New Life Games Tech Forums

Bill Validators and Currency acceptors => JCM WBA 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, and 23 Bill Validators => Topic started by: Nashional on March 12, 2013, 08:26:52 PM

Title: What BVs for What Machines?
Post by: Nashional on March 12, 2013, 08:26:52 PM
I've read every single thread in the BVs forum  and I didn't find a definite answer to questions I have.

If I have a WBA-13-SS, is the following true?

1) ID 003 = WMS (any)
2) ID 024 = IGT IGame (possibly others)
3) Software Ver: 3.38 - 30i takes the latest bills

Is there different software for ID 003 and ID 024 or would it be the same?

Title: Re: What BVs for What Machines?
Post by: Nashional on March 13, 2013, 05:57:42 PM
OK, how about this...

Can I purchase a brand new 13-SS with ID003. Than take a 13-SS I already have with ID024 and remove the 024 EPROM and put it in the 003 transport and it'll then be a 024 (and work in IGT)?

Title: Re: What BVs for What Machines?
Post by: Nashional on March 21, 2013, 07:54:55 PM
If anyone needs this information, here's what I've found out:

ID003 is for (at least) WMS. ID024 is for (at least) IGT IGames.

You can switch the EPROMs between WMA-13-SS BVs to change the manufacturer they will work with.

If there is a (white) panel on the left side of the BV, it's a piggyback board that makes it work with Bally. Take it off for IGT and WMS.

Title: Re: What BVs for What Machines?
Post by: JCM Tech on April 23, 2013, 05:20:57 PM
JCM software comes in several protocols for gaming . ID-022/023, ID-024 and ID-028 are for IGT. ID-022/023 is for older games, prior to Netplex. ID-024 is Netplex and ID-028 is used on newer AVP platforms when they are not Emulating the older processor. The difference being ID-028 can utilize the USB connection on the UBA or IVISION. ID-003 is used for most other games now a days and unless you are using a DBV model it is your only other choice.
A complete list of the different protocols is on the JCM site at
If you have questions about what version you need/have, there is a place on the JCM site you can get information on any specific version.
Enter at least the country, country code, hardware and protocol and you will get a list of available versions from newest to oldest. Select the version you want and you  are directed to a PDF with information on that version with all kinds of handy information including what was changed when the software was revised