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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: knagl on May 05, 2009, 07:19:52 PM

Title: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: knagl on May 05, 2009, 07:19:52 PM
Their site is completely bogged down right now (I can't even get to the coupon page), but until 10:00p Central time Wednesday night, KFC is offering a free 2-piece meal of their new grilled chicken, including two sides and a biscuit.  You need to print a coupon by tomorrow night, and the coupon is valid through May 19th. (

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 05, 2009, 08:09:52 PM
Thanks knagl. I've been trying to print it, but I think that they've chickened out. :47- :169-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: tjkeller on May 06, 2009, 01:20:23 AM
Thanks knagl!  :3-
Sadly, I have no KFC here!  :60-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: brichter on May 06, 2009, 02:09:08 AM
Worked for me!!! :169- :169-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 06, 2009, 05:13:23 AM
Worked for me!!! :169- :169-

I got it later today. It looks like there are no individually identifying marks on the coupons, so the malarkey about only being able to "download" four coupons is BS. If you save the pdf you can print as many as you want.

Just to confirm, the bs encrypted barcode number on the coupon is  0012 3456 7890 1234, and the number that "looks" like a serial number, but which is really just the code that the clerk enters into the register, is 050409 014

If anyone else got different numbers, let us know. I used one this evening and they had no issues with it.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: brichter on May 06, 2009, 05:17:38 AM
050509 013 on both the coupons I printed.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Brianzz on May 06, 2009, 05:19:50 AM
All my barcodes are different

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: brichter on May 06, 2009, 06:11:04 AM
As are mine.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 06, 2009, 06:24:42 AM
All my barcodes are different
As are mine.

 :103- :103- :103-

I thought that the 012345... was odd, so I closed and reopened the browser and re-navigated to the page and re-downloaded the file. I also tried opening it in a new tab. I got the same thing every time. :103- :103-

BTW, I also couldn't access the site using Firefox. It claims to accept Firefox browsers, but I kept getting a page that stated that I was using an incompatible browser. I tried enabling third party cookies (which I keep turned off) and made sure that javascript was enabled (but not Java -- security risk). I ended up using ie.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 06, 2009, 06:35:35 AM
Okay, I just went back to the link using Firefox again (it's late at night), and this time it let me in and behaved completely differently than it did in ie this afternoon. This time I got what both of you probably got: a link to download a program that prints the coupon. This afternoon, it took me to a page that looked very similar, but which instructed me to right click and download a pdf file which contained the coupon. Needless to say, that download has the bogus bar code of 012345678901234, but they took it tonight.

If they take the pdf version with the bogus serial number then I'm going to keep using them until they tell me otherwise. After all, I followed the instructions on the web page and did what they told me to do!

Another thing: Once one opens the link that you provided, there is a link to "Print Coupon Now". This time the link on the first page went directly to their own page to download the program that prints the coupon. This afternoon, the SAME LINK on the first page took me to the Oprah Winfrey site, which had a link that took me to their pdf page.  :25- :52-   I just went back to the Oprah site and they have replaced the pdf link with a link that goes to the coupon program download page. So this must have been an error that they have corrected, but since potentially thousands or tens of thousands of people must have gotten this pdf, they may have to honor it.

Here is a copy of the file if anyone wants it.


Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: knagl on May 06, 2009, 08:26:34 AM
The 0123456789 coupons have to be valid.  As a work-around since the KFC site couldn't handle the traffic, at some point on Tuesday they posted a .pdf on the Oprah site of the coupon with that barcode, and as SF said I'm sure thousands of people saved/printed that version.  I, too, was re-directed to the Oprah site on Tuesday afternoon to print that .pdf coupon (rather than the generated coupon with the different barcode numbers).

They shot themselves in the foot in being able to enforce the limit of 4 per person by doing that, but I guess their choice was to do that or have thousands of angry people who had a carrot dangled in front of them who then couldn't get the promised carrot.  Enjoy your chicken!   :169-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 06, 2009, 09:33:40 AM
I printed a dozen..  ;)

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 06, 2009, 12:21:10 PM
 :91-  I love FREE chicken.... :96-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: kenokarz on May 06, 2009, 01:17:31 PM
im am going to lunch there today will let everyone know how it goes  :137-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: kenokarz on May 06, 2009, 03:53:29 PM
ok just got back, im so full of free  :114- i cant move, no problems at all i did buy 2 drinks so total bill was 3.37 for the 2 of us to eat,
told the wife that the money i saved on meals i could buy more slots  :30- :30-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 07, 2009, 04:20:03 PM
Re:  Infringement of KFC Corporation’s Trademarks and Copyrights


Attn:  Joey Carruthers


Dear Mr. Carruthers:


We are outside intellectual property litigation counsel for KFC Corporation (“KFC”).  KFC has just learned that you have unlawfully copied a KFC coupon and posted it on your website as follows:;topic=2937.0;attach=88841 (;topic=2937.0;attach=8841)

The complained-of material is not authorized by KFC, its agents, or the law.  Indeed, the unauthorized copying, posting, and distribution of this coupon violates KFC’s intellectual property in several ways and constitutes, among other things, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, and unfair competition.

As such, we ask that you immediately remove this posting.


Please note that all information in this notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, the undersigned is authorized to act on behalf of KFC—the owner of the exclusive rights that are being infringed.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.  My contact information is listed below.
Daniel P. Kaufman
Attorney at Law
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
901 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001-4413
202.408.6088 | fax 202.408.4400 | |


 :97- :97- :97- :97- :97- :97- :97- :97-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: rickhunter on May 07, 2009, 04:28:44 PM
Man, the copyright cops are everywhere!  :30- :30- :30-

Is it safe to use  :76-  :142- :166- :116- or anything with a product logo?

How about >> :155- << is he a copyrighted entity?

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: kenokarz on May 07, 2009, 05:33:57 PM
i still have 100 if someone wants them :79- :79- getting sick of free chicken for lunch :97- :97- look out Oprah they will be after you next
this was to be a secret :58- :58-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 07, 2009, 05:48:11 PM
Re:  Infringement of KFC Corporation’s Trademarks and Copyrights
...KFC has just learned that you have unlawfully copied a KFC coupon and posted it on your website as follows:


 :97- :97- :97- :97- :97- :97- :97- :97-

Hey! Joey didn't post the coupon, I DID. And if you lawyer bastards want to come after me then COME AHEAD!!! I've got nothing to lose. You made that pdf file freely available on the public internet and in doing so, lost all rights to it. The version that I posted had no restrictions or limits on it as did your serialized versions of the offer, and once you posted it as an unrestricted download for public consumption you lost control of it. Screw you.

Of course, I support Joey's removal of the file, since he doesn't need any harassment over this issue. Anyone who wants it can contact me and I'll send it to them.

This post is entirely my own statement and opinion and in NO WAY reflects the opinions of anyone else on this board, or of the owner of the board, or of the board in any way. You lawyers want a piece of me? Come and get me!

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: kenokarz on May 07, 2009, 05:55:06 PM
better look out they will make you eat chicken till you don't want anymore,  :97- glad to see the American way is to give a good deal and try and get
people to eat there crappy food and then come after any one that does, maybe WE should start a protest of all of kfc , they say a good word goes
long way and BAD word of mouth travels at great speed, time to make the BAD word TRAVEL  :89- :89- :137- :137- if the dumb :58- :58- :58-
would have made the coupon good if you bought a large drink to get the meal and only ran it for 3days they would have made money,
some time people are to stupid for there own good  :5- :5-  but one good thing is that they now know that we have a big crowd, and  that we can get the  BAD word out on K F C

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: dpalmi on May 07, 2009, 05:59:42 PM
Cease and desist!!!!!

 :97- :97- :97- :97- :97-

Dan #2

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 07, 2009, 06:38:24 PM
better look out they will make you eat chicken till you don't want anymore,  :97- glad to see the American way is to give a good deal and try and get
people to eat there crappy food and then come after any one that does, maybe WE should start a protest of all of kfc , they say a good word goes
long way and BAD word of mouth travels at great speed, time to make the BAD word TRAVEL  :89- :89- :137- :137- if the dumb :58- :58- :58-
would have made the coupon good if you bought a large drink to get the meal and only ran it for 3days they would have made money,
some time people are to stupid for there own good  :5- :5-  but one good thing is that they now know that we have a big crowd, and  that we can get the  BAD word out on K F C

Oh, I agree! They just lost me as a customer, AFTER I finish getting as much free product as I can, of course. And yes, I admit to being a customer many, many times in the past...

Let's see:
First, they botch an attempt to market a restricted offer of a coupon for free food by underestimating the load that the response would place on their servers.
    They have no excuse, since they must have known that people would flood them with requests,
    especially in this bad economy where money is so tight for so many.

Second, in a frenzied attempt to head off a large negative backlash against the company from consumers who could not access the promised offer, they haphazardly decide to forego the restrictions and make a generic coupon freely available to the public via a high-visibility website: re:
    They did this, presumably, after weighing the consequences of pulling the offer entirely or offering some other
    less satisfactory remedial solution to the angry public and knowing full well that this solution meant opening
    Pandora's proverbial box with regards to enforcing any restrictions on the use of the coupons.

Third, after the site traffic slows down, they realize the potential monetary cost of action two, and decide to reinstate the original restrictions, even though these restrictions can NO LONGER BE ENFORCED at any local KFC outlet or by corporate when redeeming said coupons from their franchisees.

Fourth, now in a panic, they scour the internet to try to threaten anyone posting the aforementioned open coupon to try to mitigate the damages caused by THEIR OWN ACTIONS, lack of foresight, and proper planning, including, but not limited to, planning for implementation failure.

Fifth, should they actually try to take legal action against a private citizen for distributing copies of the open coupon, which they freely offered to the public of their own volition and without coercion, the consequences of negative press and their conviction in the court of public opinion (David vs. Goliath) will make them wish that they had never thought up this promotion in the first place -- which is almost certainly the case already.

Conclusion: KFC, eat your mistake and take some Pepto.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 07, 2009, 06:48:28 PM
Day after pandemonium, Kentucky Fried Chicken honors Oprah's grilled chicken coupons
 :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30-


BY Lacie Hales AND Dave Goldiner

Updated Thursday, May 7th 2009, 3:19 PM

Customers wait in line on East 42nd St. to redeem their free coupon for KFC's new grilled chicken.
After being turned away angry Tuesday, customers left a bit happier Wednesday. Watts/News

After being turned away angry Tuesday, customers left a bit happier Wednesday.

I want my chicken - tell 'em Oprah sent me!

Bargain-hungry New Yorkers flocked to KFC outlets for a second day Thursday to take advantage of a free meal coupon deal from the talk show queen.

"I'm just really hungry," said Julio Layana, 36, of Manhattan, a postal worker. "Anything for free in New York, you got to take it."

Lunch-hour lines of dozens of customers clutching coupons for free grilled chicken meals stretched around the corner from one KFC on E. 42nd St.

Still, it was nothing compared to the pandemonium that erupted Wednesday when the restaurant was overwhelmed and stopped honoring the coupons.

"It's worth the wait," said Marlene Lake, 42, of the Bronx. "Anything for free in New York City, we're here."

Oprah Winfrey promoted the fast-food joint's new KGC - it's grilled chicken, get it? - on her show and offered the coupons on her website.

The downloadable coupons are good around town for two weeks, but some New Yorkers were determined to take advantage as soon as possible.

Adam Antreassian got on line at 11 a.m. and planned to get coffee with his chicken and mashed potatoes.

"I thought, 'I'm pretty hungry,'" said Antreassian, 26, of Astoria, a financial analyst. "I'm going to get some KFC for breakfast.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: ricker on May 07, 2009, 07:04:21 PM
This may become the biggest Clucking(sic) nightmare ever created. I cannot wait until May 20th, when this is over. Not because of the long lines, or traffic, or "All we have are wings left"(although valid reasons for me), but the arrogance to threaten the public domain of the internet. You allow a pdf. on the internet(Oprah) and then say, hey you other sites can't post links, smacks of chicken entrails. If someone should have legal action taken against them it's, poor old Oprah. The pdf file in question is all over the internet now, and removing from a site such as this one or any internet site, will only send em searching for more, and there are plenty. You have my permission to look for yourself. I would post these links here, but no reason to bring attention :68- to this fine site.

Now if they printed a coupon every time you cashed out at a casino(TITO)..............wait that's a great idea! You may have lost your ass cash but here's a wing and thigh.


Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 07, 2009, 07:12:28 PM
Now if they printed a coupon every time you cashed out at a casino(TITO)..............wait that's a great idea! You may have lost your ass cash but here's a wing and thigh. opposed to a "Wing and a Prayer"! :97- :97- :97- :97- :97-
I don't think that I'll be able to keep abreast of all of the KFC jokes that will be flying around -- if only chickens could fly. KFC may have wanted to sell chicken, but they came off as turkeys, instead. :114-  :169-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 07, 2009, 08:11:49 PM ( (

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 07, 2009, 08:40:03 PM
Popeyes Runs Out of Chicken in Rochester, NY (

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 07, 2009, 08:44:13 PM
Popeyes Chicken in Minneapolis refuses $4.99 special

 :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- :30- ( (

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 07, 2009, 08:58:15 PM ( (

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: knagl on May 07, 2009, 10:33:22 PM
I've read reports of the "1234" barcoded coupons being denied, but straight from Oprah's site ( it says:

If you have concerns about using multiple coupons with the same code number:

- All the PDF coupons downloaded from on the evening of May 5 have the same bar code.

- Subject to the terms and conditions of the coupon and instructions on, these coupons will be accepted by participating KFC restaurants in the U.S.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Brianzz on May 07, 2009, 11:37:52 PM
All of my local KFC's closed because they "ran out of chicken" which I'm sure they'll re-open on the 20th with plenty for sale. Thanks Oprah

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 08, 2009, 12:19:19 AM
America Has Overwhelming Response to Kentucky Grilled Chicken™ Offer; KFC Offers Apology and Rain Checks for Inconvenienced Customers

Following an unprecedented and overwhelming response to a free offer of a Kentucky Grilled Chicken meal, KFC has announced that it can no longer accept the free coupon at this time, but that it will introduce a rain check program to take care of inconvenienced customers.

"We would like to apologize to our customers who have been inconvenienced by the overwhelming response to our free Kentucky Grilled Chicken offer,” said Roger Eaton, President of KFC U.S. "The lines of customers wanting to redeem their coupons have been out the door and around the block, so we’re unable to redeem customer coupons at this time.”

The offer, which was featured on "The Oprah Winfrey Show®” on Tuesday, May 5, resulted in millions of coupons being downloaded and lines of customers waiting outside KFC restaurants from coast to coast. While the Kentucky Grilled Chicken introduction was already the largest in KFC history, the overwhelming response of the free meal offer drove restaurant traffic to levels not seen in the brand’s 50-plus year history.

While millions of free meal coupons have already been redeemed over the past three days, customers holding a coupon will now be issued a rain check. Those customers may visit a participating KFC restaurant to receive a rain check form. They will then receive via mail a rain check coupon for the free two pieces of Kentucky Grilled Chicken (manager’s choice), two individual side items and a biscuit. The rain check coupon, which will be redeemable at a later date for a two week period, will also entitle the holder to a free Pepsi to go with the free meal, as a way of apologizing for the inconvenience.

All rain check requests must be accompanied by an original coupon and returned to a participating KFC restaurant or postmarked by May 19, 2009.

"We know that when people taste their free Kentucky Grilled Chicken, they’re going to love it,” Eaton added. "We apologize to those who have been inconvenienced, and we thank them for their understanding and patience.”  :5- :5- :5- :5- :5- :5-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Brianzz on May 08, 2009, 12:50:51 AM
Mother of pearl.. a free Pepsi? That seals the deal, I gotta get one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :30-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 08, 2009, 12:52:19 AM
KFC President Roger Eaton
Discusses Free Kentucky Grilled Chicken Offer (

 :5- :30- :5- :30-  :30- :5- :30- :5-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Joeylc on May 08, 2009, 01:04:42 AM

hut00009 (56 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam
I think they are issuing rain checks instead of redeeming the coupons because this limits the additional losses that could occur from now until May 19th with many more people redeeming their coupons (than expected). Plus, probably must people will only receive 1 rain check or KFC might limit the amount of rain checks one could receive. It might be the case that there was some coupon fraud and in this case, by submitting the coupon to KFC, KFC could deny any fraudulent coupons floating around.

webbotfan (44 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam
It's crappy ass greedy %$#$ like this that pisses me off. Got to KFC with the family, coupons in hand, and they turn us away. The bitch behind the counter was like, just buy the meal, its only 3.99. I was like $%# you, try 3.99 X 5 bitch. Let's unite and hurt this sorry ass company for all its worth, ban KFC and hurt their bottom line, tell all your friends and neighbors, KFC Sucks Ass!! This worthless president could take a pay cut and offer this promo, but #$# him!!

tsliao (11 minutes ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam
Huge Huge mistake by KFC. I was at a KFC and the Freeloaders were out in droves. People who got there dam free chicken and didn't even have the courtesy to buy a drink from the store. Terrible, decision to condition the Freeloaders of the world while not effectivily rewarding the loyal customers who actually spend money at your stores. Be smart Corporate America and don't feed the mentality of entitlement that the Goverment already teaches people.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: dpalmi on May 08, 2009, 02:55:37 AM

It's crappy ass greedy %$#$ like this that pisses me off....


KFC is giving away thousands of free full meals - not just one item....and they are the greedy ones??  Did I miss something?

Dan #2

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Brianzz on May 08, 2009, 03:55:50 AM
I think Col. Sanders underestimated the power of Oprah and internet mooches, although the nearly convincing letter from the KFC mafia is a nice touch. I have some of those from Lions Gate and a few slot makers laying around in some email box  :96-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 08, 2009, 04:09:43 AM
I think that Col. Sanders is rolling in his grave after seeing what they've done to his franchise, not to mention losing his name completely and replacing it with a sh^tty TLA to satisfy certain youth-speak trends, and then selling the whole thing off to China. :25-

Apparently, KFC is now owned by a conglomerate called Yum Brands, or Yum-China Investment Co. which also owns Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, and A&W. The company used to be owned by Pepsi and was sold off in 1997 as Tricon Global Restaurants Inc. to Yum Brands.

Here is a link to their main site: (

Here is a notice of filing to transfer 7% ownership in China to Jin Jiang IHD Co Ltd. that mentions Yum Intl.

Shanghai Jin Jiang International transfer of 7% stake in KFC A notice

Securities Code: 600754 Securities Abbreviations: Jinjiang Stock Code: 2009-011 Pro Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels Development Company Limited on the transfer Shanghai Co., Ltd. 7% stake in KFC's announcement of the Company's Board of Directors and all directors to ensure that the content of this announcement and there is no false records. misleading statements or material omissions. and the authenticity of its content. the accuracy and completeness of individual and joint and several liability.

one. transactions outlined in the Company in April 28, 2009 and Yum (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as"Yum-China") signed the"Shanghai KFC Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the" Shanghai Kentucky Fried Chicken") 7 % stake in the contract of assignment."This transaction does not constitute a connected transaction. the company the fifth thirty-first session of the board of directors adopted a resolution on extending the operating period of KFC in Shanghai and the transfer of ownership of the motion. in March 27, 2009 in the" Shanghai Securities News"." Ta Kung Pao."disclosure of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Web site notice of the resolution the board of directors.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: Brianzz on May 08, 2009, 04:21:47 AM
They still mention the Col. every once in awhile. Prob won't be long before they completely do away with his face on the buckets

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: StatFreak on May 08, 2009, 04:42:54 AM
They still mention the Col. every once in awhile. Prob won't be long before they completely do away with his face on the buckets

I remember when he was still alive and took pride in his company. How things have changed. :58- :60- :60-  Now they've got their talking head CEO doing damage control with a slick, carefully written speech that would be the envy of the President's speech writers, and delivering it with such sappy, fake enthusiasm that one wonders how he could keep a straight face for the 67 seconds that it took to finish reading the copy.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: tacman on May 08, 2009, 10:26:47 AM
I wonder if Mao's face is on the bucket in China.  :5-

 Dan (tacman)

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: knagl on May 08, 2009, 02:47:11 PM
From KFC, "Please note that the redemption periods of the rain checks will vary." -- I guess they learned their lesson and aren't going to have America all decend on KFC on the same day again.   :30-

What a nightmare this became.   :25- :25- :25-

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: rickhunter on May 08, 2009, 03:01:10 PM
What is amazing is that people stood on LONG lines for a $4.00 meal.  I have 3 coupons, but have not even attempted to go to a KFC because of the potential traffic.  I had tried the grilled chicken before this free-for-all and it's pretty good.

Title: Re: Free KFC Chicken Meal - Very Limited Time
Post by: brichter on May 09, 2009, 01:39:27 AM
I think that Col. Sanders is rolling in his grave after seeing what they've done to his franchise, not to mention losing his name completely and replacing it with a sh^tty TLA to satisfy certain youth-speak trends, and then selling the whole thing off to China. :25-

Apparently, KFC is now owned by a conglomerate called Yum Brands, or Yum-China Investment Co. which also owns Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, and A&W. The company used to be owned by Pepsi and was sold off in 1997 as Tricon Global Restaurants Inc. to Yum Brands.

Wait, so a Chinese company was siccing lawyers on us for copyright and trademark infringement? :25- :25- :25- ::)