New Life Games Tech Forums

**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Bally 5000, 5500 and Others. => Topic started by: Phil on March 25, 2009, 12:10:49 AM

Title: Bally EVO Saferam clear?!?!
Post by: Phil on March 25, 2009, 12:10:49 AM
The main cpu board on my Bally EVO fried so i had to replace it, after doing so and doing a ramclear as the manual says i keep getting errors as first i can't change the current eeprom settings so since i can't change them it resets and tell me to do it again. After that th nect message i get is a "Main saferam signature corrupted saferam clear is required" its like a never ending circle! Has anyone ever done a clear on this and if so HELP!!! or even if you have an EVO machine get back to me...

BALLY WAYNE! help me...

Thanks guys!!!!! :103-

Title: Re: Bally EVO Saferam clear?!?!
Post by: a69mopar on March 25, 2009, 10:13:24 PM
Hi Phil,
   You need to switch both dipsw1 dip switches 7 and 8 on for it to clear the eeprom also.  try this and it should let you change the other settings.  Please let us know how you make out.


Title: Re: Bally EVO Saferam clear?!?!
Post by: Phil on March 26, 2009, 12:32:23 AM
Tried that before and i tried tonight again 3 times and i still get the same message. Battery Voltage is good...

Anyone else have any ideas...

Wayne, I'll call you Thurs..


Title: Re: Bally EVO Saferam clear?!?!
Post by: Phil on March 28, 2009, 11:28:12 PM
The main problem I'm having now is when it comes up to the Jurisdiction menu i can't change that or any other options there. Juridction #5 is Vegas odds correct?

Does anyone out there even have an EVO and if so what is your menu setup as...

Thanks And Cheers!