New Life Games Tech Forums

NLG White Sheet => New Life Games Classifieds for 2-1-2014 => Topic started by: dnystrom on February 12, 2014, 02:21:43 PM

Title: IGT 7217 Reel Chip FOUND!
Post by: dnystrom on February 12, 2014, 02:21:43 PM
SS 7217 reel chip.
Found one!

Title: Re: IGT 7217 Reel Chip
Post by: Buzz on February 12, 2014, 05:17:00 PM
Dave Don't get your hopes up of finding a SS7217.  I know it's on the list but it is always a rare find to come up with the top paying chip. The SS6289 you already have

Title: Re: IGT 7217 Reel Chip
Post by: dnystrom on February 12, 2014, 06:37:42 PM
Yes. The 7217 may be a bit of a challenge here but I'll
find one or have one burned. The latter is more likely.
Can these chips be re-burned? The game and reel chip are both the same
format? Just different programming?

Title: Re: IGT 7217 Reel Chip
Post by: Buzz on February 12, 2014, 07:33:26 PM
If you look under, are you can even fell it through the label, if it has  a window then the chip can be erased using a UV eraser. But it's no big deal, those eproms can be bought ( used ) for 50 cents each, And no they are not the same, the Game chip is a  27C512 and the reel chip is a 27C64.

Now in order to burn a chip you need the bin files,  If you can find the files for SS7217 I'll be glad to burn a chip for you no charge.

Title: Re: IGT 7217 Reel Chip
Post by: dnystrom on February 12, 2014, 10:10:42 PM
Thank You for that gesture! I have found someone here local that will
burn one! Hey! I'm learning something new every day and that's a good thing for an
old man like me...
Thanks for that offer.

Title: Re: IGT 7217 Reel Chip FOUND!
Post by: Buzz on February 12, 2014, 10:46:19 PM
Hwy 93 about 200 yards North of I 40 Kingman, Rocky Mt. Slots would be a good place to check for the chip.