New Life Games Tech Forums

**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: matt411 on February 07, 2014, 11:37:19 AM

Title: What exacly does clearing ROM + Eeprom do on IGT Game King?
Post by: matt411 on February 07, 2014, 11:37:19 AM
Hey all,

New to the forums. Just got an IGT Game King 6.2 machine, upright. New LCD installed. I am familiar with some electronics since I've been tinkering with arcade games and such for a long time. With my Game King 6.2 machine came a Key Chip 28. I know how to insert + configure games and whatnot, my question is, however, what exactly does the "clear rom" and "clear eeprom" options do in the keychip menu?

I was reading another post where a guy cleared his EEprom and lost his validation license or something... could that happen if I do the same? Also, clearing the ROM, does it clear off any errors and/or make the games run smoother as if clearing memory on a PC? Just some clarification on what these options actually do to the game would be great.

Thanks all!

Title: Re: What exacly does clearing ROM + Eeprom do on IGT Game King?
Post by: rslots on February 10, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
Clearing ROM clears the volatile RAM on the MPU board which is maintained by a battery.  This is where current game play information is kept such as credits , and other current status (like errors). Sometimes an error can become difficult to clear requiring a RAM clear to recover. Clearing the EEPROM clears the EEPROM on the motherboard which is where machine set up information such as denomination, game selection, etc are stored. I have never heard of any detrimental outcome from clearing the EEPROM.

Title: Re: What exacly does clearing ROM + Eeprom do on IGT Game King?
Post by: harp on February 10, 2014, 08:54:16 AM
Flash Board with International Software will most probably be Licensed Software
Eprom software will not be Licensed

Domestic (USA) cried foul when IGT tried to introduce License Software, this was where the game would generate a Hex Dec request code, you have to contact IGT to receive the Hex Dec response

Once you inserted the Hex Dec code it would be stored in E2 you can perform a RAM Clear and Key-Chip function, but if you cleared E2 again then the game would come up as an Unlicensed Game and a new Hex Dec code would be generated
