New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: Bergman13 on April 08, 2013, 02:41:40 PM

Title: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 08, 2013, 02:41:40 PM
Hey all - new to the forums and I have an IGT S+ with 61 error trouble.  I have searched for days and read numerous threads on how to correct it, but it seems to be stuck in the 61 loop.

One note - I had to replace the door optics due to the wire leads breaking off the optic on the cabinet side.  Since i was ordering new anyway and I am having hinge issues with the main door, I decided to remote mount the optics on the reel shelf - so they are always in the door closed position - then when I need the door open, I just place a piece of black plastic between them breaking the IR beam.  I saw another person on this forum do this and I liked the idea.

With that being said - when I got the machine it had an error 12, so I ordered and replaced the battery, which then gave me the error 61.  Now if I open the door and block the door optics to simulate "door open" and push the white test button - I never get the 61-1 or any sound from the machine.  Instead the 61 goes away for a second and then comes right back.  is this the 61 loop I have read about and do I need a clear chip?

any help is appreciated.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: knagl on April 08, 2013, 03:53:33 PM
Welcome to the site.


The typical "61 loop" involves a machine at a 61 code, which switches to 61-1 when the test button is held for a few seconds, and then after the door is closed and the jackpot reset key is turned, the display goes blank for a second and then changes back to 61.  The process can be repeated over and over with the same results.

It sounds like what you're experiencing is similar, although you're no longer getting to 61-1.  Either way, it might be time to try a clear chip as you're seemingly stuck where you're at now, and it's clear that your self test button is working since you're getting some reaction out of the machine when you press it.  The only other thing I could suggest is that after you've tried pressing the self test button for a few seconds, "close" the door and then turn the jackpot reset key on the side of the machine.

The next step would be to buy a clear chip.  If you have a bill validator, buy a SET chip as well so you'll be able to re-enable it.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 08, 2013, 04:25:38 PM
I do have a bill validator, although I am not sure it ever worked...  I have never seen the slot working, as stated it had the 12 error when I got it.  The bill validator has a dim red led lit up inside when plugged in, however, it makes no noise at all when I turn on the machine.

How do I know which clear and set chips to purchase?

The only other thing I could suggest is that after you've tried pressing the self test button for a few seconds, "close" the door and then turn the jackpot reset key on the side of the machine.

I have tried this multiple times - it just enters into "accounting mode" or whatever it is called...

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: gposing on April 08, 2013, 06:47:36 PM
I had this same problem with an S+ I just picked up.  Here is how I got mine to work.  I don't know why this worked it just did. 

Open the main door and unplug the optical sensor inside the unit for the main door.
Turn on the slot and wait for the 61 to appear
Press the reset button and the 61-1 will appear
Plug the optical sensor back in
Close the door
Turn the key

hope it works for you.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Buzz on April 08, 2013, 07:35:42 PM
I had this same problem with an S+ I just picked up.  Here is how I got mine to work.  I don't know why this worked it just did. 

Open the main door and unplug the optical sensor inside the unit for the main door.
Turn on the slot and wait for the 61 to appear
Press the reset button and the 61-1 will appear
Plug the optical sensor back in
Close the door
Turn the key

hope it works for you.

Why would you go to the trouble of unplugging the optics ??  Think about it, the optics are only in use when the main door is closed.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: gposing on April 08, 2013, 08:10:33 PM
I found that posted tried it and it worked.  Dont ask me why but it did.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 12:22:48 AM
I found that posted tried it and it worked.  Dont ask me why but it did.

I saw this in another thread as well ( ( I did try it, but it didn't change anything - 61 goes away for a second but comes right back - never get the 61-1.

So am I left with the clear chip?  Where or what do I buy, are they all the same?

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: gposing on April 09, 2013, 12:27:23 AM
Go to jjslots.  He has what you need

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 12:49:39 AM
Go to jjslots.  He has what you need

Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: gposing on April 09, 2013, 12:56:58 AM
You might have said this but, did you check the battery on the system board to make sure it is 3.6V.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 12:58:35 AM
You might have said this but, did you check the battery on the system board to make sure it is 3.6V.

I have not, but I will.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: gposing on April 09, 2013, 01:14:19 AM
If it is bad you will want to replace it.  Low battery can cause all kinds of problems.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 01:22:56 AM
If it is bad you will want to replace it.  Low battery can cause all kinds of problems.

Changing the battery was the first thing I did when I got the machine - it had error code 12 showing.  After replacing is when I started getting 61.

I did just check voltage to make sure the battery was OK - I do not have a digital multi-meter, but it is definitely over 3.5V, so it checks out good.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 09, 2013, 01:27:57 AM
Are you holding in the little white test button for at least a few seconds?
Just merely tapping on it momentarily will not get you into the [61-1] code.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 01:31:04 AM
Are you holding in the little white test button for at least a few seconds?
Just merely tapping on it momentarily will not get you into the [61-1] code.
Yes, holding it for up to 10 seconds does nothing... after about 3 seconds the 61 error will go away (no sounds are played) and then the 61 comes right back.  No 61-1.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 09, 2013, 01:37:12 AM
What SS and SP chips are you using?

See this link if you don't know...>>> (

Once you let us know what chips you have installed, we could make a recommendation as to what SET chip you need for your machine.

You definitely need to purchase a CLEAR chip for starters, as your eproms' logic signals are stuck in the dreaded "[61] Error Loop".
The CLEAR chip will reset the memory logic gates in the proms to factory condition located both on the MPU board
and on the motherboard.
After that, you will need to use the SET chip to re-enable the DBV.

Can you try something for me?
You mentioned that your optics may work in a manual way of blocking/unblocking the door optics.
I'd like you to open the door, block the optics, THEN power on the machine.
Then try holding the test button for 3 seconds?
I want you to simulate the door being open BEFORE powering on the machine.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 02:08:08 AM
What SS and SP chips are you using?

See this link if you don't know...>>> (

Once you let us know what chips you have installed, we could make a recommendation as to what SET chip you need for your machine.

You definitely need to purchase a CLEAR chip for starters, as your eproms' logic signals are stuck in the dreaded "[61] Error Loop".
The CLEAR chip will reset the memory logic gates in the proms to factory condition located both on the MPU board
and on the motherboard.
After that, you will need to use the SET chip to re-enable the DBV.

Can you try something for me?
You mentioned that your optics may work in a manual way of blocking/unblocking the door optics.
I'd like you to open the door, block the optics, THEN power on the machine.
Then try holding the test button for 3 seconds?
I want you to simulate the door being open BEFORE powering on the machine.

Game Prom says 731 on it (black type on white tape)

Reel Prom says " S-Plus Reel, 1-12-00 ( 1-64), SS3669 Dupl, IGT (200 NS)"

I have been blocking the optics prior to powering on the machine - it is the only way the test button works - if I power on first, then block optics, the button does nothing.  Actually, now that you mention it... the button will not cycle through the test options when pressed, which originally led me to think it may be faulty - but if I hold it, the 61 does go away and come back, so the machine knows its being pressed....

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 09, 2013, 02:17:24 AM
Yes, you DO have the [61] error loop I'm afraid.

Place a WTB ad in the Classified section of NLG for an S+ CLEAR chip and a SET015 chip for turning on your bill acceptor.
If no vendors or members respond, then order them from a dealer nearest you!  :89-

Ask if they have some instructions as well...if not, come back here when you get the chips in
and we will try our best to guide you.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: ROCKET on April 09, 2013, 09:57:24 AM
Yes, you DO have the [61] error loop I'm afraid.

Place a WTB ad in the Classified section of NLG for an S+ CLEAR chip and a SET015 chip for turning on your bill acceptor.
If no vendors or members respond, then order them from a dealer nearest you!  :89-

Ask if they have some instructions as well...if not, come back here when you get the chips in
and we will try our best to guide you.

I was just going to say that its full of info and stuck on 61 the only way out is to do a ram clear at this point ..then machine will work like new happens alot after multiple game changes .. or just a long life of playing .. it gets stuck on 61 and wont clear out ..

as Bunker said if directions dont come with the chips ---RAM CLEAR & SET CHIP FOR DBV give us a yell .. its a easy set up to do it ..

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 09, 2013, 01:05:04 PM
Thanks for all the help, I have ordered ram clear and set015 chip... They are supposed to be coming with instructions.  I will let you guys know what happens.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 09, 2013, 02:41:27 PM
Good! Be careful when installing the not bend the legs and make sure the chip's notch on it's body is facing in the correct direction on the socket.
You will see the chip orientation etched on the circuit board next to the chip socket.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Bergman13 on April 16, 2013, 04:13:59 PM
Ok, Clear and set chips finally arrived yesterday...

Followed Clear instructions and got back to 61-1 error and successfully cleared that, which took me to a 65-1 error, which I successfully cleared as well.  Now my machine is on, with the candles flashing (bottom faster than top) and the Winner Paid and Credit windows show 0000,  Coins Played is alternating "0" and "1".  Now do I power down and proceed with the Set015 Chip?

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: Buzz on April 16, 2013, 05:31:15 PM
I don't know where you got your instructions, but after the clear chip quits counting down, turn off the machine and replace the clear chip  with the set chip. Do not attempt to clear any errors until you finish with the set chip and you are back with the game chip installed.

Title: Re: Newbie with 61 Error trouble
Post by: knagl on April 17, 2013, 05:38:52 AM
Without trying to step on Buzz's toes, I'd personally say to forget about the SET chip for the moment since that's just used to enable the bill validator, which can be done at a later time.  Since you've never actually had the machine working, I'd skip screwing around with the bill validator at this time to just try and get the machine working first.

What were the instructions you got with the clear chip?

Also, you said you got a 65-1 error which you cleared.  I presume that was with your GAME chip back in its socket?  I'm also presuming that you followed the instructions found here ( and opened the door, pressed and held the self-test button for a few seconds, released it, and then closed the door?

At that point, you should have either encountered another error to deal with, or the reels should have done their "maiden spin" with all three reels stopping on the blank by the seam in the reel strips (unless three blanks is a win on your game theme, in which case one of the reels would be offset by one stop).  The fact that you're seeing zeros in both the Winner Paid and Credits window, and an alternating 1/0 in the Coins Played window is not an expected behavior at the point you're at.