Title: Sound hounds...yeah, get a 504B MPU! Post by: Yoeddy1 on August 10, 2012, 01:34:19 AM Well, after two years, I finally took off the resistors on my S2000 speaker wires. I had been running a 502 Rev A board with the resistor mod (Radio Shack part number 271-1105 - 47 ohm 1/2W 5% Carbon Film Resistor) and figured it was just as good as running a 504 Rev B board without the resistors. Boy was I wrong. While my old setup sounded good, there were some balance issues and it seemed like the coin tray speaker was a bit distorted from time to time. I figured it must have been related to particular DSV SIMM's and recording levels of the sound files. With the old board and resistors, I ran the volume at either 8 or 9 depending on the DSV SIMM. With the 504B and no resistors I run the volume at 2 max, which is PLENTY for a home environment.
Looking at the two boards side by side, there are some definite differences and modifications that had been made with the newer board. I'll snap some photos of a side by side comparison within the next day or so. Anyway, for those that are sound-a-holics, I would absolutely recommend pinging the vendors and ordering a 504B if you are running an earlier board and really care about sound. My Megabucks SIMM sounds like a symphony now in my Triple Red Hot 777's game tonight! :) Cheers! Jason Title: Re: Sound hounds...yeah, get a 504B MPU! Post by: FORDSBS on August 10, 2012, 09:40:34 AM :212- I changed boards in all of my machines. I could see the resister thing you guys were always pushing.
Title: Re: Sound hounds...yeah, get a 504B MPU! Post by: morspeed on August 11, 2012, 11:35:56 PM If you really care about the sound you would just switch to enhanced boards and mother boards! :72-