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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: miket on April 23, 2013, 01:04:08 PM

Title: S plus clear/set chips double check
Post by: miket on April 23, 2013, 01:04:08 PM
OK I am finally ready to attempt this. I have 2 s-plus machines that are $1 token machines that I am going to switch to quarters. They both have DBA's. I have replacement quarter hoppers, comparators and coin slots. One is a Wild Cherry 3CM with chips SS4334 and SP731. The second machine is a Double Diamond 2CM with chips SS6623 and SP1271. I have a 123 clear chip and a set015 chip
My questions are:
What is the clear 123 chip? I have seen lots of references to it but no PSR or it just the newest latest and greatest.....I don't think I need it anyway for what I am doing.

Will the set015 chip work with both games? Or do I need a different chip for the SP1271. From what I understand I just need the set chip for the DBA. I only intend these machines to be coin in/coin out with DBA, no tournaments or progressive

I have read that the SP1271 is a more popular chip.... I have a chip burner can I copy the SP1271, erase the SP731 and reprogram it to a SP1271. I do have a UV eraser also. I realize that more work will need to be done if I change those chips.

I would like to increase the payout on the wild cherry with chip SS4098. Can I erase and re-burn the current SS4334 to the higher payout? Would I be OK asking for a .bin file in the WTB section.

Thanks Mike

Title: Re: S plus clear/set chips double check
Post by: knagl on April 24, 2013, 03:15:14 AM
What is the clear 123 chip? I have seen lots of references to it but no PSR or it just the newest latest and greatest.....I don't think I need it anyway for what I am doing.

The list I have only lists an IVC103 and IVC104 as clear chips for the S+, but who knows.  They pretty much all work the same, though.  Replace your SP ("GAME") chip with the clear chip, power on, press the self-test button once or twice until the numbers start counting up on the displays.  When the counting stops, power off the machine and put your SP/GAME chip back in.

Will the set015 chip work with both games?

Likely, yes.  The SP731 mentions the SET15 by name in the PSR.  The SP1271 doesn't mention the SET15 as a chip that will work for it, but generally speaking, the SET15 will work to enable the bill validator on most SP chips.  Try it -- you won't hurt anything by trying it, and it'll likely work for you.

I have read that the SP1271 is a more popular chip.... I have a chip burner can I copy the SP1271, erase the SP731 and reprogram it to a SP1271. I do have a UV eraser also. I realize that more work will need to be done if I change those chips.

Yes, you could do that, although if your chips are IGT originals they a) may not be erasable, and b) it'd be a shame to do that to original chips (in my worthless opinion).  For the average home user, there really isn't much of a difference between the two chips and there's nothing wrong with having two different SP chips in your two different machines.

I would like to increase the payout on the wild cherry with chip SS4098. Can I erase and re-burn the current SS4334 to the higher payout?

Yes, that's technically possible if you had the correct file.

Would I be OK asking for a .bin file in the WTB section.

Absolutely, 100%, not.  The discussion of buying/selling/trading/solicitation of copyrighted files (which include .bin files containing copyrighted software like the file you're looking for) is strictly prohibited by the Terms of Service ( you agreed to when you registered with the site. 

If we were to permit such discussion, the lawyers for the big slot machine companies would be only too happy to do everything in their power to shut this site down.  It's silly (to me) that they're super-protective of outdated, retired technology that is long past its end-of-life, but it's their right to enforce their copyrights, and they are very trigger happy when it comes to sniffing out illegal activity that pertains to their copyrights.

Title: Re: S plus clear/set chips double check
Post by: miket on April 24, 2013, 12:44:26 PM
What is the clear 123 chip? I have seen lots of references to it but no PSR or it just the newest latest and greatest.....I don't think I need it anyway for what I am doing.

The list I have only lists an IVC103 and IVC104 as clear chips for the S+, but who knows.  They pretty much all work the same, though.  Replace your SP ("GAME") chip with the clear chip, power on, press the self-test button once or twice until the numbers start counting up on the displays.  When the counting stops, power off the machine and put your SP/GAME chip back in.

That's what I saw as well, the clear/set chips I have came with the Wild Cherry machine (SP731). I looked for info on the clear123 chip and nothing. If you search these forums for clear 123 you will find several posts but nothing that says just what it is for. Also a google search brings up several places that sell it as a S+ clear chip. I am going to try and see if it says anything when I read it in the eprom reader. I will post what I find so others will know what a clear123 is.

Title: Re: S plus clear/set chips double check
Post by: coorslight115 on April 25, 2013, 01:25:13 AM
Use the ivc123 if you get stuck in the 61-0 loop...otherwise put it away. Set 15 will do most machines unless you are setting up progressives or tokenization or sas or other crazy foreign money stuff. If you just want to enable the validator after a clear it will work most of the time..