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Progressive Controllers, Displays and Slot Toppers => TOP THIS!!! Slot Topper Topic! => Topic started by: MarkInAz on March 03, 2009, 01:08:19 AM

Title: 16 character VFD Player Tracking display
Post by: MarkInAz on March 03, 2009, 01:08:19 AM
What is this display good for in a home system?  All my machines have the guts removed leaving only the vacuum florescent display plugging the hole. Has anyone come up with a add-on circuit to make it scroll someting cool? 

Title: Re: 16 character VFD Player Tracking display
Post by: jay on March 03, 2009, 01:25:52 AM
Sorry what platform is this in ?

Title: Re: 16 character VFD Player Tracking display
Post by: MarkInAz on March 03, 2009, 01:43:08 AM
This photo is in a Bally 5500.  My IGT S+ has one too.  Without really looking to closely, I think they are both the same, just the display and a single PCB which the display is soldered to.

Title: Re: 16 character VFD Player Tracking display
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 03, 2009, 02:45:16 AM
It connects to a tracking display board....I have the whole unit but could never get anything but error codes to display on it. :60-
The card reader doesnt read anything I have have to have the program swipe cards in order for anything to be displayed on this I have like four of these, it would be nice to hook it up to some type of bonus or progressive program. :89-
There's absolutely no way I know of to get this thing to communicate with an S+...let alone a Bally, which I know nothing about :25-

Title: Re: 16 character VFD Player Tracking display
Post by: MarkInAz on March 03, 2009, 04:51:44 PM
That's too bad.  It would be pretty neat to get them to scroll a custom message like "welcome to my home casino" or what ever. 

I never even thought about using the card reader for anything.  I wouldn't expect to get much more out of the card reader though, a a string of numbers or your name maybe. 

I wish I new how to program those PIC microprocessors.  You see a lot of those LCD displays on EBay with customizable messages using PICs.  That just may be a starting point.