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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: ucanwin on January 10, 2013, 06:32:30 PM

Title: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: ucanwin on January 10, 2013, 06:32:30 PM
Can anyone help me, by giving someone that has never had an IGT S2000 slot, some direction in plain English, as to how to go about changing my machine denominations from .25, .50, $1 and $2 to say....... .01, .02, .05 and .25 play..... or....  .05, .10, .25 and .50 play? My machine has token payout (quarter size tokens)
If it matters...... the key pad (above the reels) and player card reader have been removed from my machine by someone that had the machine before me.
Do I need special chips? Ram clear chip, or ? If so.....where can I get what I need?
Also......the attract mode is SUPER LOUD! How can I tone it down????
Thanks, in advance for any help.

Title: Re: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: ucanwin on January 10, 2013, 06:41:16 PM
Sorry, about this duplicate message. I can't figure out how to delete it.
Can anyone help me, by giving someone that has never had an IGT S2000 slot, some direction in plain English, as to how to go about changing my machine denominations from .25, .50, $1 and $2 to say....... .01, .02, .05 and .25 play..... or....  .05, .10, .25 and .50 play?
If it matters...... the key pad (above the reels) and player card reader have been removed from my machine by someone that had the machine before me.
Do I need special chips? Ram clear chip, or ? If so.....where can I get what I need?
Also......the attract mode is SUPER LOUD! How can I tone it down????
Thanks, in advance for any help.

Title: Re: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: CVslots on January 10, 2013, 09:18:06 PM
You will need a Key chip (and while you're at it, order a Clear chip as well) to change your denominations like you would like. Search the S2000 forums for "Multi-Denom Set-Up" and you will find some posts explaining how to set them up. You can read them while you wait for your chips to arrive.  :89-

As far as the volume, you can adjust this without a Key chip. You are looking for menu 3 (Options), then Volume is in there. Here are some instructions I found in a search courtesy of Jim @ Blueridge...

Open Door
Press White Self Test Button on MPU Board near LED Lights
Use the Change and Cash Out Button to Toggle Through Menu
Press Spin Reels
Toggle to 3.2 SOUND OPTIONS
Press Spin Reels
Toggle to 3.2.1 VOLUME CONTROL
Press Spin Reels
Toggle to Desired Volume
Press Max Bet to Lock and Go Back
Either Continue to MONEY VOLUME
or Press Max bet until you Exit Menu

unlike many games you can still have credits on game to change

Change Toggles DOWN
Cash Out  Toggles UP
Spin Reels SELECTS (and resets option to original setting)
Max Bet LOCKS and Returns

If you change something and don't want to save your changes, just close the door and nothing will be saved. Note: you can't mess up your machine without a Key chip, so no worries....

Title: Re: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: ucanwin on January 10, 2013, 11:27:20 PM
Thank you for the tips. Hopefully, I can now get something set. I have been looking at prior forums and trying to check out files, but there seems to be an overwhelming amount of information, and I needed a starting point to get into the menu. :103-

Title: Re: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: satman714 on January 15, 2013, 11:24:13 AM
I just set up my first S2000, a triple diamond haywire and I got everything set up thanks to these forums.  If you search around you should find everything.  If I can be of any help PM me and I will try.

Title: Re: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: ucanwin on January 15, 2013, 05:16:04 PM
Thanks for your reply. I have managed to get the sounds programmed that I wanted. Now, i am waiting for my Key and Clear chips to arrive. I want to change the denominations next. I am wondering, what denominations are available. I haven't seen any info on that yet. Right's set on .25, .50, $1 & $2 play. I would like lower amounts, like maybe .02, .05. .10 & .25. Is that possible on a Double Diamond 3 coin play? Also, is it necessary to do a ram clear to change the denominations? I would assume that you would. Any info, would be very helpful. Thanks.
Best regards,

Title: Re: My first IGT S2000 slot and I don't have a clue
Post by: cowboygames on January 15, 2013, 05:49:46 PM
You'll have to look at your accounting denom. It has to be set at or lower than the lowest desired denom option. If it's already set at. 01 then no clear will be necessary. If it's set higher than the lowest denom option you want to program then it will have to be cleared. Your denom options will range from. 01 to $500 most likely. You can look at the current accounting denom setting by going to menu 7.1, but you just can't change any settings without the key chip