New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: threex5x7 on March 26, 2013, 07:26:56 PM

Title: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!! ----RESOLVED!!
Post by: threex5x7 on March 26, 2013, 07:26:56 PM
First and foremost:  Thank you for taking time to help me diagnose and fix my IGT S+ Double RWB slot. 

Disclaimer:  I don't know much about IGT machines.  The little knowledge that I do have is based on reading the IGT S+ service manuals and trying to understand what is going on with my machine.  Please forgive me if I misspeak or call something by the wrong name....sorry in advance for being learning impaired   :71-  Also....I don't spell too good......sorry if that is upsetting to some.

Background:  I purchased this Double RWB slot on German eBay about 2 years ago from a private collector.  The fault discussed below was know when I bought the machine.  I am an American who works in Germany.  This machine is set for 50 Euro cent operation.  This machine was used as a progressive machine in it's former life, stand alone machine now.

Fault Description:  Since I've purchase this machine it has never accepted coins.  There is a correct coin in the comparator as well.  The machine will accept 'pseudo' credits and will play perfectly.  There are no fault codes displayed.

Troubleshooting Completed:  1.  Purchased two replacement coin comparator's.  Fault Remains.
2.  Replaced pigtail from coin comparator to wiring harness.  Fault Remains.
3.  Pulled MPU (CPU?) and tested battery voltage.  Battery good.  Fault Remains.
4.  Conducted output test of coin comparator in 'Self Test Mode'.  It passed.  Fault Remains.
5.  Conducted output test of coin lockout in 'Self Test Mode'.  It passed.  Fault Remains.

Other Important Information:  1.  When the machine door is closed the "Insert Coin" light is OFF.  The upper candle bulb is 'on' and lower candle bulb will flash 'medium' for approximately one minute....then both the upper and lower candle bulbs will remain steady 'on'.
2.  When the machine door is opened the "Insert Coin" light is ON.  The upper candle bulb is off and the lower candle bulb flashes 'medium'.
3.  Please see attached photos of machine in DOOR OPEN and DOOR CLOSED condition.

Conclusion:  Please let me know how I can further help.  My gut instinct is to spend the money on the clear chips and give that a shot......  Any and all input is welcome, and thanks again for your time!



Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: CommTech on March 26, 2013, 08:22:53 PM
Hi threex5x7!   :238-

A few questions to start with ...

1.  What do you mean by "The machine will accept 'pseudo' credits "?  
Has the machine been modified to add credits by pressing a button?

2. Will the machine accept paper currency (does the Bill validator work)?

3. When you drop a coin into the slot, does it just fall into the coin tray or fall into the hopper but not add a credit?

The Open door candle indication (top off, bottom flashing medium) would be a correct indication for Open door.
When both top and bottom lights illuminate steady, that indicates that the game is disabled.

You say the machine plays fine (accept for the coin acceptor) despite the top and bottom candle lamps being on? :103-

It will also help if you can take some pictures of the INSIDE of the machine, including in and around the coin comparator.   :211-

My guess up front will be that your machine has been modified to take "pseudo credits"  which may explain why your coin acceptor is not working. :71-

Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: Neonkiss on March 26, 2013, 08:43:02 PM
I'm sure what Threex5x7 means by the pseudo coin switch is the little white one on the front of the coin in optics.
With the door open you can add credits with that switch and play the machine with the door open. When you close the door those credits will clear and the machine should reset.
I'll wait for him to reply to see if this is correct, but that is normal operation.

Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: CommTech on March 26, 2013, 09:09:45 PM
I'm sure what Threex5x7 means by the pseudo coin switch is the little white one on the front of the coin in optics.
With the door open you can add credits with that switch and play the machine with the door open. When you close the door those credits will clear and the machine should reset.
I'll wait for him to reply to see if this is correct, but that is normal operation.

I did not know that.  Thanks NeonKiss!  I learned something new today.   :259-
My Coin comparators that are in my two S Plus machines do not have the LED or the white test button.  So I never had the chance to play with it.  :60-

Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: Neonkiss on March 26, 2013, 10:42:06 PM
It's very small and on the coin optics board.
I have not see a machine without one.
Here is a picture where I circled it in red.

Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: Neonkiss on March 26, 2013, 10:59:04 PM
I wounder if his problem is with the wrong size coin guide.
Threex5x7 check out these past post on that issue and see if it applies to your problem ( (

Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: Jim on March 26, 2013, 11:06:24 PM
your optics are probably bad.  do the input test,  10_1 in the winners paid window, remove the cc-16, insert a small flat object into the area where the coin would pass through the optic  the 1 should change to a 0, turn the reset key  11_1  do the same, also press the white button, 1 to a 0, turn reset 12_1, do same.  probably the 10_1 won't change,  cut off Q-2 or Q4 off the optic board and your problem should be fixed.

do you have a set of door optics on the machine, seems that the machine is working backwards.

find out what SS and SP chip you have.

Hope this helps


Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: a69mopar on March 26, 2013, 11:07:58 PM
I would suspect the optic board since the comparators have been changed.  Hopefully the replacement comparators were good.  First I would check the optic board to make sure it's clean and no solder joints are bad.  It's been a while for me and S-Plus machines but If it is the optic board, in the past, I have removed a chip from the optic board which makes it accept all coins.  I don't remember the chip off the top of my head, so hopefully someone will chime in on this.

I was a slow typist on this one...


Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: CommTech on March 26, 2013, 11:13:52 PM
It's very small and on the coin optics board.
I have not see a machine without one.
Here is a picture where I circled it in red.
Thanks again!  I found it!  :89- I never new that button was there! :25- Cool!   :3- :3- :3-

Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!
Post by: threex5x7 on March 27, 2013, 05:38:41 PM

Thanks for all the help and input!!  I've learned alot about coin optics get ready for today's kick in the pants:   :37-

I followed Jim's advice.  Called it right down the line.....I could not get 10_1 to change to 10_0 when doing the input test.  The 11_1 and 12_1 tests worked perfectly.  Soooooooo......I got a little too big for my britches.....but I messed up and broke the wire that connects the two halves of the optics board.... :37-...........I broke that wire bundle right after Q4 was removed (Insult to injury I think).  I wasn't happy, but I'm feeling better now.... :253-

I have already ordered a replacement optics unit, and will patiently wait....

Comtech:  Neonkiss was correct with the 'Pseudo' coin thing.  I hope I didn't cause any confusion with my wording.

Once again, thanks to everyone!!   :293- :284-

I will post updates in about 10 days or so......



Title: Re: IGT S+ Double RWB coin in error. Help Needed!!!!---RESOLVED
Post by: threex5x7 on May 19, 2013, 07:28:07 AM

Sorry about the late update.....sometimes life gets in the way of my hobbies!!

After my replacement coin optics arrived I had the same issue.  The machine would not take or accept coins........


I ordered RAM clear chips, reset the options, and the machine works perfectly.

There is one more issue that the machine is fixed, I need to figure out how to get my wife into a cocktail dress and serve me drinks all night when playing the times!!!!    :253-   :94-

Thanks for all the help!

