Title: Does anyone need any of these or know what they are worth? Post by: TPMARTIN on September 26, 2012, 07:03:10 PM Group,
A Buddy and I bought a bunch of odds and ends arcade and pinball stuff from a guy and in it we found a bag of these Empire Replacement Diamond Stylus in their original packaging. Does anyone have a use for them or know what they are worth. The price tag on the packaging is $17.50, but it looks to be several years old so they may not be worth anything. I'm guessing they are for a record playing juke box so there is probably a market, albeit small, for these. Let me know your thoughts and if you're interested in any of them... It looks like we could put you in the Stylus business if you like. Thanks Tim Title: Re: Does anyone need any of these or know what they are worth? Post by: CVslots on September 26, 2012, 07:24:48 PM Judging from eBay listings, they look to be about $10 each (except for one guy who has one for $50), but none have sold recently at any price. Looks like they may be hard to find buyers for? Or maybe just the models they have listed arent widely used?
Title: Re: Does anyone need any of these or know what they are worth? Post by: slotsteve on September 26, 2012, 09:02:19 PM last ones we bought for 45 jukes were in lots of 10 for 2.50 each, they are not a hot seller , if you can sell them you,ll be lucky , but again you never know
Title: Re: Does anyone need any of these or know what they are worth? Post by: startek2 on October 04, 2012, 11:36:26 PM these are the standard needle used on the rowe/ami jukeboxes from the 70's to the 90's.....rockola used them too....10 bucks a piece would be a good ebay price but if you are not in a hurry sell them for 25 a piece someone might buy them