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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => SIGMA Reel Games. => Topic started by: Randy0777 on April 05, 2009, 11:11:53 PM

Title: Sigma 300 progressive
Post by: Randy0777 on April 05, 2009, 11:11:53 PM
I'm setting up a Sigma with a single progressive in the top glass... But I would also like to set up four of them to run off one meter. And was wondering if if any one has something like this set up and what I might need ?

Title: Re: Sigma 300 progressive
Post by: jay on April 06, 2009, 01:23:07 AM
You need a link controller.
The least expensive is a CON1.
You can buy these to link  1,4,8,16, or 32 machines.
You can then get smaller in machine meters. You use a Cham1 device called a LED5.
If you want a larger over head display you can use a Cham4 device called a LED4

In my configuration I have 3 small displays one for each slot.
I then use a device called a gateway to display the progressive amount on my video poker instead of the word Jackpot.
I have a 1x2 overhead sign. This is two display panels one row high, each panel is 4" tall by 16" long... so the overall display is 32" and with the cabinet its 36" wide.
I also have a 1 x 10 sign aprox 14' long.

Kicking it up a notch you would use a CON2 and Cham2 meters for in machine displays and supreme meters for overhead.
The supreme meters can display graphic sequences.

I run mine with IGT machines. I havent' dug into this to see if Sigma is supported but it probably is.
There is a CON1 manual in the Submit a new file area if you want to have a read.

Title: Re: Sigma 300 progressive
Post by: Randy0777 on April 06, 2009, 03:00:25 AM
 Thanks Jay :25- I have 12 of them (Smokin 7's) that were set up with a progressive. As of now, I have no progressives running...and the above machines ,they have been stripped of all the prog. items  :89-  If its only one board that would be the difference between 4 or 8,then I would like 8  :96- . As you can tell,they were set for prog. I read under the progressive section  earlier,but never having one .. it was like Greek  :103-

EDIT...Oh,I want the meter above the machines...All tied into one

Title: Re: Sigma 300 progressive
Post by: jay on April 06, 2009, 01:41:25 PM
The CON1 is just a silver box, with one board.
It has been my experience that once some of this equipment is surplus that the price would not differ much if any between a 4 port and a 32 port.
Joey our forum host had a bunch of them. His number is in the top right.

The wiring is rather simple. You have 2 wires that run to each slot. This connects to a COIN IN and GND. The GND is common between all.
A momentary short of the two pins increments the progressive and a long short triggers the jackpot sequence.
The connector is a 33pin connector. 1 pin is gnd and the others are for each of the machines.

There is a similar connector for the display out. You have 9 wires. 1 pin is gnd and the others go to each display controller... again a 2 wire connection. I beleive the protocol is RS422.
With 1 over head display you are again just using 2 wires.

The Over Head controller is commonly known as a LED4. Often callled a Cham4 and the board is stamped with a Cham44 notation. So if you are on Ebay looking for parts look for Mikohn and any of those other names. Again Joey might be a good first call.

The display controller is a Power supply, with a board mounted on top. The board takes the 2 wire input from the CON1 and as noted it is a serial form of communication, and then it has a Ribbon cable that feeds the first display panel. Each subsequent panel then just daisy chains via vi a ribbon cables. You need 1 power supply for about every 4 panels. Common sizes are 1 x 2 and 1 x 3. Noting that the EPROM on the LED4 controller must be the right one for the number of panels. For instance hooking up 3 panels to a LED4 with a 1x2 chip only displays on 2 panels.  You can always swap eproms so that is not a big concern.

SLOT ---------- CON1 -------  LED4 --- overhead display
SLOT ----------         --------- LED4 --- another overhead display
SLOT ----------         --------- LED5 --- small display perhaps mounted in a slot
etc    ----------         --------- etc

Again - download the manual and make sure this equipment is compatiable with your Sigmas.

A similar configuration can be done with a CON2 and the Supreme displays.
I just noticed there is a CON2 manual there as well.

Please note the CON2 prices are about 3x that of the CON1.

Title: Re: Sigma 300 progressive
Post by: Randy0777 on April 07, 2009, 12:25:46 AM
Thanks again Jay  :131-  Playing with it now