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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 01:11:07 PM

Title: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 01:11:07 PM
The title about explains the question.
The machine is running fine as-is, just wondering what adding the Media board and a simm would do?
The game is all eprom (7 of them) right now.  Is adding the media board a simple plug'n play like adding it to an s2000?
Lastly, do you use the "general" 42 sound simm?  or?

Thanks all  :89-

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: CVslots on June 18, 2013, 01:44:19 PM
The software set you are running now has sound chips in it. They are labeled SWCxxxxxx. The sound SIMM for a spinning reel slot will not add anything, as it wouldn't know when to make each sound. You can try it if you have one handy, as I don't think it will hurt it, but to my knowledge, it won't work unfortunately.

You might play around with some different sound chips, if you're feeling creative. We have a few different sets I believe. I believe SWC000046 was kind of the generic sound chip for the GK 4.0. (I think that's the number anyway!)

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: 4 Deuces on June 18, 2013, 05:57:59 PM
Guessing here ... I would think you would lose the sounds associated with the Black Rhino, Diamond Mine, Super 8 Race, etc.  It's possible that if you put a GK5 simm in it that you will get some of the sounds (like Super 8 Race), but that simm doesn't have Diamond Mine.  My guess is you will lose sounds rather than gain new ones.  Would be interesting to try ... I can try it at home this weekend.


Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 07:10:01 PM
I was just wondering being the current setup does not have a MML board.
I assumed that it would gain something, but if it would loose... That's makes it an easy decision to let it as-is.
I mentioned #42 being its the 'universal' s2000 SIMM.... Figured it might be the same for a GK.

I guess the current 4.0 version is the best for a mix of poker/slots/keno with BJ without upgrading boards and getting into 6.x.
I'd love to have Cleo Keno that's in 5.x, but I do not want to loose slots and other Keno's at that expense....   30 or 40 pokers is too many imho

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: Buzz on June 18, 2013, 07:40:08 PM
One thing to keep in mind is if it's a reel game the simm will be a DSV*****,  but a video game it's a DSS***** One day just for grins I put a DSS Tabasco in a Tabasco reel game. it didn't work.

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 07:44:56 PM
Good to know that DSS vs DSV detail.

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: Yoeddy1 on June 18, 2013, 08:56:54 PM
Yeah, with 4.x, stick to the MML board and sound EPROMs that go with the set.  MML2 and the appropriate sound SIMM are for the 5.x games.


Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 09:42:33 PM
Ya, i plan to let it be for now.

Just for future reference...

The cabinet is a 17" that has already been upgraded to a 17" LCD, and was originally an iGame (I assume) being it did not have a Bet-1 button on the deck.  (I since added one)
What rough price range would I be in to upgrade to a 44 and 6.x?
Based on what I read here, it'd be a main board, a back board?, and then the software Simm set?
Is there any other 'gotcha's' or similar wtf's that can go wrong with a conversion?

Just thinking ahead for Xmas... it'd be a nice gift option.

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: Yoeddy1 on June 18, 2013, 09:58:07 PM
I think you're approaching 2 grand for a 6.x machine all shopped out.  Maybe I'm wrong.  One of the vendors will chime in.


Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 10:54:58 PM
I know that's what whole machines go for, I was meaning doing a conversion to this one.
44 main board, back pane, and software...  Unless I'm missing something, I think the conversion can be done.  :103-

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: Yoeddy1 on June 18, 2013, 11:05:23 PM
A grand?


Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 11:12:30 PM
Ouch  :37-

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: laneman on June 18, 2013, 11:41:31 PM
Heres a cheap option if you are willing to take a gamble... (

If its a 256 flashboard you could have it re programed to GK 6.0.
Did you get another GK?

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 11:50:14 PM
Sup Laneman!
Picked up a chop top with LCD for my uncle.  Has 4.0 in it but the price was really right.
Just thinking ahead for the inevedable upgrade... You know how that goes

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 18, 2013, 11:53:55 PM
Just looked at that ad... Estonia?
Wow, ya, roll of the dice I'd assume

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: 4 Deuces on June 19, 2013, 12:17:07 AM
imho, upgrading to 044 is not worth the money.  Games are the same with slightly newer graphics.  I'm going to upgrade when the prices drop.

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: laneman on June 19, 2013, 12:29:10 AM
If it was me...
If it has the 3902 board I would just make it a GK 5.0 then you would have two different machines.Unless you really like other 044 games or must have GK6.x I dont think its worth the money to convert.
I bet it came from a place in Ohio...  :)

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: hotrod777 on June 19, 2013, 12:57:36 AM
I think it will be staying a 39 board machine for now.  Money isn't growing very well this season...

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: laneman on June 19, 2013, 02:29:09 AM
I dont blame you.
You could probably pick up GK 5.0 software fairly cheap.That would closer to GK 6.x than what you have.

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: knagl on June 19, 2013, 02:51:48 AM
Yeah, with 4.x, stick to the MML board and sound EPROMs that go with the set. 

Agreed.  The 4.x Game King set uses an EPROM add-on for the sounds, not a SIMM.  It's a good addition to the game, though, as you get the extra sounds for the slot games, Caveman Keno, and the like.

Title: Re: What will a sound simm add to GK4.0?
Post by: brianfink on June 20, 2013, 09:36:43 AM
I recently bought the upgraded boards with 6.2 from a local vender cost me 650$ for both boards and the new key chip. The software works great takes quite a while to start up but other than that I am very happy with it.