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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT Fortune 1 Sircoma/Poker. => Topic started by: wadwerks on November 19, 2012, 03:45:10 AM

Title: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: wadwerks on November 19, 2012, 03:45:10 AM
I recently picked this machine up it is in great shape so I wanted to get it going. It says fortune coin on the bottom and from what I can gather that makes it an IGT fortune 1. It is a nickle machine. If any one can give me an idea what model it is that would be greatly appreciated. Second part is the vertical hold doesn't seem to hold screen just rolls over all the time. I cant adjust the v-hold with the monitor in the machine and have tried for hours to get it set pulling it and putting it back in to see the results. I can get it to spin slow but never stop. It is a Sony trinitron monitor if that helps.


Title: Re: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: knagl on November 23, 2012, 01:28:31 AM
Wow, that's an oldie.

IGT bought out Fortune Coin, so if there aren't any IGT markings on it, it's likely a pre-IGT Fortune I machine.

I'm not much of a monitor guy, unfortunately, but hopefully some others here can help you out.  You could also try posting over in the monitor repair tech support section (here ( if a few days go by and nobody has any ideas on your post here.

Title: Re: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: wadwerks on November 26, 2012, 04:53:46 AM
Thanks. Ive looked all over the machine only thing I can find is on the belly glass just says fortune coin. There are no markings at all on the inside not even a number to help identify im kind of leaning to the  pre-IGT idea.

Title: Re: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: wadwerks on November 28, 2012, 04:25:27 AM
Here are some better pics.

Title: Re: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: wadwerks on November 28, 2012, 04:28:02 AM
a few more

Title: Re: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: leapyearguy on November 28, 2012, 05:20:58 AM
same basic cabinet of a fortune 1 but the electronics are totally off. I would guess, and this is only my opinion, that this is an early fortune coin of the late seventies maybe very early eighties. I know some of the early fortune one slots and pokers did use the sony trinitron well before the RGB monitor. Fortune one was discontinued by IGT in the mid eighties.

Title: Re: Machine identification and screen help.
Post by: BadMaddison on November 06, 2013, 01:37:00 AM
Thought I was seeing things.

From what I'm told in my very limited references so far it is probably a second model Fortune Coin slot made between 1976-1977; after the first 3 reel model slot (see my picture) and before Fortune Coin Co. was purchased by IGT around 1978 (?).

Any other member suggestions are very welcomed.