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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Bally Reel Games. => Topic started by: The_Machine on May 20, 2009, 01:44:34 PM

Title: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 20, 2009, 01:44:34 PM
I have a Bally 6000 double jackpot seven and have a error 91nc, we check and have nothing to do with the top box, we try other games and work.

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: Slotmaster on May 20, 2009, 02:14:24 PM
What SMI are you using?

91NC can also be triggred if the game is progressive and or the machine is setup as a progressive.

Also if SAS or SDS was setup (I forgot if that comes up with a different error)

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 20, 2009, 06:07:21 PM
Thanks for the fast respond, the machine is out of SDS, is not configure for progresive, we did a ram clear and dont let us select any option, the test button is working, we instal other game and function, i dont know if the game program is corrupted, and i dont find that game to installed again and see if this is the case.  also im new to slots machine this is my first one that im working on, thanks very much for the help.

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: Slotmaster on May 20, 2009, 06:52:35 PM
Thanks for the fast respond, the machine is out of SDS, is not configure for progresive, we did a ram clear and dont let us select any option, the test button is working, we instal other game and function, i dont know if the game program is corrupted, and i dont find that game to installed again and see if this is the case.  also im new to slots machine this is my first one that im working on, thanks very much for the help.
I think some mains are SDS only and you will have to use different ones.

So 91NC would be the machine is looking for the host (I will dbl check)

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: a69mopar on May 20, 2009, 08:02:37 PM
are you using the same mains and main board for this game as the other game that you say worked?


Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: Slotmaster on May 20, 2009, 08:04:49 PM
also did you RAM clear?

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: a69mopar on May 20, 2009, 08:13:14 PM
he said he did a ram clear, but I wonder if it was a complete ram clear.  Did tou hold the pseudo coin and test buttons while it booted?


Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: Slotmaster on May 20, 2009, 08:19:22 PM
Ahh he did say he did a clear, I missed that one, also make sure you have the right clear chips that match the mains (that is what I remember for the 6000)

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: a69mopar on May 20, 2009, 08:23:01 PM
If his chips weren't new enough it would have an 83 error, so they must be ok.  I doubt he's using the same main board and mains as he had for the other game.  This started in another post and moved here.


Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 21, 2009, 12:09:50 PM
HI Thanks again, the SMI is 8771, we use the right clear chips, and we also hold the pseudo coin and test button when booting.

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: a69mopar on May 21, 2009, 12:16:23 PM
did you use the same mains(u28 and 43) and main board?  I don't have those chips to check, unless they are in one of my machines in storage, but they are usually in the 90 - 92% range.
BLAZING 7s DOUBLE JACKPOT ON ALL REELS   8771   E769511X-05   BLD-5004   14.08   95.98   10000   3CB

What are your dip and jumper settings.  did you try a different market code?  This shouldn't matter if the other personality chips worked fine, but might as well check.

Where are you located? U.S.?  Canada?  State?


Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 21, 2009, 12:31:40 PM
here are the chips that use with serials
u28   s6m1000a7-0
u18   e769711x-05
u43   s64000100a7-05
u20   e76911x-05

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 21, 2009, 12:35:30 PM
I am in the USA

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: a69mopar on May 21, 2009, 01:03:04 PM
here are the chips that use with serials
u28   s6m1000a7-0
u18   e769711x-05
u43   s64000100a7-05
u20   e76911x-05

Something is wrong here, you stated earlier that the smi was 8771, the part number for that is E769511x-05

apart from you missing a digit in the U20 number, your part number for U18 and U20 should be the same, and the smi for the number you listed is 8773.

Your mains should have the same part number with the exception of the digit after the M, which would be 1 for U28 and 4 for U43  here iare a few examples
S6M1000C0007-08   U28 2MB 06-13-03    2003 BALLY  CHECKSUM 4437
S6M4000C0007-08   U43 2MB 06-13-03    2003 BALLY  CHECKSUM C900
S6M1000A0008-00 ST U28 2MB 06-22-2004 BALLY CHECKSUM BAD3
S6M4000A0008-00 ST U43 2MB 06-22-2004 BALLY CHECKSUM 2D00
S6M1MM180008-00 U28 L05-2923  ST 2005 BALLY 10-17 CHECKSUM 26FC
S6M4MM1B0008-00 U43  BALLY 10-17-2005  CHECKSUM 0400


here is a listing of the personality chips for your machine.
BLAZING 7s DOUBLE JACKPOT ON ALL REELS   8771   E769511X-05   BLD-5004   14.08   95.98   10000   3CB
BLAZING 7s DOUBLE JACKPOT ON ALL REELS   8772   E769611X-05   BLD-5004   14.1   94   10000   3CB
BLAZING 7s DOUBLE JACKPOT ON ALL REELS   8773   E769711X-05   BLD-5004   14.28   91.99   10000   3CB
BLAZING 7s DOUBLE JACKPOT ON ALL REELS   8774   E769811X-05   BLD-5004   14.39   90   10000   3CB

In conclusion, perhaps you mismatched the mains and this is why the error?  I didn't even think it would boot that far with mismatched mains.  do you have other mains?

Good luck,

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 22, 2009, 12:54:19 PM
Thanks for the information, as i say 'im new in this!!!
 the front of the MPU said the SMI is 8771,

Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: a69mopar on May 22, 2009, 01:11:21 PM
you should fill out your profile, even if your location is general and not specific.  As for game chips, you could post under the classifieds fo those.  If you have other mains, you could try them first.  Some questions went unanswered.
this one is a start.
1)  You said that other games worked in this machine, did you use the same mains and board as well as the same settings?
If the answer to 1 is yes then it's obviously your personality chips, however I highly doubt that is the case.  If the answer is no then try that.


Title: Re: Bally 6000 with error 91nc
Post by: The_Machine on May 22, 2009, 01:33:45 PM
Thanks Wayne for all the help, and all the ones that answer my questions. in this few days i learn a lot, its hard to be a newbie on this hahahahaha