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Title: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on April 18, 2013, 08:04:22 PM
I need some help, can some one please help me figure out how to wire the led "pie" on my  :31-  "Its all about me!" Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
front plexy glass please. It looks like there is a plug in place on the back of the led pie.  Any help is appreciated!  :131-
I would love to hang this awesome looking sign up but need it lit up.
The "pie" says on the back...  MIKOHN GAMING CORP. 321-103-00  GARFIELD PIE   REV B
Thank you in advance!

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: uniman on April 18, 2013, 11:26:04 PM
What you need to do is add an led light chaser for the pie. I bought mine from ebay, here is a link to one, a little bigger than you need, but the same seller I bought from: (

I got mine cheaper as it was smaller, maybe you could email them and ask? Think I paid around 45-50 bucks?

I put mine on top of a Universal slot machine. Garfield required 12vdc and my top box only had 110vac and 24vdc so I installed a 12v power supply. The red/white and black/white wires went directly to the power supply and the four wires from the pie to the led light chaser. The light chaser gets it power from the 12v power supply also. 

Hope this helps

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: uniman on April 18, 2013, 11:43:24 PM
The led light chaser is for the outer ring. The "pie", center area should have two leads, can't remember? But it is a 12vdc connection.
The outer ring has four and goes to the chaser.

Here are pics of mine

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on April 18, 2013, 11:56:52 PM
Yes this helps somewhat, thank you!
I'm not very knowledgeable with electronics and am learning everything as I go, so please bear with me.
The center of the pie has no wires coming out of it at all just the harness plug in, (the only wires connected to the pie are on the sides going to the led's on the front of the glass), is there somewhere I can get the wire harness? and how do i know how many Circuits i need for the chaser, and where do i find a 12v power supply?

I also have the Garfield topper (I've done all the research on how to get that working) now i just need the chaser for that.
Thank you for your help! Did i read that correctly that you have the same Bonus wheel that I do?

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on April 18, 2013, 11:59:44 PM
The photos help alot! 
I have the same topper and need the chaser for it, but i also have a second section of the game, ill half to upload some photos.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on April 19, 2013, 12:21:09 AM
Here is the front of it.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on April 19, 2013, 12:24:25 AM
Here is the back of the piece, the photos show the middle plug in the pie, and the other shows how the pie is plugged into the front led chasers

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: uniman on April 19, 2013, 01:26:42 AM
Ahhh, totally different than mine.
Sorry, can't help you with that.

Thanks for posting pics, maybe some else can help.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on April 19, 2013, 01:41:21 AM
Thank you for you help anyways. I have the same topper as you, but would like to get the other piece working and make some sort of cabinet for them

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 02, 2013, 08:17:05 PM
Any one have any experience with electrical that might be able to help please! or with any experience with this piece!!!

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 02, 2013, 10:37:03 PM
can you post a closer picture of the center connector and one of the connectors around the outside?  How many wires are in each connector on the outside?  I'm guessing each connector feeds 6 of the leds and 2 pieces of the pie.  Can you remove the screws and see the back side of the leds?

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 01:06:05 AM
Here are the small side plugs on the back that go's to the front led's that show on the circle on the front.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 01:07:06 AM
Is the big wire a ground?

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 01:09:41 AM
Here is the main plug that is in the center of the board, and the reverse side of it, the reverse side has Alot of tiny led's on it.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 01:17:37 AM
Here is two more photos hope they help!

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 03, 2013, 03:50:49 AM
The braided cable is to ground the metal parts and all the little leds are what light up the pieces of the pie.  It's hard to see the traces in the pictures.  Can you take a higher resolution picture of one entire piece of the pie? It looks like there is probably 3 leds wired in series.  Need to see more detail to be sure.


Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 09:10:54 AM
Yes i can. ill halfto do it tonight after work. thank you for your help sofar.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 10:18:56 PM
Here is the top of the pie, the back side

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 10:20:41 PM
The bottom half back side

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 10:22:19 PM
here is the front, or lighted side

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 10:25:32 PM
this is the front center of pie, I hope the new photos help, please let me know if you need more, (im a laymen so don't use to big of words lol)

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 10:28:15 PM
one more lol

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 03, 2013, 10:31:40 PM
the whole pie

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 04, 2013, 02:19:10 AM
The green arrow points to the traces that are negative.  Do each of those go to separate pins on the center connector?

The red arrow points to the positive.  It looks like it loops all the way around.  Can you trace that to another pin in the center connector?

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: CommTech on May 04, 2013, 11:47:42 AM
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish ... Do you want ALL of the LED's just to light up and stay on? :103-
If so, you are probably going to need a fairly large power supply to handle the current draw. 
You must also determine the proper voltage for these LED circuits.  Unless there are voltage regulators on that board (which I did not see any from the pictures), I highly doubt it will be a 12 Volt supply.  :60-
More likely 5 or 3 Volts.
You will also need to properly parallel multiple circuits to get them all to light up.

Without a schematic or wiring diagram, this will take some detailed circuit tracing (with a multimeter) and testing to figure out.

Not something I would recommend to someone who is not comfortable basic electronics.  :60-

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 04, 2013, 12:07:27 PM
Here is a shot of the pie with the spacer removed to show more of the wires

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 04, 2013, 12:21:19 PM
Deuce23, yes the green wires are both connected to separate pins in the center, the red one goes all the way around and connects to a pin on the front that goes threw the board to the back side where that wire leads into the center connector.

CommTech, I guess what i am wanting is for all of the pie to light up, and then have the separate pieces light up and chase around the pie like it would in the casino or for a bonus spin ( im assuming).

I realize this is a huge challenge, and was hopeing there is a easy solution, but figure it might be a pain.   There are a few of thees pieces floating around the net and figure i cant be the only one who would love there's powered.

I also have the Garfield topper that goes to the same game.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 04, 2013, 12:32:19 PM
The leds in the pie are wired 3 in a series with a 150 ohm resistor.  White leds usually run around 3.2 volts for 9.6v total.  12v - 9.6v = 2.4v / 20 mA = 120 ohm so the 150 ohm resistor would be correct for 12 volts.  I'm just trying to walk him through tracing out the wiring.  The ring I suspect is wired totally different depending on if they designed it to be able to control all the leds individually.

CommTech - You are correct that lighting up all the leds would draw a lot of current.  If all the pieces of the pie and the ring around the outside were lit up at once it would draw 2 amps.  You can get a regulated power supply fairly cheap on ebay.  A 12v wall wart will not work because they put out more than 12 volts and would burn out the leds quickly.

Stewie - depending on how the outer ring is wired it may be easier to do the opposite.  Light up the outer ring and have the pie chase around.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: CommTech on May 04, 2013, 12:50:29 PM
The leds in the pie are wired 3 in a series with a 150 ohm resistor.  White leds usually run around 3.2 volts for 9.6v total.  12v - 9.6v = 2.4v / 20 mA = 120 ohm so the 150 ohm resistor would be correct for 12 volts.  I'm just trying to walk him through tracing out the wiring.  The ring I suspect is wired totally different depending on if they designed it to be able to control all the leds individually.

CommTech - You are correct that lighting up all the leds would draw a lot of current.  If all the pieces of the pie and the ring around the outside were lit up at once it would draw 2 amps.  You can get a regulated power supply fairly cheap on ebay.  A 12v wall wart will not work because they put out more than 12 volts and would burn out the leds quickly.

Stewie - depending on how the outer ring is wired it may be easier to do the opposite.  Light up the outer ring and have the pie chase around.

Very good.  12 volts and not as much current as I thought.  Thanks for breaking down for me.  :259-
Nice work!   :131-

One for Stewie also ... :259-

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 04, 2013, 01:05:19 PM
Deuce23 - I love that idea! I really don't want the pie to stay on all the time, just chase around mostly, the outside lights im not sure what I want them to do, at this point i'll be happy with any lights lol.
So this would take the same power supply as the topper takes?
I kinda wana wire them together, can a chasing unit be put on the pie?

Thank you CommTech!

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 04, 2013, 02:16:12 PM
You just need a 12 volt regulated power supply rated above 2 amps.  A pc power supply would work also. 

Draw your connector and mark each pin so you don't have to go back and retrace.  Mark which pin is the positive for the pie and then mark which pin each of the negative traces go to.

Are you going to build a frame for it?

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 04, 2013, 02:21:47 PM
A sequencer like this would work. (

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 04, 2013, 06:37:50 PM
yes i plan on building a stand/frame for the two pieces and putting them together. that's one reason i want to wire them all together, that way they are both on the same power plug.  is the plug you recommend big enough for both the topper and wheel? the topper others have recommended are calling for a 12v dc 2 amp plug.

how do i determan a positive and a negative? or are the photos with the arrows showing the wires?

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 04, 2013, 07:57:34 PM
The red arrow points to the positive and the green arrow points to two of the negative. You will have to go around the board and follow the trace that goes from the resistors (little black things with 151 on them) to the pin the plug.  That piece alone has the capability of drawing 2 amps if everything was lit so you would need to add whatever is recommended for the topper to that.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: stewie on May 04, 2013, 10:31:28 PM
AWESOME i think i have a great understanding of this now! I have a power supply from my router that has the 12vdc 2a im looking for, if i cut that and touch the wires to the different pins on the board i should get lights? right? or is that unsafe to do? i have followed most all the traces around, it looks like the bottom row of pins is the ones running most of the lights on the front. the top pins are wired to the traces that go to the back of the board, then they  go to the top connectors that plug into the led's to the front of the glass.

Title: Re: Garfield's It's all about me! Bonus Wheel Slot Machine Topper
Post by: deuce23 on May 05, 2013, 02:52:32 AM
Do you have an ohm meter?  You will need to test the power supply.  Chances are it puts out more than 12 volts and will burn out the leds.  Maybe not right away but sooner than later.  You can search ebay for "12v regulated power supply" and you will get all kinds of hits.  Just chose one that is 5 amp or above.  A PC power supply will also work.  It can more than handle the load and you can get one fairly cheap at MicroCenter or other computer stores.  There is a green wire on the 24 pin connector.  That has to be grounded for the power supply to turn on.  You could wire a switch to it to turn on and off.  On one of the 4 pin connectors you can take the yellow(positive) and the black(negative) and get your 12 volts. 

I believe those traces that run to one of the edge connectors and then loop around control the ring of leds but you will need to see how they are wired to be able to use them.  If you take the screws out of the metal pieces can you take the metal part off and expose the back of the leds?