New Life Games Tech Forums

CLOSED TOPICS => New Life Games Classifieds for 12-1-2013 => Topic started by: Forrhouse on December 09, 2013, 05:28:49 PM

Title: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: Forrhouse on December 09, 2013, 05:28:49 PM
Introducing ExoSpin (See Picture below)

     ExoSpin allows users of the S2000 enhanced hardware setup, 0127 processor board, to backup
their 0127 based flash boards.  (R Boards)  
    ExoSpin, like our 039 Simm burner and 044 Flash board burner, has a moduler design and
has a powder coated steel case. Using a USB 2.0 cable, the user can send backed up programs
from his or her computer to a flash board on the burner or save a program from a flash board to
their computer.  ExoSpin is also powered by the same USB cable.   Its software is easy to use and
is layed out in the same way that our 039 Simm burner and 044 Flash board burners are.  
So if the user is already familiar with either of our other burners then he or she will feel right at home
upon their 1st use of ExoSpin. Software updates are free.  

    Upon its initial release ExoSpin will ship with drivers that are Windows XP compatible.
Windows 7 32 & 64 bit drivers as well as Windows 8 drivers are coming soon.

This unit comes with a 6 foot USB 2.0 cable, an operation manual, a cd with drivers and software that is used
to run the unit.  

Price is $1900 US plus shipping.

Please Note: We do NOT condone or endorse illegal copying and or distribution of Copyrighted materials.
Our burners are sold for the sole purposes of backing up or restoring / repairing games that one already
legally owns.

Title: Re: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: Neonkiss on December 09, 2013, 08:17:50 PM


Title: Re: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: 777sizzler on December 09, 2013, 09:31:55 PM
Had wondered if anything like this exisited as I have a few r-board based machines and some misc. r-boards.  I have actually dabbled with all these things for years with the brother in law.  From what I have seen this is a first?  (I read a lot).   I do not have the market for this but would love to have it-- :37-.  My first smiley post!  Hope it takes- Winston.

Title: Re: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: Forrhouse on December 09, 2013, 09:45:17 PM
Neonkiss & 777sizzler I'm glad that you like what you see. A lot of hard work went into building this unit.
It's a great feeling when people appreciate you work.

Merry Christmas &  Happy New Year,

Title: Re: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: 777sizzler on December 09, 2013, 09:50:16 PM
Well same to you.   :259- and  :292-.  Getting the hang of smiley posts now. 

Title: Re: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: Neonkiss on December 09, 2013, 10:29:13 PM
Neonkiss & 777sizzler I'm glad that you like what you see. A lot of hard work went into building this unit.
It's a great feeling when people appreciate you work.

Merry Christmas &  Happy New Year,

I've been a really good boy this year.
I hope Santa brings me one.

Title: Re: Introducing ExoSpin 0127 Flash based R Board Burner
Post by: Forrhouse on December 11, 2013, 06:12:43 PM