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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: TheChad on November 22, 2013, 04:37:10 PM

Title: 3X 4X 5X Double Times Pay 5-line
Post by: TheChad on November 22, 2013, 04:37:10 PM
Hey all,

I just upgreaded my 2-Coin Double Diamond machine to a 3X 4X 5X Double Times Pay 5-Line game kit!

Everything went pretty smooth getting it installed thanks to Roslyn's help after clearing the machine!

Now that it's up and running, I think something's wrong with either the order I have the reels installed, or the SB or something because It doesn't seem as thought it's paying out correctly..

IE: on 1 line I got 3-Bar, 3-Bar, 3-Bar which should have paid out 30 coins.  Instead it paid out 10.

I have SB101140 Installed with SG000363's.

Looking at this page:

It lists the following for my game:

IGT SB101140 DBL 3X 4X 5X PAY SG000363 U21 27C4002 0P95
IGT SB101141 DBL 3X4X5X TIMES SG000363 U21 27C4002 0805
IGT SB101142 DBL 3X4X5X TIMES SG000363 U21 27C4002 U92P
IGT SB101143 DBL 3X4X5X TIMES SG000363 U21 27C4002 3673

I don't know what the difference in SB's is?  or if there different for 1-line, 5-line, 9-line?

I bought the kit from Roslyn (Central Valley Slots) so I have no doubt she gave me the correct SB, I'm just trying to figure out what I did wrong?

2 of the reel strips are the same, and 1 is different, I have the 2 identical strips installed in Reel 1 & 2, and the 3rd reel has the odd reel strip.

I know in the I/O Test screen you can test the reel locations, is there a document/webpage somewhere that would tell me what the reels for this game are suppose to display at a said reel stop setting?



Title: Re: 3X 4X 5X Double Times Pay 5-line
Post by: rickhunter on November 22, 2013, 05:01:35 PM
The strip with the clumped 3x4x5x goes in the middle.

Title: Re: 3X 4X 5X Double Times Pay 5-line
Post by: TheChad on November 23, 2013, 03:42:40 AM
The strip with the clumped 3x4x5x goes in the middle.

Say what?

I figured it out.... Reel #1 has a 3X on it, reel #2 has a 4x on it and reel #3 has a 5X on it!  (Makes since right!)

I had the 5x strip on reel #1 and the 3x strip on reel #3, so I switched them!

There is only one of each of those symbols on each of the reels...  Not sure what you mention by "clumped together"?


Title: Re: 3X 4X 5X Double Times Pay 5-line
Post by: rickhunter on November 23, 2013, 05:05:42 AM
sorry, Thought it was a clone of super lucky times pay which also has 2x3x4x5x symbols on it.