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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: rickaaaer on August 19, 2012, 05:56:45 PM

Title: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 19, 2012, 05:56:45 PM
I have double diamond 5 liner S 2000.
I'm getting a hopper empty error. It has some coins in it, but not a lot . The screw with the green wire is in the  top hopper hole.What might be causing this's error?

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: cowboygames on August 19, 2012, 06:48:12 PM
Does it try to turn at all? If not you might try the hopper test in menu 4 to see of the hopper is any good

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: coach851 on August 19, 2012, 08:13:18 PM
i have the same problem..i hit double diamond-7-7 and got error code 3300..i can't clear this code..i've opened and closed the door-reset the jackpot key switch..  all to no avail...every once in a while i get a coin kicked out..the coin hopper has plenty of coins (tokens) in it...what can i do next ????

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 19, 2012, 08:36:16 PM
If the hopper motor will run, most times it's one of these that's causing the problem.

1 Remove hopper and see if a coin is jammed behind the knife.
2 Inspect the knife to see if it has a broken tip.
3 Knife adjustment
4 Correct shelf and pin wheels

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 19, 2012, 10:02:18 PM
Testing the hopper . I can't seem to find we're that's done.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 19, 2012, 10:23:38 PM
I took a good look at the coin hopper. It has a bad motor. It got banged around and bent someh how.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: coach851 on August 20, 2012, 07:28:33 PM
there was a coin stuck but i removed the hopper motor runs but no coins come out..except that every once in a while one will come out..i'm using tokens in lieu of quarters..will that make any difference as to size, weight, etc ??  what exactly is the knife ?? i'm about ready to take the hopper apart to check for anything that looks wrong..anything special i should look for besides knife tip ?   this machine was idle for some time in my sister's garage and i just got it set up again. i really don't know if the coins came out before i got it back..whenever i would get a hit the credits just kept adding up..i did not "cash out"  so i don't know how cashing out would have worked..thanx/andy..

since my last post i have measured the outside diameters of my tokens vs a quarter.  seems that the tokens are approx 1/32" larger in diameter..i've also looked in the hopper and the tokens seem to be picking up ok but they are not discharging..i maybe should replace the tokens in the hopper some quaters to see if the quarters pay out ok..

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 20, 2012, 08:04:59 PM
Just a guess but the knife is that black plastic thing the coin was stuck behind. Two screws and it will come out, if the tip is broken I've been known to take a file and put a new tip on one. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: coach851 on August 20, 2012, 08:36:00 PM
i have taken the knife out and it looks ok..i note that one hole thru the knife mounting is slotted which says to me that there is quite a range of does one properly align the knife edge ??   also, i put in a bunch of quarters in the hopper (after dumping out all the tokens) and it made no difference..still no payout of coins..i figure the knife edge adjustment must be the shall i proceed ??

ps-tried several different alignment positions and one or two coins come out and then "3300" again..when i look at hopper the coins have gone past and under the knife edge..looks like there may be a little warp in the knife..i'll try to file the back of it flat tomorrow, also i'll try to dress the point up a little..but it looks pretty (although this is the first one i've really ever looked at)..

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 20, 2012, 10:03:07 PM
First off after that coin gets to the hopper the hopper doesn't care if they are coins, tokens or flat washers. Just as long as the coin is the correct size for the pin and shelf wheel.

To adjust the knife loosen the two screws and move the knife down to where the lower edge of the knife rest on the shelf wheel and tighten the screws. Now look at the knife the lower edge must be resting on the shelf wheal and the back edge of the knife must be touching the Pin wheel. I'm going to bet that the knife is bent and not touching the pin wheel. If this is the case you need a new knife. Sometimes  you can heat the knife in a pan of of very HOT water and bend it back, but I would still order a new one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
After all this if you think every thing is OK, toss in some tokens and start turning the small white knob on the back of the motor. While turning the knob watch the tokens being lifted by the wheels and see where the coins are falling off the wheel. If the wheels are lifting the coins and they are not being paid out, they have to be falling off the wheel. What ever is causing them to fall is the rat in the wood pile.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: edski on August 21, 2012, 12:19:31 AM (

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: coach851 on August 21, 2012, 07:36:06 PM
i can rotate the wheel manually and all seems well..the coins pick up, rotate on the wheel, go over the knife edge and exit the wheel and activate the "counter" and drop out of the coin shute...but when i try to pay out  the coins with the wheel turning under power under playing conditions the coins get stuck under the knife..

is there any way to observe the wheel/coin action under power without removing the belly glass and inside covers ??  in other words is there a way to fool the machine into thinking that the door is closed and observe the payout action ??

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 21, 2012, 08:30:08 PM
All the chance that a new knife is going to fix it.

I can't find the link or remember the posters name, but he had some S 2000 hoppers that the pin wheel was driving the coins behind the knife.  Someone on here will remember his name, he sells on ebay using the name "Nicholgdn "  ( I think )

Sure bypass the door optics,  unplug both optics and run a wire from the red/white  wire door side to the green wire cabnet side.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: coach851 on August 22, 2012, 12:14:54 PM
buzz---i understand that i should jumper the door optics but want to make sure of what to do.. after unplugging the optics-on the door side i have a green wire and a black wire and on the cabinet side i have a green wire  and an orange wire.  i did not understand your instructions on running a jumper wire..please repeat the instructions with regard to the wires that i have/thanx/andy..

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 22, 2012, 04:36:59 PM
With the optics disconnected run a wire from the pointed side of the door plug to the pointed side of the cabinet plug

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: coach851 on August 22, 2012, 06:56:21 PM
don't understand what you mean by "pointed side" and running one wire..i figure i would have to run two wires ???  sorry for sounding dumb but i don't want to blow a fuse or worse..../andy..........

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 22, 2012, 07:11:37 PM
The plug from the optics to the machine, this plug has one side that comes to a point so you can't plug it in backwards. Run one wire from point to point. One wire is all that you need.

Here is some reading for you  The drawing I posted in reply 47 is wrong, the top plug should show the wire going from the pointed side.

Do not pay any attention to the cherry switch unless you plan on making this permanent.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 22, 2012, 10:12:27 PM
This started out as a hopper empty error and turned into bypassing optics. I found a damaged hopper motor . I'm waiting for a new one to come in. I think that will fix my problem. Thanks for all the feed back.    Rick

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: Buzz on August 22, 2012, 10:30:18 PM
Rick It's not off topic, he wants to run the hopper with the door open.

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 22, 2012, 11:53:29 PM
Ok I see . Thanks

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: CVslots on August 23, 2012, 01:53:46 AM
Just wait for your "new" will be there tomorrow, god willing! Or whoever it is that watches out for us!

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 23, 2012, 04:34:58 PM

Title: Re: Hopper empty error
Post by: rickaaaer on August 26, 2012, 05:40:35 PM
Ok got the new coin hopper in problem solved .i am having trouble closing the door with the coin tray in.  Help!!!!