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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Aristocrat Video Gaming Machines => Topic started by: sigmaultimate on August 18, 2012, 08:16:25 AM

Title: MK6 XP board problem : Unable to read machine Options EEproms and Sram Error
Post by: sigmaultimate on August 18, 2012, 08:16:25 AM
Hi Guy

Please help to slove the problem.. My MK6 xp main board have this error message after install the system eprom and games eprom.

" C5510 epromchk.c: Unable to read machine options EEprom! "

also Have another XP boards with "SRAM Error!! Restart in 10 seconds"

do you know how to slove this 2 problem..

Thanks in advance


Title: Re: MK6 XP board problem : Unable to read machine Options EEproms and Sram Error
Post by: leapyearguy on August 18, 2012, 08:54:03 AM
had something similar and had to do total ram clear

Title: Re: MK6 XP board problem : Unable to read machine Options EEproms and Sram Error
Post by: sigmaultimate on August 18, 2012, 09:36:27 AM

How to do Total Ram clear???

It is "To crash the Mk6 main board these capacitors need to be shorted C269, C267, C266 & C262 Use a pair of tweezers to short the capacitors "

i took a cable with both end short on each capacitor and i do not see the effects..if i take a working game board with game and system eprom , if i do this step what will have..
the Ram in main board contrall which part??

I have try this and it still the same.. may be i do it wrong i need to power up and short the capacitor, do i need to take off the battaires??

please help!!

Best regards


Title: Re: MK6 XP board problem : Unable to read machine Options EEproms and Sram Error
Post by: proten on August 18, 2012, 11:45:02 AM
You will need a pair of set chips.
It will depend on the mains you have.

Title: Re: MK6 XP board problem : Unable to read machine Options EEproms and Sram Error
Post by: leapyearguy on August 18, 2012, 07:23:42 PM
henry, I did this on ten games last week as you described, it worked on 7 games. but on three I had to do the total clear with the set chips as proten described. I got my set chips from Aristocrat, I'm not sure where else you can get them but you might try the classified section of this forum, maybe someone has got them.