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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: thegambler327 on August 07, 2012, 09:06:38 PM

Title: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 07, 2012, 09:06:38 PM
can i set my gameking to have progressives in poker? i believe i have version 4.0/4.3  im new to the gamekings and which set chip will i need i have 17 and 22,and willl it replace the base chip?when i do my setup?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 08, 2012, 12:55:37 AM
Hey Gambler!

You CAN make the Game King poker progressive ... brace yourself for a "fun", "challenging", "aggravating" project.  Unfortunately, it's not just a matter of a KEY17 chip and some config.

1)  You need a "controller" to keep track of what to progress (Royal vs. 4 Aces, etc.), how much to progress (1 cent for every dollar vs. 1 dollar for every cent, etc.), and where to display the results (on-screen or external meter).  I recently saw a complete CHAM II with controller for sale that might do the trick.

2)  You will need to make a cable from your PC to your controller.

3)  You will need software (PSP), which you can find on this forum, to program your controller.

4)  And then and only then will you go back to your Game King to configure the progressive using key 17 by turning everything off, replacing base, securing both MPU and IO cards, turning on, etc ... don't worry about this step until the end.

Really, before you tackle this, check out the Mikohn section of this site for LOTS of info on making your machine a progressive.  It's a good place to start. 

Good luck!  Keep posting with your next question for more help along the way should you decide to tackle the project!

:Dave :88-

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 08, 2012, 03:19:02 AM
yeah its alot more involved then i thought! i just thought it was already available on the game king in settings with the key chips,and programed in the software,since i see it alot in casinos with the gamekings.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 09, 2012, 02:56:02 AM
You don't need a Mikohn unit for internal progressives in a Game King -- the Game King can do its own internal progressives for your poker games.  You do need to keychip on it in order to access the progressive settings.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 09, 2012, 08:04:23 AM
You don't need a Mikohn unit for internal progressives in a Game King -- the Game King can do its own internal progressives for your poker games.  You do need to keychip on it in order to access the progressive settings.
thank you!!!! So would you know which keychip i use?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 09, 2012, 02:06:34 PM

Sorry, I didn't know that. 

I do know that Key 17 will allow you to get into the setup menu though.

I'll leave the "how" to enable the progressive to the experts!   :89-

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 10, 2012, 07:58:22 AM

Sorry, I didn't know that. 

I do know that Key 17 will allow you to get into the setup menu though.

I'll leave the "how" to enable the progressive to the experts!   :89-
whats the difference between the 17 and 22 key chip i have both when i bought the machine?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 10, 2012, 01:44:25 PM
Key 17 doesn't have a menu.  You put it in the base slot (check the direction of the notch), turn on the machine and the screen will be purple.  Then, you turn off the machine and replace your base chip and turn back on again.  At that point, you're in a special menu to setup options such as denomination, etc.  This menu will time-out, so you will want to be prepared to make all changes necessary.

Key 22 does have a menu.  It lets you choose between clearing ram, eeprom, etc.  Key 40 is the replacement for key 22.  Both are used for newer iGames.

:Dave :88-

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 10, 2012, 09:54:26 PM
well after talking to a guy today ive learned that i have newer software if that makes a difference,mine has the multi denomination.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 10, 2012, 11:06:47 PM
With 4/4.3, key 17 should work for you.  I have the same version and key 17 works for me.  It's multi-denom from 1c to $25.  Personally, I set my lower denoms to lower payouts with 100 coins per hand (or 80-coin depending on your game set) and the higher denoms to the higher payouts with 5 coins per hand.  If you have the Super 8 slots, I also set those starting values higher too.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 11, 2012, 07:41:49 AM
i have the 6 way denomination .25/.50/1.00/5.00/10.00/25.00 so he said i have atleast 6.0 version. its really wierd i have a I game cabinent with a 13in monitor but all the updated software,so i have different games on different denominations

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 11, 2012, 07:48:07 AM
mine has super 8 race,diamond mine,wild flower,on the prowl,black rhino,double bucks,super 8 line,lion fish,as far as slot games that i know of.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 11, 2012, 10:35:12 AM
Yep, that's key 17.  I have the same games.   :89-

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 11, 2012, 05:56:21 PM
ok so i have this right before i start,ill put the 17 key chip and replace the base chip,then purple screen comes up turn it off put the base chip back turn it on,then ill have to reset all the games and settings for all games as far what denomination and and max bets,and also figure out the progressive all at the same time? So as long as im doin something with the machine it wont "timeout"?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 11, 2012, 05:57:25 PM
thank you in advance for all your help!!!

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 11, 2012, 07:03:15 PM
ok i tried it i cant find where or how to set the progressives i used the 17 key chip.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: leapyearguy on August 11, 2012, 07:49:02 PM
if its there it will be in machine options.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 11, 2012, 07:58:00 PM
Under Setup-->Machine Options-->Progressive Setup

Choose "Standalone" as your Controller.

Assuming a .25 cent denomination, you could set it up like this ...

Current = $1,000.00 (what the jackpot is currently at)
Base = $1,000.00 (what the jackpot will reset to after being won)
Limit = $9,999.99 (the highest the jackpot can progress to without being won)
Add Amount = .025 (how quickly the meter progresses)

Check about section 3.1.7 in the attached.

Again, I've never done it for my Game Kings, but this should get you real close. 
If you get it working, please post pictures and how you did it!
Good luck!

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 11, 2012, 09:35:42 PM
after i put the 17 key chip in i dont have a set up option. i only have that when i hit the white button. so do i try the 22 chip or am i missing something

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 12, 2012, 02:36:07 PM
Hi Gambler,

Well, I put in key 17 this morning so I could find the progressive and take pictures, but unfortunately, my GK blew up.  So, I never got that far.  Based on the manual I attached earlier, it would seem the Progressive Menu would be available immediately at the first screen after key 17.  To get to it later is when you would go to the Setup-->Machine Options menu.

If the menu is not present after key 17, then I'll have to defer to someone else who's done it before.  I was kind of excited about setting up my GK this morning as a progressive and helping you at the same time, but now mine is toast!  :-(

Good luck with yours!  :Dave

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 12, 2012, 02:39:53 PM
oh no sorry to hear i dare ask what happened?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: 4 Deuces on August 12, 2012, 02:45:00 PM
It's not the first time.  There's a short somewhere.  I used a new power supply this morning that may have put the cherry on top.  When they blow up, it's a pretty sad event ... popping sounds from speaker, all lights come on just a little brighter, pop sound and then everything goes dead, finally, the worst part, you see smoke and it smells awful!  You can't get that smell out of your nose.  It's not key 17 though.  LOL! 

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: Jimise on August 12, 2012, 03:22:10 PM
Hello Gambler,
I use the key 17 for my S2000 games,
And use the key 22 for my Igame/Gameking.
This seems to work for me. I would try the key 22.
after i put the 17 key chip in i dont have a set up option. i only have that when i hit the white button. so do i try the 22 chip or am i missing something

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 12, 2012, 03:56:12 PM
i put the 22 chip in went to options then turned off machine put back in the base chip and turned it on and went right back to main game menu.So what am i doin wrong?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: Jimise on August 12, 2012, 05:01:51 PM
When you put the key 22 in, Do you get the on screen prompts?
Where you turn the jackpot key, And push the white button on the mpu?
4 times I think? Then you power down and put your base chip back in.
i put the 22 chip in went to options then turned off machine put back in the base chip and turned it on and went right back to main game menu.So what am i doin wrong?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 12, 2012, 05:40:21 PM
i put the 22 chip in went to options then turned off machine put back in the base chip and turned it on and went right back to main game menu.So what am i doin wrong?

You're likely not doing anything wrong.

You don't have 6.0 software for sure. You're likely running the same 4.x software that I am (which allows for multiple denominations), and there's some kind of glitch when it comes to the keychip: you can't just keychip it to get to the settings. You must do a full clear and key to get to the settings, which also means that you're going to blast all of your current settings in the process.

If you choose to do that, first write down your current setup (what games are available under what denominations) if you want things to be the same after you're done tinkering. You may also want to figure out what you want for progressive settings before you start the process.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 12, 2012, 07:18:13 PM
so use the 22 key chip do the ram clear?then ill start from scratch as far as setting all games under which denominations and then setting the progressive as well?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: Jimise on August 12, 2012, 10:12:12 PM
Does your screen look like this!
Click the link..
so use the 22 key chip do the ram clear?then ill start from scratch as far as setting all games under which denominations and then setting the progressive as well?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 12, 2012, 10:30:08 PM
yes thats what it looks like with the 22 chip and i tried the keychip after reboot and it just went back to normal game screen after switching back to the base chip

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 13, 2012, 12:00:58 AM
so use the 22 key chip do the ram clear?then ill start from scratch as far as setting all games under which denominations and then setting the progressive as well?

Yes, unfortunately.  If you're running the same or similar version of Game King that I am, you're stuck doing that in order to configure the progressives.

Note, only one denomination can have progressive games.  In other words, you cannot have a Royal Flush progressive for Jacks or Better $0.25 and Bonus Poker $1.  You can have a Royal Flush progressive for Jacks or Better $0.25 and Bonus Poker $0.25.  They can share the same progressive (ie. all games with that progressive contribute to it, and the jackpot value is the same across all of the games), or you can have separate progressives for each game.

My personal preference is to share the same progressive for the Royal across all of my quarter poker games, and share the same progressive for equal value quads across all of my poker games that have quads that are normally worth the same amount.  (ie. use the same progressive for Jacks or Better quads, and for Bonus Poker quad 5s-Ks, since both start at 125 coins)  Of course, you can configure your games to whatever suits your fancy.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: uniman on August 13, 2012, 01:59:33 AM
Here's something that I like to do. Create a progressive on a 1 cent denom with ridiculous amounts. This way I put in $5 bill and run up the credits over $10,000 in less than an hour.
Then I can play any denom for quite awhile before credits diminish.
You can have progressives on straights thru royal flushes.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 13, 2012, 08:08:14 AM
so use the 22 key chip do the ram clear?then ill start from scratch as far as setting all games under which denominations and then setting the progressive as well?

Yes, unfortunately.  If you're running the same or similar version of Game King that I am, you're stuck doing that in order to configure the progressives.

Note, only one denomination can have progressive games.  In other words, you cannot have a Royal Flush progressive for Jacks or Better $0.25 and Bonus Poker $1.  You can have a Royal Flush progressive for Jacks or Better $0.25 and Bonus Poker $0.25.  They can share the same progressive (ie. all games with that progressive contribute to it, and the jackpot value is the same across all of the games), or you can have separate progressives for each game.

My personal preference is to share the same progressive for the Royal across all of my quarter poker games, and share the same progressive for equal value quads across all of my poker games that have quads that are normally worth the same amount.  (ie. use the same progressive for Jacks or Better quads, and for Bonus Poker quad 5s-Ks, since both start at 125 coins)  Of course, you can configure your games to whatever suits your fancy.
yeah i wanted to set up all the progressives on double double poker since i play that alot at the casinos.Now i know the 17 key chip will"time out" if im idle for a while,will the 22 chip do the same or do i have time so i dont have to rush through this?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 13, 2012, 08:10:15 AM
Does your screen look like this!
Click the link..
so use the 22 key chip do the ram clear?then ill start from scratch as far as setting all games under which denominations and then setting the progressive as well?
and just so im sure i want the ram clear before reboot? then i cant start to reconfigure all the game settings as well as the progressives?Or will i have to ram clear then keychip?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 13, 2012, 06:38:18 PM
I believe the keychip will time out if you don't touch anything on the screen for a number of minutes.

With the 22 chip, just select "yes" for all three options and follow the directions on the screen.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 19, 2012, 04:17:45 PM
well i did that still cant find any options for progressives.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 21, 2012, 12:41:41 AM
I've sent you an e-mail with some documentation that explains how to access the progressive setup in the keychip menu.


Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 12:56:50 AM
ok thank you! ill check it out tomorrow after work!

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 12:59:43 AM
how do you get to the 2nd half of the set up options mine only has the 1rst 5?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: leapyearguy on August 21, 2012, 01:40:38 AM
I'd like to ask a stupid question here. please humor me. when you push the test button, what color are the buttons on your screen?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 21, 2012, 02:34:19 AM
how do you get to the 2nd half of the set up options mine only has the 1rst 5?

There really isn't a first half and a second half -- there just happens to be a page break in the manual that makes it look that way.  In theory all of the buttons should be available to you after a clear/key.  I suppose it is possible that you have a version of the software that doesn't offer progressives, but I haven't personally seen that before.  (I'm not saying that it's not possible, since I've only worked on a couple of the older versions of the GK software.)

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 07:46:09 AM
I'd like to ask a stupid question here. please humor me. when you push the test button, what color are the buttons on your screen?
red. There also red with the keychip if thats what your asking

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 07:52:02 AM
how do you get to the 2nd half of the set up options mine only has the 1rst 5?

There really isn't a first half and a second half -- there just happens to be a page break in the manual that makes it look that way.  In theory all of the buttons should be available to you after a clear/key.  I suppose it is possible that you have a version of the software that doesn't offer progressives, but I haven't personally seen that before.  (I'm not saying that it's not possible, since I've only worked on a couple of the older versions of the GK software.)
thats the part i dont understand i even talked to a friend that works at the casino i used to work at and he even said i should have atleast the setup option which i dont have with the keychip,i only have that option with the base chip in and pressing the white button.Now it also says level 1 security with the keychip.I should have a newer version since i have the multi denomination right?i have 6 denominations on the main screen.and the key chip works because i had to reconfigure all my games/denominations

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: leapyearguy on August 21, 2012, 10:10:04 AM
i put the 22 chip in went to options then turned off machine put back in the base chip and turned it on and went right back to main game menu.So what am i doin wrong?

older version, use key 17. thats why you cant enter key chip mode after using key 22. after using key 17. look for machine option tab. press and you should see progressive

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 21, 2012, 10:22:12 AM
A 22 works just fine on my 4.x (red button) software.

It apparently worked for him, too, since he stated that he had to reconfigure his games and denominations. :71-

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: leapyearguy on August 21, 2012, 10:37:43 AM
well thats not what i read. I'm out. :131-

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 08:04:37 PM
well thats not what i read. I'm out. :131-
yes i did have to reset all games under each denomination

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 08:06:11 PM
but do i try the 17 again maybe i missed it? and should there be a difference between the 17/22 key chip other than the reboot screen?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 21, 2012, 09:37:03 PM
I think some of the really old GK software and boards use the keyswitch on the front of the board to access some of the setup menus. Do you have a keyswitch on your board you can turn to see if it makes a difference?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 21, 2012, 09:59:27 PM
I think some of the really old GK software and boards use the keyswitch on the front of the board to access some of the setup menus. Do you have a keyswitch on your board you can turn to see if it makes a difference?
i didnt even think of that! yes i ever i dont have the key so is that something that can be jumped? or do i need the whole key switch with the wires and plug?

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 22, 2012, 01:45:42 AM
Yeah, you should be able to jump the wires -- it's just a simple switch that connects the wires when the switch is turned.  My software ignores the keyswitch, so I'm not sure of the procedure to use it (assuming that your machine even uses it -- it's just a thought I had).

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 22, 2012, 08:14:08 PM
am i gonna keep it jumped or is it like a momentary switch?i dont wanna fry anything

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: knagl on August 23, 2012, 12:29:43 AM
To the best of my knowledge, it's NOT a momentary switch like the jackpot reset keyswitch -- I think you would normally turn it and leave it turned.

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 26, 2012, 05:09:37 PM
well went and had a key made and the key switch does nothing.So any other ideas or i just dont have a progressive option on my machine?I used the 22 key chip rebooted all 3 options.had to reconfigure all my games and denominations again so the keychip is working

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: tollguy316 on August 26, 2012, 05:55:52 PM
Hello... I'm in Northwest Indiana ( 30 min. from Chicago)..  I will have a few this week.  If you'd like; I can contact you with a price and description of them.  Thanks, Bill

Title: Re: progressive
Post by: thegambler327 on August 26, 2012, 06:19:45 PM
Hello... I'm in Northwest Indiana ( 30 min. from Chicago)..  I will have a few this week.  If you'd like; I can contact you with a price and description of them.  Thanks, Bill
so what do i need new game board?new game chips? if it the base chips can i upgrade to the 6.0 or newer?