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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: freebird4 on May 11, 2009, 10:33:02 PM

Title: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: freebird4 on May 11, 2009, 10:33:02 PM
Hello NLG Members,

I have followed the below setup instructions with no luck!
         1Turn key reset key
         2 touch diagnostic tab
         3 touch Screen Calibration
         4 Turn key to Calibrate
         5 On screen will tell you do not touch after short period then touch DOT lower left then touch Dot upper right then lower left upper right and last lower left
         6 open door
         7 turn key
         8 close door

I have complete the whole process including adjusting the screen white line width and length and calibration, but I'm still having the same problem. 
When I touch a button on the screen it is a hit or miss whether I get the button that I touch.  I have gone through the complete several process times and it does the same thing. 
Any suggestions will be appreciated.   



Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: StatFreak on May 12, 2009, 01:35:38 AM
I would try to see if the error is consistent. When you touch the screen to press a button and it doesn't activate, slowly move your finger around the glass without breaking contact. Take note of where your finger is when the button activates and deactivates as you move around -- below left, above, to the right, etc. Then try this for buttons in different areas of the screen.

If there is some consistency in the error, then offset the location that you touch in calibration mode to compensate for it. That is, when you're prompted to touch the dot, offset your touch, but do it consistently all four times. you may need to offset the top and bottom dots differently, or only offset one. I've done this with my Bally GameMaker to make small corrections and it does work, although it takes a bit of patience to get it right. Marking Keno spots is the best quick test of screen accuracy.

It's not a great solution, just an idea based on my experience.
Perhaps someone more expert in GK hardware will post with a better solution.

PS: Since you end up having to open the door to complete the calibration, it's probably easier to just start from the test/setup menu with the door open.

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: freebird4 on May 12, 2009, 02:04:51 AM

Thank you for the information I will try this.


Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: theDotster on May 12, 2009, 05:11:19 AM
My gameking asks me to touch the screen in the middle left, center and middle right as well.

Mine aslo also has a calibration test screen which is black and when you touch the screen some green dots appear where it thinks you have touched the screen, then if you move your finger around whilst still touching the screen it leaves a trail of dots behind.

As the calibration test is slightly different on your machine, you may not have this feature, but have a look for it anyway just in case, it may help you see how far off it is.

To access on mine, with the door closed:
Turn the jackpot reset key
Select 'Diagnostics'
Select 'Touch Screen Calibration'
Select red bottom in the middle at the bottom of the screen 'Touch Screen Test'

Could be you need to replace a few caps on the touchscreen board behind the monitor, but which ones I don't know.

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: Slotmaster on May 12, 2009, 10:59:14 AM
I have seen this many times and its always due to a scrtach on the touch screen or one of the tiny contact wires breaking off on the edge (they are soldered on each corner).     There is not much that can be done to fix this issue and the TS just needs to be replaced.   Usually a scrtach on the screen causes this issue and there is no way to repair it that I know of.     10 out of 10 times it's a fine scrtach on the screen.

If the wire is broken off you don't get the skipping etc. 

Hope that helps

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: freebird4 on May 12, 2009, 03:27:34 PM
Slotmaster,theDotster and StatFreak thanks for the information.
If it turns out to be my touch screen I will check for a replacement.


Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: SilverFerret on July 02, 2010, 06:49:16 PM
What did you find out? Did you replace your touch screen? If so, how much and how. I'm having a similar issue.
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: Skipper on February 28, 2011, 03:50:06 PM
Hi all, the problem also may be due to:

 - Poor ground connection.
 - That the screen in its surface is "scratched" or it may be dirty.

 I hope you can solve your problem.


Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: slotsteve on February 28, 2011, 10:30:06 PM
a good ground is a must, most the time we had trouble with mega touch,s it was ground. if the screen is bad it,s a easy change use dental flooss to  remove it from tube

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: SilverFerret on March 01, 2011, 05:28:57 AM
What is a proper ground? Where and what needs to be grounded? Do you mean the entire machine or the monitor assembly to the housing? I'm struggling with touchscreen issues and it doesn't look to be scratched or damaged in anyway but it goes off calibration within minutes and I mean way off calibration. I'm on my third touchscreen controller. It's as if something is causing the controller to go bad. A new/good controller will stay on calibration for about 2/3 weeks and then the issues reoccur.

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: slotsteve on March 01, 2011, 11:24:50 AM
your main ac plug must be in a good ground

Title: Re: IGT Game King Adjust Touch Screen
Post by: aklarry on March 01, 2011, 07:54:52 PM
I am not one of the experts on this list but have run into this twice in the last few months
The first would not stay Calibrated more than a few games then it would not even be close until re-calibrated. I had to replace the touch screen controller
The second something had been put on the screen ran down and the shorted the connection along the bottom of the touchscreen where its taped. the screen would not calibrate touch point was there but off. cleaned the screen with lens cleaner (MY Preference), especially the fine wire connections at the bottom worked like a champ.