New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 08:15:53 AM

Title: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 08:15:53 AM
First - I am new to buying slots for home use and have no clue on how to program these things.

I bought my first slot machine a few days ago (IGT Double Wild Cherry) and could use some help. When I set my machine up it appeared to have some issues. I did not get directions nor did the gent i bought it from give me any guidance. It worked at his place so I knew it had to be something in transit. So what did I do first? Started playing with the key on the side and pushed buttons until i noticed some connectors seemed to work their way loose in transit. After plugging things in it seemed to work like it did when i picked it up.

So I push a dollar in the bill changer and it gets sucked in and stops about half way in. I pull the dollar out and thats the last time that dollar acceptor would take my money.

I get on the net and download a 77 page "Complete Service Manual" written by Marshall Fey. It looks complete but is a bit technical and missing some settings for my machine.

Anyhow, enough background...

Is there a way to reset the machine to factory settings? Like clearing a motherboard by crossing a jumper? ( I think I messed up the settings when i first fiddled with it)

Also, the machine is a 2 coin and it looks like i can program the size of the jackpot at its an blank LED (see photo) How do I set this to display a number?

As for the coin changer, it no longer cycles when you power up the machine, I checked all the connectors and they appear to be fine, there are 2 little red lights that are on when you look down the dollar slot. If i press down on the top of the changer it starts to whir and the cogs spin in the back. I removed and reinstalled the changer, cleaned the optics and still can not get it to work. I get a 99-5 code that means my changer hardware is malfunctioning. Does this mean i need to buy a new changer?

Anyone know where i can get a specific manual for this thing?

Here is the specific machine info:
Model: B5136DIW, S Slot
MFD 3/93

I know its alot but I did the search feature first and couldnt find anything specifically for my machine.


Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 08:16:41 AM
oh and here is the dollar changer

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: edski on February 14, 2009, 08:50:12 AM
You have come to the right place for answers to all of your questions.
You might get your machine working again too! :72- :72- :72-

Do coins work, or is it just the BV that is the problem?


Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: StatFreak on February 14, 2009, 09:37:10 AM
Welcome to NLG mark805. :88-

You've found the mother lode for home slot owners!

Your machine is an S Plus. the good news is that there is more info here for your machine than for any other. Your Bill Validator (dbv) is an older model (dbv145). That isn't a problem, but it won't take the newest color money and will only accept bills face up with the head of the portrait facing right. Since you're having problems with it and to simplify debugging, I suggest using a $1 bill exclusively for testing until we know that it's working properly.

You should also read through our FAQ section. Just click on the blue "Rick's FAQ Files" button under the banner ads at the top of the page.

As for the coin changer, it no longer cycles when you power up the machine, I checked all the connectors and they appear to be fine, there are 2 little red lights that are on when you look down the dollar slot. If i press down on the top of the changer it starts to whir and the cogs spin in the back. I removed and reinstalled the changer, cleaned the optics and still can not get it to work. I get a 99-5 code that means my changer hardware is malfunctioning. Does this mean i need to buy a new changer?

That sounds like a loose connection or damaged wiring harness. The whirring and spinning you're referring to would be what one would expect of a functional dbv on startup. Can you double check that the connections are correct and seated well, and perhaps move the harness around a bit to see if that makes a difference?

If you can play the machine with coins as edski asked, then disregard the next suggestion.

If the machine won't take coins, then just for giggles, would you also take a look at the metal door on the cash can? It's to the right of the coin hopper when you open the machine. It usually has a hole where a lock would be installed and opens outward with the hinge on the left. Make sure that this door is well closed. While you're at it, you might want to remove the cash can and re-seat it again. Make sure it is all the way in. There is a sensor switch and an optic sensor for the can, and a sensor switch for that door, and the machine will tilt if the can isn't seated properly or the cash door isn't fully closed.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 05:25:44 PM
Thanks for the quick replies!

Yes the coins do work. It will take up to 2 coins. Is there a way to make the machine add credit for any coins over 2? right now when you add a 3rd coin i just lands in the hopper and doesnt give a credit.

I've been using a nice crisp $1 bill for my tests on the changer. All the connections appear to be solid. There are only 3 that go to the machine and dollar box correct? There are 2 on the right and one on the left. It gets power i think, i base that on the little red lights being on inside the scanning part.

f the machine won't take coins, then just for giggles, would you also take a look at the metal door on the cash can? It's to the right of the coin hopper when you open the machine. It usually has a hole where a lock would be installed and opens outward with the hinge on the left. Make sure that this door is well closed. While you're at it, you might want to remove the cash can and re-seat it again. Make sure it is all the way in. There is a sensor switch and an optic sensor for the can, and a sensor switch for that door, and the machine will tilt if the can isn't seated properly or the cash door isn't fully closed.

The can door in fact has a switch but it does not have a wire connected to it. (See picture) there is  lonely wire back in that area but doe not have the same connector.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 05:27:22 PM
Inside the cash box area. I looked for any lose wires and found this one behind the cash box but it has a different connection

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: Buzz on February 14, 2009, 06:43:41 PM
Mark If you can push down on the front of BV and it starts doing something. Its not installed properly It has two small ears in the back that have to hook in to the housing to hold the back down I have better luck installing BV with cash con out.  There was a real good thread ( with pics) on this very problem a couple of months ago. I'm sure one of the other members remember  can find it for you My pc is to slow today.  Shop manual is in   submit a file   near top of this page

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: jdkmunch on February 14, 2009, 07:53:40 PM
Thanks for the quick replies!

Yes the coins do work. It will take up to 2 coins. Is there a way to make the machine add credit for any coins over 2? right now when you add a 3rd coin i just lands in the hopper and doesnt give a credit.

Unfortunately the amount of coins is determined by the reel chip on the MPU board (a large circuit board on a tray that's located behind the hopper)  -  This game reel chip is known as an SS chip - if you replace this you basically change the game.   You can change how many coins - the payout percentage and the type of game.     On the home page for newlifegames there is a section on the right side toward the middle of the page called Rick's FAQ's-  that has info on "Game Change"

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 08:00:16 PM

Thanks for the tip to find the manual. I have some reading to do  :89-

I will work on getting that seated properly. I'll post when i get that figured out

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: dpalmi on February 14, 2009, 08:58:55 PM
Mark If you can push down on the front of BV and it starts doing something. Its not installed properly It has two small ears in the back that have to hook in to the housing to hold the back down I have better luck installing BV with cash con out.  There was a real good thread ( with pics) on this very problem a couple of months ago. I'm sure one of the other members remember  can find it for you My pc is to slow today.  Shop manual is in   submit a file   near top of this page


That was my post :)

Here is a link with pics... (

Dan #2

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 09:46:58 PM
I tried the pin alignment and that not the issue. I think it might make my life easier if i just switch the thing out with a DV that can do the new bills at the same time.

On another note: I have that progressive display on my jackpot and i can not figure out how to get it to display anything. I set my DIP switches to single progressive, restarted my machine and went through the self test process. I can not get to the progressive option. Any suggestions there?

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: dpalmi on February 14, 2009, 09:54:52 PM

We need to know what SP Game chip you are running.  With the older ones, the progressive could be enabled via the dip switches.  The newer ones require a SET chip to enable.  To figure out which SP chip you have, follow the instructions at this link and post back here what you find :) (

Dan #2

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 10:52:27 PM
I am using SP1160 and SS4325 chips

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: jay on February 14, 2009, 11:12:20 PM
Generally speaking when you change the number of coins you would change the glass to match.
The reel strips, glass and chips together is called a Game Kit.

There are two chips involved that run your theme. One is called a Game chip and the other is the Reel Chip.

The reel chip controls the theme, number of coins, pay table etc.

The game chip controls other features such as the progressives, and behaviors of the game.
For instance when you put your bill in does it go to Credits or does it work like a change machine and just spit out the coins.
This is all controlled by the game chip. One particular version of the game chip allows for Montanna Credits.
Montanna Credits are credit given for the extra coinage.

When you mentioned changing the Bill Validator to a newer one that accepts current currency you are able to do that for all bills except the new colored $5.00s.
IGT has not approved this for the S+ platform yet so JCM (the maker of the Bill Validator) has not been able to release the upgrade.

It would be my suggestion that we get your game running correctly before we start changing out bits as there is likely nothing physically wrong with what you got.
As you get more familar with your machine and there are lots of people on this forum who are quite willing to help you out in this respect there are all sorts of ways to pimp out your slot.

Thats assuming you can stay with just one.....

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 14, 2009, 11:20:26 PM
Funny you mention if I can stay with just one LOL... Wife already talking about a second one :)

The machine is working fine except for the dv and the progressive jackpot display .. Once that's all fixed I can move to another.. I think

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: dpalmi on February 15, 2009, 12:16:07 AM
I am using SP1160 and SS4325 chips


I e-mailed you the PSR for SP1160.  This has all the settings in it for that SP.  The DIP switches are ignored on this SP, so you will need a SET chip to enable the progressive display (SET088, SET089, SET090, or SET091).  I think the SET090 is the most popular of our vendors on top of the page could supply you with this chip.  I would suggest getting a clear chip at the same time - good to have both.

From what I can see in the PSR, this version does not support "Montana" mode meaning any coins over the game amount (in your case 2) would be passed through to the coin tray.  If you wanted to change that so extra coins go into credits on the machine, you would need to change this chip to a newer one.  Once you get the bill acceptor working, I don't think it will be an issue for you as you will be able to load up the machine with as many credits as you want.

Dan #2

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: knagl on February 15, 2009, 12:38:56 AM
Yes the coins do work. It will take up to 2 coins. Is there a way to make the machine add credit for any coins over 2? right now when you add a 3rd coin i just lands in the hopper and doesnt give a credit.

Is the extra coin falling into the hopper (ie. the machine "eats" the extra coin), or is it falling through to the metal tray where the player can get it back?

We'll get your machine up and running -- just need to tackle one issue at a time.  :)

As far as your bill validator, inspect the bigger rectangular plug on the left side of the validator (unclip it from the validator and wiggle it around in your hand) -- if memory serves, that's where it gets its power, and when I got my first machine part of the internal workings of that plug was loose, so it wasn't consistently getting power.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 15, 2009, 01:03:30 AM
Dan #2 - I got your email and once I get home from this hockey. Game I'll check it out. That explains why changing the dip switches didn't do anything.

Knagl - the coin falls into the hopper, so it gets eatin. But like dan pointed out... Once we get the BV to work, the coin issue will not be much of an issue.

I would really like to thank everyone for their input and suggestions, you've all ben so darn helpful.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: StatFreak on February 15, 2009, 01:06:50 AM
I e-mailed you the PSR for SP1160.  This has all the settings in it for that SP.  The DIP switches are ignored on this SP, so you will need a SET chip to enable the progressive display (SET088, SET089, SET090, or SET091).  I think the SET090 is the most popular of our vendors on top of the page could supply you with this chip.  I would suggest getting a clear chip at the same time - good to have both.

mark805, I see that I left you in good hands!  :72-  I had intended on getting the SP and SS information from you but didn't want to overload you all at once.

When you buy the SET090 to use your progressive and a clear chip (IVC103) you should also buy a SET026 or a SET015. These enable the bill validator and set the denomination. The SET026 will allow you to set a penny denomination; the SET015 won't. You will want one of these chips, even if your dbv is currently enabled, because when you start buying game kits and swapping out chips you will need to turn your dbv on after these swaps.

It's even possible that your dbv is disabled now. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility.

To check, open the door and press the white test button two times.
The front display should now have a "2" in the Winner Paid window and a "1" in the Credit window (such displays hereafter referred to as "2   1"). The coins played will display 0.
Now put the jackpot key in the lock on the right side of the machine and turn the key five times.
The display should now read "9   n", where n is either 0 or 1.
A "1" means that the dbv is enabled, a "0" means that it is disabled.  You can't change the setting from here; you can only read it.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 15, 2009, 02:36:48 AM
On the top of this page on the right hand side is a little button called "Ricks  FAQ Files"
Read that a'll find lots of good things in there and it'll make you want to find out more than you are going to wanna go buy another slot, than another, and :96-

What I am trying to say's like a good bag of cant eat just one... :72-

Everyone here welcomes you to NLG and we'll all be glad to help you with any questions you have!

By the way, who won at the hockey game?

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 15, 2009, 04:59:47 AM
Seattle Thunderbirds 7 - Portland Winterhawks 2  :30-

I love junior hockey

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 15, 2009, 05:01:20 AM
I read all those FAQs after I found this site... I wish i found you guys before I bought one.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 15, 2009, 05:14:20 PM
SET chip to enable the progressive display (SET088, SET089, SET090, or SET091).  I think the SET090 is the most popular of our vendors on top of the page could supply you with this chip.  I would suggest getting a clear chip at the same time

Where do i find these chips. Ive been checking the vendor links here and can not come across them. I did see an IGT Plus CPU clear / set chips for sale on ebay but it doesnt show the numbers you listed.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: a69mopar on February 15, 2009, 06:32:22 PM;u=76 (;u=76)
Jim at Blueridge has them you can either phone him or pm him.  If you were in the Toronto area, I could have helped out.  I believe Jim is close to you.


Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: blueridgeslots on February 15, 2009, 08:15:05 PM
Thanks for the recommendation Wayne, Yes, we have all the good stuff like SET, KEY, Clear, Percentage and Security Software available, we can also supply Documentation on how to use as well

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 15, 2009, 09:27:15 PM
West coast time here so i'll be giving you a call tomorrow around 11 pst. :)

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 21, 2009, 07:56:54 AM
Whoohoo.. got the clear and set90 chip in the mail the other day and got the progressive working.

I do believe my DBV is dead tho... I am able to enable it in the settings but it doesn't cycle or turn on, the front light does not come on either. Any ideas on where to look? I removed the whole unit and examined it for loose wires and couldn't see anything very obvious. If I look into the dollar bill slot i can see 2 red lights glowing inside so it appears to be getting power.

Other then that its been a hoot to play :)

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: Ron (r273) on February 21, 2009, 09:03:42 AM
Whoohoo.. got the clear and set90 chip in the mail the other day and got the progressive working.

I do believe my DBV is dead tho... I am able to enable it in the settings but it doesn't cycle or turn on, the front light does not come on either. Any ideas on where to look? I removed the whole unit and examined it for loose wires and couldn't see anything very obvious. If I look into the dollar bill slot i can see 2 red lights glowing inside so it appears to be getting power.

Other then that its been a hoot to play :)

You might unplug and reset the DBV and transporter as it has to fasten in the back before you push it down in place.

Don't know which DBV you have but here is a post to read. (

and all of these, (

Hope this may help to give you more in site.


Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: knagl on February 21, 2009, 09:34:25 AM
I do believe my DBV is dead tho... I am able to enable it in the settings but it doesn't cycle or turn on, the front light does not come on either.

Enabled or not, you should hear it making a whirring noise when you first turn the machine on, provided it's getting power.  Based on the red lights you see it sounds like it is.  Is there any noise at all from the machine (aside from the three reels spinning) when you first turn it on?

You're going to have a nice surprise when you do finally get your validator enabled, by the way -- you have an iGraphics lighted sticker on the front of your machine.  Once we get your validator working you'll have an extra-special looking machine as that "This Machine Accepts 1, 5, 10..." sticker lights up.  :)

Did your machine come from Washington or from another state (do you know?)?  Does Washington have any loss-limit laws for their casinos (like Missouri used to)?

I ask because when I got my first S+ the validator would cycle on power-up (it would make noise) and I could see those two red lights, but it would not take bills at all -- turns out the cable that enables it was cut because an interrupt device had been placed in-line with it at the casino due to state laws that limited losses.  Do you see any wires hanging loose on the harness that comes from the DBV and goes towards the MPU board in the back?  If I recall correctly, the wire that sends the "enable" signal is orange with a green stripe.

Here's a question that we never established an answer to that I see in the thread.  Do you have a rectangular removable cash can with a handle on it that goes in the metal enclosure?  The validator won't enable without it in there.

Finally, and unrelated to the DBV, there should be a divertor that will send extra coins (if you insert too many) to the tray rather than them getting eaten by the hopper (and the player losing a quarter), unless you have Montana credits enabled (in which case the coin should get eaten because it adds to the credit meter).  You may want to check around the coin assembly to see if that has been bent or is otherwise disabled causing your coin problem.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 21, 2009, 06:30:51 PM
Ron - Thanks for the links. Made for some insight. I'm using the DBV 145 and think i might just replace the unit to a 200 to see the newer bills.

Knagl - The DBV does not make any noise when starting it up. As far as where the machine came from, Arizona. When i removed the DBV unit I noticed a service sticker dated Oct 2004 on the side of the housing for the DBV, this makes me thing it was working 4 years ago. Oh and the cash box is inside and the optice dont appear to be blocked, is there a way to test them?

I will look around for that coin diverter, as it stands right now if you put in an extra coin it falls into the hopper and does not give extra credit. So I'll crack the machine open again.... after a few moe spins  :89-

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 21, 2009, 07:35:03 PM
If you put say 3 coins,  into a 2 coin game -  the third quarter will fall through into the tray...that's normal.
There's a certain game prom chip called an SP1137 which allows you to put as many coins as you want into in the slot and all the extra coins goes into the credit bank.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: knagl on February 21, 2009, 08:34:47 PM
Mark (stayouttadabunker)-

His extra coins aren't falling into the tray -- they're going into the hopper (ie. the machine is stealing extra quarters inserted).

Mark (mark805)-

If it's not making any noise at all, it sounds like it's not getting all of the power it needs -- every bill validator should make noise (cycle) when it first gets power, even if it's not attached to a machine.  You may wish to consider getting a new validator and power supply for it at this point.  The only other thing I can think of is a problem I had with mine where the power connector was a little flaky -- I had to super-glue it back together as half of the connector was loose.  I'll have to take a picture of what I'm talking about, though, as it's tough to explain.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 21, 2009, 10:14:02 PM
knagl is correct. The third (extra) quarters are going to the hopper.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 22, 2009, 12:30:05 AM
Quarters going to the hopper means the divertor is OFF, working, and okay.
When the divertor gate is ON, the quarters will go into the drop box below the machine.
That means the hopper is pretty full of coins and needs another place to put the extra coins.
Casinos made a hole in the counter and put a drop bucket underneath the machine to catch the extra coins.
Behind the coin mech is a little "rake".
If it's bent out of shape, caught up against the cutout openings somehow,or the two little grey wires have a bad connection to the coin mech board itself, then all extra quarters will NOT fall into the tray - Hence, they get "eaten" by the machine.
Check the two grey wires coming out of top of the coin mech box.
See if there's too much play with that connection on top, if so, than I'd take a look inside of the coin mech box and see if the connectors are loose from the board.
If you have a soldering gun with a fine tip, put a little heat on the soldered joints and it'll re-weld to the board and your "rake" will work again.
No more "eating" quarters!

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: knagl on February 22, 2009, 08:55:09 AM
I said "diverter" earlier when I should have said "rake" -- his rake is not working correctly and extra coins are getting eaten.   :71-

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 22, 2009, 04:01:52 PM
I agree with you knagl. For the new guy's information however, I was just kinda explaining what's going on in there. :103-
I would like to add that the coil for the "rake" only gets energized after the coin-in optics sense that the max amount of coins have passed through.
When that happens, the max play button lights up. :91-
At that moment, the rake gets pulled back by magnetism into the coil and allows the extra coins to fall into the tray. :89-
The rake's coil will continue to be energized (on) until the end of the game (there's no way any coins will be accepted). :60-
If there's something wrong with the wire connections going to the rake, or anything else that has to do with that coil, the rake doesn't get pulled back and the extra coins get "eaten". :60-
I'm pretty sure that if he replaces the whole coin mech, the problem will go away. :89-
Keep wiggling around all the wires in there behind the door - 9 times out of 10 it's a bad ground. :103-
Also, check the cover of the coin mech box for heat...if it's really warm, then I would suspect that there is a loose electronic component in there that is arcing and throwing off heat.  :37-

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: mark805 on February 27, 2009, 09:18:05 PM
whoo hoo... got my DBV 200 today and popped it in and boink! I got lights and stuff on the front of the machine :)

Next question. Is there a setting on the DBV that indicates what denomination the machine will accept? Here is my problem... all bills accepted but $1 and $10. Here is a video. OH -I reset the dip switches and set them all back to off under the unit as well.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: jdkmunch on February 27, 2009, 10:16:57 PM
Congrats on getting the bill validator working!
To change the denomination you need something called a set chip.    When you put in the chip in you can set several options on the board -

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: StatFreak on February 27, 2009, 10:20:50 PM
All DIP switches OFF is correct, so I'm not sure that I can answer your question. I would suggest turning DIP switch #10 on (ID022) but since the machine is taking the $5 and $20, that wouldn't make sense.

I can tell you that I have six machines with dbv200's, three IGT, two Bally, and one Wms, and not one of them will take the color $10's, even though the software supports it. I got one or two of them to take a color $10 once, and only once. As for the $1 bills..? :103-

Hopefully one of our experts will have a solution.

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: jdkmunch on February 27, 2009, 10:25:00 PM
How come I stopped getting emails when someone responds to a thread.  :103-

I feel so alone

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: cfh on February 27, 2009, 10:50:38 PM (
I noticed you used a new gold $10 bill.
that may not work depending on the revision
of firmware you are running in the DBV200.
Same goes with a $5 bill. On the DBV200,
the new purple $5 bill will never work (regardless
of the revision number). You can thank IGT
for that.  Do yourself a favor, sell that IGT
junk and get a Williams dotmation!
(all monies work in Williams DBV200
with revision 2.70 firmware).

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: a69mopar on February 28, 2009, 12:48:50 AM
you must have clicked the notify button which toggles notification on or off depending on current status, click it again and read what it says.


Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: blueridgeslots on February 28, 2009, 01:27:02 AM
All DIP switches OFF is correct, so I'm not sure that I can answer your question. I would suggest turning DIP switch #10 on (ID022) but since the machine is taking the $5 and $20, that wouldn't make sense.

I can tell you that I have six machines with dbv200's, three IGT, two Bally, and one Wms, and not one of them will take the color $10's, even though the software supports it. I got one or two of them to take a color $10 once, and only once. As for the $1 bills..? :103-

Hopefully one of our experts will have a solution.

Calibrate them, and make sure no crease in the middle of the 10

Title: Re: new to slots and need some help / guidance please
Post by: StatFreak on February 28, 2009, 06:12:11 AM
All DIP switches OFF is correct, so I'm not sure that I can answer your question. I would suggest turning DIP switch #10 on (ID022) but since the machine is taking the $5 and $20, that wouldn't make sense.

I can tell you that I have six machines with dbv200's, three IGT, two Bally, and one Wms, and not one of them will take the color $10's, even though the software supports it. I got one or two of them to take a color $10 once, and only once. As for the $1 bills..? :103-

Hopefully one of our experts will have a solution.

Calibrate them, and make sure no crease in the middle of the 10

Thanks Jim. I'll give it a try.