New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: muck on May 31, 2013, 02:52:51 PM

Title: new slot i own
Post by: muck on May 31, 2013, 02:52:51 PM
Hi, I just bought a very old double lucky sevens machine and am going through all the hoops to get it running...  really the only thing so far that required any "hard" work was replacing the battery on the mother board.  It was actually kind of fun...  However, I have cleared all the codeds, the machine seems to be working properly except that it will not begin to accept  ANY money.  In fact, it doesn't even seem as if the bill accpetor or the coin acceptor even have any power...  Though, the bill acceptor seems to be running a test everytime I restart the machine.  Can someone please help me?  Is this even the correct forum for this post?  Thanks, in advance, for anybody's interest in my problem!!!

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: zarobhr on May 31, 2013, 03:20:57 PM
Please Post some pics so we can see what you have

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: cowboygames on May 31, 2013, 03:21:08 PM
After a battery change you'll need a programming chip to set the machine denomination and enable the Bill Validator. Post a wanted to buy ad here in the classifieds with a picture of the front of your machine and one of our many vendors will hook you up. Make sure to get instructions with the chip or come back here and we'll walk you through it.

And welcome to NLG!

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on May 31, 2013, 03:41:30 PM
That's a very big relief.  Thank you guys very much...

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: knagl on June 01, 2013, 02:06:14 AM
Is this (roughly) the game you have?



If so, you will need a SET chip to re-enable the bill validator.  It should accept coins now, however, and we can help you with that, but I want to make sure it's the right type of machine before taking the time to post troubleshooting stuff.

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 02, 2013, 11:51:00 PM
Yes, this is roughly the machine I own.  Thank you for replying...  One thing, however, is that I can't get it to accept coins at all.  In fact, I have to force the coins through.  Anyways, I am open to hearing how I go about getting this machine working.  If you can, please tell me how to start....  Thanks, again...

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: knagl on June 03, 2013, 01:16:08 AM
I'm going to move this topic to the IGT S+ category since I believe that's the kind of machine you have.

For starters, there needs to be a sample coin in the Coin Comparator located on the inside side of the door, below the coin slot.  Is there a quarter (or nickel or whatever denomination your machine is) being held in place in the comparator?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 03, 2013, 01:19:10 AM
Yes, I believe I have now put a quarter in the comparator...

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: knagl on June 03, 2013, 01:21:22 AM

Since we're not there, you'll really need to be descriptive in what exactly the machine is or isn't doing.  What do you mean by saying that you have to "force coins through"?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 03, 2013, 01:23:42 AM
I mean, I literally have to open the door and slide the mechanism aside to that allows the coin to pass through, which immediately sends the coin through the reject tube...  If that's what it's called...

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: knagl on June 03, 2013, 01:28:23 AM
That thing that you're sliding is where the sample coin should be -- there should be a quarter that sits in there 100% of the time.  Slide the thing to the side, insert a coin, and slide it back into place. (

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: cowboygames on June 03, 2013, 01:29:10 AM
Do you have a sample coin inserted behind that slide you're moving?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 03, 2013, 01:32:16 AM
Yes, now I do...

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: jay on June 03, 2013, 02:12:37 AM
So you say you have the quarter in now...... so is it working, whats it doing ?

Here is a thread with some better pictures.;topicseen#new (;topicseen#new)

If your machine is having a hard time dropping coins through it is possible that its not setup for quarters.
There are small shimms that they put on the optics to ensure smaller coins slide through the center of the optics.

I might suggest swapping your quarter out for pennies. The coin should at least fall smoothly though.
Once we get it registering credits we can work on getting your desired coins working.

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 03, 2013, 02:38:46 AM
Okay, I did the part where I push the small white button and the machine registered credits....  However, it is still rejecting the coins...  I also adjusted the sensitivity of it with the small screw one spins...  still the machine rejects the coins...  Any ideas?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: jay on June 03, 2013, 02:45:53 AM
Is the harness plugged in ?
What kind of coin comparitor CC-16 or 13 ?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 03, 2013, 03:08:31 AM
Yes, harness is plugged in and there is no identification number on the comparator... Bit does have a date of 6/94, though...  You are kind to be helping me like this... 

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: jay on June 03, 2013, 03:21:20 AM
picture ?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 03, 2013, 08:09:00 PM
Okay, so I had the machine accepting coins and the reels spinning, thanks to you guys.  But, now when a winning combination lands the machine locks up and just continues to make noises like its spitting out a jackpot yet nothing comes out.  I shut the thing off because it was the middle of the night and now when I turn it on the reels spin but the hopper makes a noise like it is jammed.  Sound familiar?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: shortrackskater on June 03, 2013, 09:21:19 PM
Maybe the hopper IS jammed. It will slide right out. Power the machine down and slide the hopper out and give it a good visual inspection. Is the hopper filled?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 04, 2013, 03:47:33 AM
Okay, so I got that fixed...  Now the machine seems to be working fine except for one more thing....  When I put coins in and spin the reels, everything seems to work fine until I hit some spin that actually pays.  Then the machine just starts beeping as if its paying out but no coins actually get paid out...  Any ideas?  And, by the way, you guys have been so helpful.  I super appreciate you taking them time to help me, a guy you have never met.  Thanks, again...  MUCK

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: cowboygames on June 04, 2013, 07:53:05 AM
It doesn't have any limits set as far as how many coins the hopper can pay before wins go to attendant hand pay so it's waiting for you to turn the jackpot rest key clockwise one time to acknowledge the win would be my guess

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 04, 2013, 10:47:25 AM
No, you are so right...  That's exactly the issue.  What I am trying to figure out is how to set those limits.  I have been through the self tests yet I don't think my old machine has the same test numbers as the book I am reading says it shpuld.  Are you familiar with the programming cod the hand pays and payouts?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: CVslots on June 04, 2013, 12:38:15 PM
To help you change the limits, you will need to tell us what SP chip you are running. Turn off machine, open door, pull MPU (silver tray, approx 12"x14", stands up on edge, left side of hopper). Your software will be labeled SS----, and SP----, for example, SS4234 & SP871.

If you can do this, we can get you set up in no time.

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 04, 2013, 01:07:29 PM
Okay, I found it...  SP-1048 and SS-6739.  Do these sound like what you are asking me for?

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: CVslots on June 04, 2013, 02:10:48 PM
Yes! Those are the ones! The SS chip determines your the game percentage, and the SP is like an Operating System for the game. Different SP chips allow different options. Now lets see if we can find some info on your SP1048.  :89-

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: CVslots on June 04, 2013, 02:21:44 PM
Here ya go...found the PSR for SP1048 in the Download section. Read it over and you'll get a feel for the layout of the menus you see when you go in.;sa=view;down=1087 (;sa=view;down=1087)

Also, here is a post that explains the basics of PSRs and how to read them. If you open the zip file at the bottom, it is a well laid out walk-through of PSrs in general. once you get the idea of what you will be doing, you will be able to make the changes in your machine. The change you are looking for is the Hopper Limit, since it sounds like yours may be set to Zero. (

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 04, 2013, 02:26:35 PM
I cannot thank you and the others enough for all your help...  This has been a fun and interesting journey so far thanks to everyone's kindness..  MUCK

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: CVslots on June 04, 2013, 02:37:00 PM
Glad you're enjoying yourself! Didn't mean to send you a bunch of homework, but if you're going to keep this machine, you should be familiar with it. And plus you can apply the knowledge to the next machine you buy....and the next one....and the next one!!!

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: muck on June 04, 2013, 02:39:06 PM
I gather I am not the first to find this all very fascinating.  I was just thinking how much fun it would be to have a garage full of these machines and I will always remember my first!!!
Also, I'm sure this won't be the last time I refer o this site and I look forward to more communications here!

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: shortrackskater on June 04, 2013, 03:15:09 PM
I have 9 machines in my room and 4 in the garage! I can't stop... I think I need to find a 12 step program.  :97-

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: cowboygames on June 04, 2013, 03:44:51 PM
9+4=13, you've already accomplished and exceeded the 12 step program. You need to work on the 15  or 18 step program now :89-

Title: Re: new slot i own
Post by: shortrackskater on June 04, 2013, 10:22:36 PM
9+4=13, you've already accomplished and exceeded the 12 step program. You need to work on the 15  or 18 step program now :89-

Actually I didn't include my Vest Pockets...that adds at least 4 more...well, one works great, one gets by...sort of...and then there's a few more in various states of disrepair! I don't know how this all just started with ONE! Then...just like rabbits...

 :145- :109- :145- :109- :145- :109- :145- :109-