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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT Fortune 1 Sircoma/Poker. => Topic started by: dirtysanchez on February 06, 2014, 05:04:05 PM

Title: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: dirtysanchez on February 06, 2014, 05:04:05 PM
Hello all, new member here.  I came across what I believe to be an IGT Fortune 1.  The monitor is dead.  I purchased a GBS-8200 CGA/EGA/YUV TO VGA video converter and attempted to hook up an LCD.  The best I can get is an image streaked diagonally across the screen, but you can make out the cards, suits, and a bit of text.  This leads me to believe that the mainboard is sending out good video.  I have read most of the threads here and it appears this particular machine uses reverse sync (or something non-standard).

Two questions.  First, can anyone tell me exactly what this machine is?  As I stated earlier, I believe it to be a Fortune 1.  Secondly, what are my options, if any, for swapping in an LCD monitor, or is a replacement CRT the only solution?

Thank you very much for your time.

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: RiseLikeRa on February 08, 2014, 01:22:10 AM

Welcome to the almost deserted Fortune 1 forum.  I JUST bought my fortune 1 only a few months ago so I am far from and expert.  I will say that if you are getting some kind of image with a LCD switch you are doing better than most.  As far as what kind of game you have I would say Fortune 1 one model later.  There should be an ID tag on the right side of the cabinet or inside next to the hopper.  The reason for my guestimate are your hold/cancel buttons.  My machine is definately an older  Fortune 1 and only has hold buttons for the cards with a seperate cancel button the cancels ALL of the held cards at once.  If you get the LCD to work guys would be lining up to your door.  Best of luck and keep us posted.


Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: dirtysanchez on February 08, 2014, 05:17:04 PM
Thanks for the reply.  It's a shame the Fortune I forum is almost deserted, they are great little machines from what I've seen.  Have people moved on to newer stuff or what?

Anyway, I was curious if anyone has tried (or if it's even possible) to do the PE LCD conversion listed on the PE forum?  I know the mainboards are different, but was wondering if the same chip can be swapped out on a Fortune 1.  I'll give the mainboard a close look and see if it's even a possibility.  I'm no electronics genius though, so I doubt this will go anywhere.

If not, what are my other options?  Is the 15" LCD drop in replacement that Ceronix sells compatible with the Fortune 1?  Is it even possible to buy replacement CRT units anymore?  Is it even possible that someone more knowledgeable than myself could repair the existing CRT?  Everything else works on my machine, you can play, it pays out, etc., just no output on the screen.

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: RiseLikeRa on February 08, 2014, 05:26:32 PM
Lots of questions, few answers.  I just hate to see someone send out a post and there is no response.  I think people did move on to newer games.  I am in a 30 year state for gaming machines and the Fortune 1 is my only option to stay on the right side of right.  I believe one of the best techs with these is a guy named Larry Weber out of Nevada.  He has a phone number online and in one of these posts in this forum.  K-lar is his site I think.  I do see some CRT's on ebay from time to time although most of them are broken.  Good luck if you get it converted I want one.


Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: dirtysanchez on February 08, 2014, 05:42:47 PM
Thanks again for the reply.  Pretty sure I also read something about using the inverter board from Mike's Arcade to invert the colors, and I could build the custom circuit from the PE LCD thread to invert and combine the sync.  I'll probably give that a try and see if I can make it work.  I will definitely report back here whether it's a success or failure.

I have also seen CRT's on FeeBay here and there, always broken (or at least the ones I have seen). 

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: dirtysanchez on February 10, 2014, 07:42:51 PM
Well, after doing A LOT of research and finding what little is out there on the Internet, I'm going to give this a shot.  It will be a three step process.  First the colors need to be inverted, for this I will use the Nintendo color inverter board from Mike's Arcade (NININVAMP).  Secondly the separate sync signals will need to be inverted and combined.  To do this, I will be building the custom circuit described in the PE+ LCD thread in the PE+ subforum.  Finally, I will feed the inverted color and sync (which should now be standard CGA) into the GBS-8200 CGA-to-VGA upscaler.

Logic tells me this should work, but you never know with these old machines.  Of course I will report progress here so others can do the same if it works.  Wish me luck!

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: RiseLikeRa on February 10, 2014, 09:28:30 PM
Best of Luck!!!  We all are waiting to see that wonderful working LCD screem working in your Fortune 1


Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: dirtysanchez on February 11, 2014, 02:43:36 PM
All the parts are on order, so we will know soon enough.  The color inverter board from Mike's Arcade said two week delivery time though.  That said, when the sync inverter parts arrive in a day or two I will build the sync inverter circuit and see if I can get it all working with inverted colors, then add the color inverter board in when it finally arrives.  I should have an update by this weekend.

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: RiseLikeRa on February 11, 2014, 05:55:39 PM
 You are WAY ahead of all others.  We are standing by for your results.  2 weeks is a short time ti wait to upgrade a 30 year old game.  I will buy your second screen off of you right away.


Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: dirtysanchez on February 25, 2014, 03:21:47 PM
Well, so far I've had about as much luck as others, but I'm still plugging away at it.  The color inverter from Mike's Arcade works flawlessly, the colors are perfect.  Sync is the issue.  I've breadboarded up a number of circuits using both 7404 and 7486 IC's and can get picture but obviously not perfect sync.  Adding resistors to the output only made it worse, so now I'm waiting on parts to build an amplifier circuit for the sync.  The quest continues.

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: RiseLikeRa on February 26, 2014, 04:51:51 AM
We are all with you as you boldy go where no man has gone before!

Title: Re: Fortune 1? Is LCD swap possible?
Post by: jay on February 26, 2014, 05:08:50 AM
Just like the goverment - there are lots of us following this thread. Unfortunately I don't have the expertise to contribute.
However very happy to leverage your learnings towards the PE+

Good Luck  :244-