Title: WMS Bluebird, is it possible? Post by: Landman on November 28, 2012, 11:12:31 PM I'm new at this, but asking for help. I have a WMS Bluebird China Moon, with what looks like, card reader hardware installed, from a casino, that does not work. Is there a way to light the LEDs around the card reader, but have the card reader be non operational?
One final question, machine also looks to have video screen, under card reader, installed. This screen is used for promos at casino. Anyway I could have a display working? Nothing is on now. Any help greatly appreciated. Title: Re: WMS Bluebird, is it possible? Post by: jorgejhandal on November 29, 2012, 02:15:56 AM You could just power the leds directly. The card reader and display wont probably work cause they are connected to a system that control them so they wont work. Unsless they are from a system that doesnt use server.