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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Bally Electromechanical => Topic started by: drgo on August 17, 2012, 12:30:58 PM

Title: Coil problem, New member Bally 809-B
Post by: drgo on August 17, 2012, 12:30:58 PM
Well, first of all- hello everyone! I am a college student from Croatia, first time here (I read many posts already- great info guys!) Actually, i found everything i needed so i didn't have to ask any questions.. Unfortunately so far.. I own a Bally 809-B which I collected from a sort of a junkyard. There were at least five more, wish i took them all :/.

***SHORT: My diverter coil burned out after a short- see picture. Can I make it myself (wind it myself), Should that work? First I used thicker wire and the coil then heated up very much quickly (started smoking)- will thinner wire and more turns be better? If anyone can confirm the text printed on the coil is : FC33 2600 I'd be very gratefull! (meaning 33 gauge wire, 2600 turns?) What else could have got damaged?

I Followed the posts here on how to, well get it to work after one gets the slot machine home. I spent 2,3 days on it, greasing, oiling, WD40ing it and afterplaying with it, running it in a little- it works, at least all the major things (reels spin, money comes out- altho on wrong symbols.. I'll come to that later, that isn't the issue- for now.) While I was 'playing' (running the machine in more) I was lazy. I was lasy to stand up (I was nice and comfy sitting on the floor) and put the coin in the front into the coin acceptor, so I decided to put it in from the inside of the door (I know about the switch, I just wanted to work the acceptor mechanism a little..wish i hadn't..). As I wanted to put the coin in on the marked spot on the picture below, i touched the two marked places on the inside of the door- sparks, adrenalin and lights out (the ones from the slot machine :D THANK GOD!). Damage report: lights came back up when the machine was turned on again, but the coils which move the coin path parts didn't move. I found that ONE fuse burned out (I don't remember which from left to right, or which color the wires were!) When I put the fuse from the lights in that place, the coils were working (the lights didn't at that point because i took the fuse from them since i dont have a spare right now..) On a further picture you can see the coil that burned (BUT IS STILL PULLING WITH MAGNETIC FORCE- BUT- it was getting VERY hot so i suppose it wasnt good anymore so i took it out and took the wire off of it. The Rest of the coil (the metal piece, solder points and center cylinder are more or less ok, i think i can reuse them.

I took the coil from, I dont know what it is, I marked it yellow in the picture, since I figured that wasn't so important but found that that coil isn't as strong as the original, it couldn't pull the coin path part properly. So, i took the burned coil, and i took some wire i had at home from some other coil from who knows what. The wire I put on the burned coil carrier was about 3 times thicker! I tried to put the same amount of wire on there (in weight!) and i did, i also put a little bit more on. (53 grams originally, 62 grams with new wire). It looked satisfying. When i soldered it in place again, and turned on the slot machine I was happy to find that the coil was pulling (very hard too!) BUT, I was happy too soon. I think because I put on thicker wire, the whole coil heated up more easily than it would with thinner wire. If someone can tell my I am correct, I'd be gratefull! I'm sure its basic physics.. I wanted to ask anyway- can it be, if i WASN'T correct about the wire thing, that something else in the machine got damaged and that because of that the coil now gets very hot very fast?

Other than that- the machine works great. The biggest issue at first was the pump. I read few times about that rubber turning to tar.. That was the problem with mine too. I fixed it by cleaning it ALL out with WD40 and acetone, and put grease in on the sides so it is sealed. I greased everything, cleaned more or less every electrical contact there is, took apart the hopper (part of it), found that the motor of the hopper works, removed the 'star' from the hopper, as it turned to tar too- BTW- what is that star anyway- something to 'mix' the coins? Can i just make another similar thing from thick rubber? Or don't i even need that star? I really notices how things started working slowly while operating the machine or after cleaning and lubing dome parts. The insert coin light comes on everytime now (it didn't before), winner paid goes off. Alltogether- the machine is in good condition, just needs some trimming- I'll need help with that (hopper pays on wrong symbols, not even if there is a row of any same symbols, but for ex chertry, orange and bar...)

For now- please someone help me about that coil I managed to burn- what should I do, what can I do? I know I maybe dont even need it, but I'd like it to be fully functional. Plus- Where else should i look to check if maybe something else burned.. I'm so sad because of that. It was working great.. I hope i didn't mess it all up with that stupid move.. (Why did the coil burn anyway- shouldnt the fuse burn faster than anything else?)

I'll post more pictures of the machine if anyone needs to get a closer look! Just tell me.

Please help me. Greetings :)

Title: Re: New member Bally 809-B
Post by: drgo on August 17, 2012, 12:34:35 PM
A little more pictures of the machine :)

Title: Re: New member Bally 809-B
Post by: drgo on August 17, 2012, 12:38:25 PM
More pictures..

Title: Re: Coil problem, New member Bally 809-B
Post by: OldReno on August 20, 2012, 03:36:25 AM
Drgo, good, post, good clean explanation!!!
Good pics, too.
The  coil that you took out to replace with is probably a 120V coil that locks the door out, and not a 50 V coil. It won't work the same.
I don't think you hurt anything by touching the coin to the case and your 6V light socket.  All that happens is you pop the fuse normally.  No biggie.
As far as winding another coil with bigger wire, it won't work like the original.  There are two coils on the machine that are designed to be on for long periods of time.  They are both on the door, the one you are working with, the diverter coil, and the other one is the coin lockout coil behind the coin acceptor.  They were made to be for a long time without burning up.  Most other coils in the machine only use short pulses to be on for just a little bit of time.
You may be able to order another diverter coil from the suppliers who advertise on NLG, or try some pinball sources which you may find on this site somewhere.  The machine will work fine without the diverter, all that will happen is that all your coins will go to the drop instead of refilling your hopper.  You can always dump more coins in the hopper when it gets low.
Instead of dropping your coins into the coin ramp (where you shorted against the bulb) just push down on the coin in switch with your finger to play the game.  You don't need to mess with coins that way.
Nice post, by the way.  welcome aboard!!!!

Title: Re: Coil problem, New member Bally 809-B
Post by: drgo on August 20, 2012, 06:09:13 AM
Welcome back OldReno :) and thank you for the info. Anyway- I think Ill try to make the coil myself, Ill just use gauge 32 instead 33 since i dont have 33 t home,, i think that should do it anyway (i can just add about 100 more turns, by eye). As for counting, i wont count the turns, i think ill just measure the RPM from a 12 dc motor (around 160 RPM) and calculate how long (time) it takes to do 2600 revolutions, i should end up with 2600 turns +/- 150 (i guess that shouldnt be a problem either). it should take about 16 minutes :) i think ill survive it if i manage to be able to coem up with a way to nicely wind it, and if i manage to keep the wire from breaking. Thanks again! PS i found the exact replacement coil on ebay so if this wont work ill go for the one from ebay.

Title: Re: Coil problem, New member Bally 809-B
Post by: OldReno on August 20, 2012, 09:57:05 PM
Saw a video of a guy (French) who made his own replacement vacuum tube for an old radio. Very impressive, and it can be done.
I think your coil is a noble pursuit, and please share what you learn....