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General NLG Chat => Home Game Rooms. => Topic started by: cowboygames on October 21, 2013, 10:35:52 PM

Title: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 21, 2013, 10:35:52 PM
I added to the collection today. Mint condition top to bottom. Thank you VERY much Barry! Packed and shipped beautifully and at a fantastic price :89-

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 21, 2013, 10:37:09 PM
More pics

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: Harvs on October 21, 2013, 10:44:41 PM
Nice, congrats!  I would love to have that or anything but six.

Harvs   :133-

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: PEGASUS on October 21, 2013, 10:56:59 PM
Red-Hottie is better than anything but six but still a good one.

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: BR549 Auto Sales on October 21, 2013, 11:00:25 PM
+1 for Barry. He's a top notch guy and I myself have bought several games from him at fantastic prices, everything in top notch shape too. Karma to the king!

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 22, 2013, 12:20:43 AM
Yep, it was a real pleasure to do business with him and in the markets I get to shop in $1600 was a very good price for the machine. Probably a very good price in other markets as well I think, being as this is the first time I've ever seen one for sale and then it's like brand new on top of it. I was doing this :136- today when I got it uncrated and plugged in :89-

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: CaptainHappy on October 22, 2013, 04:01:36 AM


Glad to see that you got your new and unique toy! It couldn't have gone to a better home!

Have fun!

CH :95-

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: shortrackskater on October 22, 2013, 09:49:11 PM
 :3- :3- NICE GAME!  :3- :3-

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: PEGASUS on October 22, 2013, 09:50:46 PM
I want my toy back---- :8-,  Already miss it.   :279-

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 22, 2013, 10:13:21 PM
If you try to take my new toy then you're gonna have to deal with my security team  :282- :107- :282- They enjoy their work...

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: DannyG804 on October 22, 2013, 11:35:12 PM
 :244- :244- :244- awesome looking game! Congrats! Cowboy has helped many of us here so I can say he deserves this deal/game.

 :259- for sharing!


Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 23, 2013, 12:06:38 AM
Thanks Danny, always enjoy the opportunity to be able to help people. As far as "deserve" this deal, I don't know, but I think I was very fortunate to have seen Barry's ad right after he posted it for sale and have the financial ability to get the deal done. Just wish I like end closer to where these deals are, shipping's a b**ch for one time shippers...who live 15 miles past the edge of the world...with no common carriers close by...

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: staz on October 23, 2013, 08:51:39 AM
cowboy   :105-  great game to play....... im saving my pennies for barry's new toy he has :89- when he decides to sell it.......

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: 4 Deuces on October 23, 2013, 01:06:38 PM
 :38-  Bet it makes cool sounds.  Congratulations!  :Dave

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: KirkLasVegas on October 23, 2013, 01:35:20 PM
Thats one I have not seen or played! looks like a really nice machine!!!


Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 23, 2013, 01:54:21 PM
Well Kirk, you guys are stateside now, so grab the wife and come this way and we'll entertain you for a few days. Gimme a chance to return thefavor :89- Besides, you're the one that got me started on this, remember? Lol, not complaining one bit

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: KirkLasVegas on October 23, 2013, 02:54:28 PM
We will have to do that. I SO miss my "collection" of machines.I need to get another IGT GameKing ASAP.That would fill a "Void"......a lot of games in a small package.
It's good to be back. Hawaii is indeed a BEAUTIFUL place to VISIT.We tried it....we gave it a chance.I think everyone should at least visit there once.They have a ZERO tolerance for anything that resembles a "Gambling device". The news showed busts all the time of people setting up "Cherrymaster" machines in home gambling places.
Costs...this was a BIG one. Our power bills averaged $500-600 a month! this was to run a large fan all day and a 1 ton A/C unit at night (to sleep).Gasoline is $4.65 a gallon. A loaf of bread is $4.98. Milk costs more than gasoline.Food....ANY meal will cost you at least $12 per person to start with, a Burger/Fries/Drink will cost you about $14..unless you want to eat at McDonalds..then it will be about $8.Kona has Walmart,Costco,Kmart,Target. Without them prices would be off the charts.
Bugs/Vermin...Hawaii is INFESTED with Centipedes,millipedes,Scorpions,Brown Recluse Spider,Flying beetles,Geckos,Mice/rats,Ticks/fleas and the Mongoose.You MUST sleep with a flashlight and use it if you get up at night to hit the restroom,kitchen.The Geckos will piss and shit on everything you own.
Fungus....People run around with close to nothing on (men and women) Men go "Commando" and women braless, no panties.While people from the mainland think this is to be sexy (well it can be) if your not VERY careful you will wind up with a fungus problem! You WILL sweat night and day.
Salt air and "VOG" (volcanic gas) as well as humidity will DESTROY anything metal.Forget about electronic equipment. A TV that will last 15 years in Nevada won't last 3 years in Hawaii.I had stainless steel items rust corrode! I have to clean anything metal I brought back with metal polish...plugs,connectors,tools.I had a dehumidifier running 24/7 in the garage..that alone saved my test equipment.
The good part....EVERY day is a wonderful day! temps from 68 to 85 year round.If it will stop in 20 minutes. Sunsets are fantastic.The winds are fresh and clean, the water temp is always nice.Hearing the waves crash all night is comforting. Crime is low.Traffic (on the big island) close to non existant.The night sky is usually cloudy, but when it's not it's spectacular.If you like fish (Poke) your in for a treat.Scenery is AMAZING..the visitors wear swimwear they would NEVER wear at home! Nonstop parade of fantastic women (OK..a few 300 pounders in spandex)'s OK..they FEEL sexy...don't ruin it for them. You can ride your harley in a bikini if you want, no helmet law and speeds around 35MPH.Running around in swimwear/wet is perfectly acceptable. You can walk into the nicest eateries that way. no one cares what you look like.If you work more than 20 hours a week your employer MUST provide you with health insurance! To get around this they will hire TWO people and work them 20 hours cover a 40 hour workweek. Roads in Hawaii are usually in nice condition, no potholes like California and Nevada. Animals are considered Family/Ohana  and are welcome in most places. I took my Corgi to Walmart a lot, they all knew him there...LOVED HIM..
The BAD part....Everything is pricey,everything you buy on Ebay will cost you a fortune shipped to Hawaii. Hawaiian gasoline is will get the worst mileage you have ever seen (unless you buy Ethanol free fuel).Things will rust and corrode before your eyes.Once you have lived there a year, you will be bored to tears..nothing to do and the place closes up at 9:00PM.AM-FM radio SUCKS in Kona, satellite radio does not work there.There is ONE TV station KLEI-TV6 and they play shit.Cable TV is a must and Time Worthless Cable knows this and gouges you.Hawaii taxes ANY transaction.People there are LAZY! They tell you they will be there at 10:00AM...if they show up by 2:00PM  you got a good one, some don't show up at all (surf was good that day).If you have allergies the VOG will screw with you. Depends on the winds..some days are awesome...some are awful. Consider your car a "Throwaway"'s going to turn to shit.If you wash it and wax it a can delay the inevitable.Forget about "Buffets" close to non-existant. Pizza Hut has one...$12 per person! Most places do not have salad bars...cost too much to run profit saladbar.Forget about owning a gun...oh you CAN have one after you jump thru a number of hoops,you just can't take it anywhere or use it.
This was quite the experiance. were glad we tried it, we had a good time overall, were glad to be back in Nevada.
I look forward to a new collection of machines, seeing my friends and everything we missed about Nevada...
Were back :)

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: cowboygames on October 23, 2013, 03:11:51 PM
And we're glad to have you back! Knowing you, it won't take you all that long to build the collection back up. And what a nice collection it was :244- You oughta find out if there are any of these Red Hotties in Vegas anymore. It's a very fun, volatile and great sounding game and the bonus round is a variation of the Top Dollar platform. As you can see in the pictures, Barry decked this one out with the red flames on the sides of the top box, a very nice touch that really enhances the appearance of the machine and the 4th reel option to spin and try to go directly to the Red Hottie bonus round is a lot of fun.

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: Ron (r273) on October 23, 2013, 03:38:57 PM
Kirk, this sounds like when I was stationed in Guam in the late 60's early 70's. Only different there were no Wal-Mart ,Costco, Kmart, Target.

You forgot to mention wild boars and earth tremors too.

Welcome back.  :88-

Ron (r273)

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: KirkLasVegas on October 23, 2013, 04:04:59 PM
Thats true Ron....
Not many quakes or tremors as it's all rock there, they do feel them on the Hilo side...
A LOT of "Loadies" there...people stoned on POT or ICE...
The biggest problem for Police there is drunken family members fighting, then ALL of them turn on the police when they arrive.
I had this one idiot that would put her African Grey parrot and another piece of shit bird out from 5:30AM to sundown in their front yard to squak,beep,scream,whistle ALL DAY LONG. Had another one get on the phone at 2AM to argue with HIS HUSBAND...yes..thats not a typo. His husband was in Ohio and the two would fight on the phone...yelling 5/6/8 letter insults at each other for hours. Since everyone sleeps with windows open..we all hear it.
Another neighbor was too lazy to haul trash to the at night he would BURN IT in his yard...illegal what....
SO......back to closed windows, 9 tons of A/C $250 power bills...and night time bliss :)

Thanks for the welcome back :)

Title: Re: My new toy
Post by: daydreamer on October 29, 2013, 09:50:45 AM
Paradise sounds like a nightmare! Life is too short to be so miserable.

Welcome back to the mainland!
