Title: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on November 06, 2012, 10:28:37 PM I have a Seeburg Marauder that will scan and go to the right spot on the record rack for the record to start, but the record does not get to the play area but it is turning just like it is in there. My question is "how does the record get from the rack to the play area?" I don't see an "arm" that picks the record from the rack and puts it into place to play like I have on other 70s era jukes.
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on November 08, 2012, 01:09:51 AM Any Seeburg techs out there?
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: startek2 on November 11, 2012, 03:47:52 PM hey there! the basic sequence for a seeburg mechanism is to scan, stop at the correct slot, then the clutch transfers to play mode. during play mode an arm comes up from the bottom and pushes the record up a rail into play position then the record is clamped, then the needle comes over to play the record. it sounds like you may be having a clutch problem after the scan sequence has ended. There is also a possibility that the arm that pushes the record up is catching on the bottom of the mechanism between the record slots...i believe it is spring loaded so it doesn't break. I have also seen the records so thin that the arm goes right by the record on one side or the other so maybe just a slight bend would work but in general there are adjustments for all of that. The most common things I see on old seeburg mechanisms is grease turns to cement and the clutch gets jammed. also there are a series of adjustments to get a mechanism correct. you just start with the first and work your way through them. You can find Seeburg adjustment manuals all over the internet. good luck!
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on November 11, 2012, 03:59:35 PM Thank you for the reply, is the arm located under the rack that holds the records? If so, will I need to remove the rack from the machine to adjust the arm? There is a metal plate on the back of the machine to give me access to the rack.
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: startek2 on November 11, 2012, 06:21:59 PM you might be able to see it if you look through the bottom....but ya in fact if you pull the record you should see it if you use a flash light....it could be your clutch is not engaging...there are cl;utch adjustments that can be done.....most seeburg manuals have those if i remember
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on November 11, 2012, 06:36:30 PM Is there a downloadable manual for that model that you are aware of, I could not find one with my search.
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: startek2 on November 11, 2012, 07:02:55 PM Remind me does that have black and grey boxes? I am guessing yes.....the see burg mechanism is pretty much unchanged as far as the mechanical goes so almost any one will do. Can you see arm I am talking about?
Title: Re: 1972 Seeburg Marauder, plays without record? Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on November 11, 2012, 07:04:55 PM I'm not in front of the machine, but will be tomorrow and i will see.