thanks again!


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on September 27, 2012, 05:53:05 PM
And all dip switches are off?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 27, 2012, 05:57:50 PM
And all dip switches are off?

Yep.  All looks good.  The 11SS bill head in my Game King reads bills and tickets.  The 12SS bill head in my S2000 will read bills but not tickets.  And the 11SS bill head that I just received in the mail today to replace the 12SS in my S2000 will read tickets, but not bills.

Ya win some ya lose some...shrug.  I'll try the calibration paper next.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on October 02, 2012, 09:54:39 PM
Fail with the calibration paper, even though the calibration process reports sucess with either bill head.  See here:



Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on October 06, 2012, 12:24:08 AM
The setup is complete!  Today I received another bill head (thanks again Roslyn from CVSlots) and after a quick cleaning and a couple of calibrations with the JCM WBA calibration paper, taking bills and tickets is no longer an issue.  This is seriously the coolest project in gaming!  

I wanted to make you guys a video of my setup, and when I get a bit of time, I'll document my settings.  My machines are setup for TITO, bills, and partial payout of $5.00 worth of 25 cent tokens.  Both machines are multi-denom of .25/.50/1.00/2.00.  The old bill head used to occasionally misread tickets and would plug in thousands of credits.  This has not happened with my current setup.  I think Foster had mentioned that this is a related bill head problem that others have experienced.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone involved in the project.  BIG thanks to jdkmunch for the guidance and hardware recommendations!


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Ron (r273) on October 06, 2012, 12:39:44 AM
 :244- :105- :244-

Now someone needs to make plug and play kit for us dummies. :89-

Ron (r273)

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: FORDSBS on October 06, 2012, 12:43:55 AM
:244- :105- :244-

Now someone needs to make plug and play kit for us dummies. :89-

Ron (r273)


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on October 06, 2012, 12:46:51 AM
What would NLG'rs be willing to pay for a kit ?

Jason - Good to see You got it going.

How common is the mis crediting problem ? Have been thinking about adding a CRC check to the validation number generated to try and avoid this.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on October 06, 2012, 01:11:24 AM
good job jason :244- :244- :244-

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on October 06, 2012, 01:32:45 AM
The kit that staz, jdkmunch, and myself use consist of the following parts as shown below:

The yellow cable is an RJ-45 cable that has the appropriate connectors.  The small black connector plugs into the slot/poker machine and the other end plugs into the blue Max232 pcb.
The Max232 pcb is connected to the larger blue Amicus18 pcb with 4 connecting wires.  The black wire represents ground, the red wire represents +5v, the yellow represents RXD, and the blue represents TXD.
The Amicus18 is connected to with a Male A to Male A USB cable to the power source.  One end goes into the Amicus18 and the other end goes into a USB power plug.  In my case, I just used an Apple iPhone USB plug.

All of the parts can be purchased online.  Munch recommended for the Amicus18.  The Max232 can be purchased on Ebay.  By the way, I have four extras that I will sell cheap if anybody needs them for this project.  The USB Male A to Male A cable and USB plug can be bought anywhere.  The RJ-45 cable is a homegrown solution.  I actually had mine made for me as I didn't have the tools to do so. 

Once the hardware put together, you will also need to download and install Amicus18 Compiler Setup.exe from 
This is the software interface that is used to compile the Amicus18 pcb.  In other words, this is the board that stores the information for TITO.  TZTech has uploaded the TITO file somewhere in this thread.  TZ or Munch will have to chime in with instructions on compiling the Amicus18 pcb.  All I know is that you connect the Amicus18 to your computer with a USB cable, Windows will recognize the Amicus18 as a device, and the Amicus18 Compiler software is used to send the TITO file to the Amicus18.

Once compiled it's a matter of connecting the hardware to the slot/poker machine, and making the appropriate settings with your keychip.  Munch and staz mention the settings several times in this thread.

TZ, I only had the misread tickets occur 2 or 3 times, but that was with the old bill head.  I have yet to see it on the new one after a cleaning and calibration.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on October 06, 2012, 10:01:07 PM
The big question now is how do we tie it into a redemption center?  LOL!


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: coorslight115 on October 07, 2012, 12:14:26 AM
The big question now is how do we tie it into a redemption center?  LOL!


I have not been following this thread, My question is I have 13 machines I  want to hook this up to, I have been using Roberts program. Can you  print a ticket on one machine and put it in another machine and have it recognized ?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on October 07, 2012, 12:17:51 AM
The big question now is how do we tie it into a redemption center?  LOL!


I have not been following this thread, My question is I have 13 machines I  want to hook this up to, I have been using Roberts program. Can you  print a ticket on one machine and put it in another machine and have it recognized ?
and for those that dont know robert is zarobhr

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on October 07, 2012, 12:25:22 AM
The big question now is how do we tie it into a redemption center?  LOL!


I have not been following this thread, My question is I have 13 machines I  want to hook this up to, I have been using Roberts program. Can you  print a ticket on one machine and put it in another machine and have it recognized ? my video.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: staz on October 07, 2012, 01:43:48 AM
The big question now is how do we tie it into a redemption center?  LOL!


I have not been following this thread, My question is I have 13 machines I  want to hook this up to, I have been using Roberts program. Can you  print a ticket on one machine and put it in another machine and have it recognized ?

yes you can but you will have to hook up and set every machine with a tito set up....

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: TZtech on October 07, 2012, 03:58:59 AM
Bear in mind that there is no central validation server as is the case in Roberts and Fosters SW - Tickets can be re used and as such this is only suitable for home use environments.
The setup that Jason, Munch and Staz are using currently is a bit expensive - I have posted details on a cheaper dev board that could be used. Still need to do some proper documentation for this I hope to get this done soon.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: Yoeddy1 on October 07, 2012, 04:40:24 AM
Yeah, that's true TZ.  For those that have a lot of machines in their game rooms, I can see where this setup could get costly in a hurry.  For 2 or 3 machines, it's not too bad.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on October 07, 2012, 08:12:00 AM
and once player tracking is working most likely its going to be a combination of the backend sooftware and a device at the machne

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: billb707 on April 11, 2013, 04:16:43 PM
That is amazing.  I have been wondering if that is possible and here somebody did it.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

I was thinking how it would be fun to put jackpot tickets back in the machine, but I guess they might not take if the amount is too high.

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on April 11, 2013, 04:23:59 PM
That is amazing.  I have been wondering if that is possible and here somebody did it.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

I was thinking how it would be fun to put jackpot tickets back in the machine, but I guess they might not take if the amount is too high.

actually it is impossible to use redeem a jackpot ticket in a machine.
if you look at a regular ticket and the jackpot ticket you will notice that on a regular ticket the barcode is centered on the ticket.
on the jackpot ticket the barcode is at the bottom of the ticket.

the bill validators can only read the barcode from the center of the ticket, it will not read from the bottom of ticket

also if the host is written properly since jackpots are considered handpays, the validation number would be marked as non redeemable in the system so even if you could get the bar code to read on a jackpot ticket, it should be rejected the same a a previously redeemed ticket would be rejected

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: billb707 on April 11, 2013, 04:44:50 PM
That's funny, I noticed the Jackpot Receipt line, but never realized they moved the barcode!

Is there a way to allow jackpots remain on the machine and playable? 

I have a game king 4.3 and play some games at the 80 credits $25 each level and have a ticket printed every time there is a 4 of a kind win, I get a ticket.

Is there a solution for that?

Also, how does one change the date?  My tickets all started with 1991.


Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on April 11, 2013, 05:01:17 PM
That's funny, I noticed the Jackpot Receipt line, but never realized they moved the barcode!

Is there a way to allow jackpots remain on the machine and playable? 

I have a game king 4.3 and play some games at the 80 credits $25 each level and have a ticket printed every time there is a 4 of a kind win, I get a ticket.

Is there a solution for that?

Also, how does one change the date?  My tickets all started with 1991.

yes you would have to install a w2-g switch if not already there, then configure machine to allow the turn of the switch to apply the win to the credit meter. your credit limit would also need to be set very high.

you could also just change the jackpot handpay limit to the max and change credit limit to max and then every win would just stay on the machine
there is a place in the setup to change date and time, not near a machine to check exact option location though

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: billb707 on April 11, 2013, 05:39:37 PM
The last time I had the clear chip in, which is a scary process for me out of fear of bent pins and other things that could go wrong, I set everything for 9999.99, however most of my jackpots are in the 25,000 and up range.  Is it possible to go higher than 9999.99 do you know. 

Btw, how much for a working TITO processing thingie?

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: zarobhr on April 11, 2013, 05:41:48 PM
The last time I had the clear chip in, which is a scary process for me out of fear of bent pins and other things that could go wrong, I set everything for 9999.99, however most of my jackpots are in the 25,000 and up range.  Is it possible to go higher than 9999.99 do you know. 

Btw, how much for a working TITO processing thingie?
you do not need a key /clear chip to change the limits. just make sure there are no credits on machine i think you can go 100000.00 checking now

still working on the program and my player tracking but the last month or so have had no time to work on it. although with the PT i can read the player cards now and track the play in the system, and allow eft/aft transactions if the player attached to the card has a balance

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: billb707 on April 11, 2013, 05:50:10 PM
Wow, that would be cool to change those without the key chip.  I will look again some more.  Maybe the BV door has to be open and no credits??

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: jdkmunch on April 11, 2013, 09:47:38 PM
Check the classifieds

Title: Re: Very close to working TITO
Post by: billb707 on April 11, 2013, 11:23:01 PM
I have some old pc's around, can they be turned into TITO data processors?