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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => WMS Reel Games. => Topic started by: cfh on September 23, 2008, 11:05:08 AM

Title: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: cfh on September 23, 2008, 11:05:08 AM
The Williams reel slots use a Coin Mechanisms' CC-16 Inhibit Coin Comparitor (CC) at 12 volts,
part number 66160118 or 66160120 or 66160142 or 66160116 (25c, 5c, 50c, $1, respectively).
But I had a Micro Comparitor (MC) part# 66460200 with 12 volt inhibit sitting here, and wanted
to see if i could make it work.

Even though the Coin Comparitor model and Micro Comparitor models are made
by the same company, they are different. The MC has the coin-in optics built into
the comparitor (where the CC does not have coin-in optics). I thought i could just
ignore that part of the MC, and use it as a bare-bones CC. That was my hope.

Looking at the pinouts of the CC and MC, i had to make a new cable to try
the MC (the connector at the comparitor is different on the CC versus MC).
Easy enough, convert the 6 pin CC connector (Inhibit, Sense, NC, NC, Gnd, +12v,
from top to bottom of the connector). The MC had these same signals so i just
wired a .100" molex connector to try it (Inhibit, +12v, NC, NC, NC, Sense, Gnd,
from top to bottom). I used this document (pg 13) for the CC-16 and MC-40 pinouts:

if you have an original CC harness on a Wms model 40x, here's the wire translation,
from top to bottom as installed in the game:
* blue is sense
* gray is inhibit
* orange is +12 volts
* black is ground

MC-40 connector, from top to bottom, as installed in game (aka interface "D"):
* p7: inhibit (gray)
* p6: +12 volts (orange)
* p5: NC
* p4: credit (not used for this)
* p3: tilt (not used for this)
* p2: sense (blue)
* p1: ground (black)

Compare this to the original CC-16 inhibit connector from top to bottom, as installed:
(aka interface "A"):
* p1: inhibit (gray)
* p2: sense (blue)
* p3: credit (not used)
* p4: +12 volts (not used)
* p5: +12 volts (orange)
* P6: ground (black)

So i wired the new connector to the MC-40 with the above
wires going to the MC-40's connector.
Well it didn't work. apparently the Inhibit signal is different on the CC
versus the MC.
I thought i would post this info here to save some time if anyone was thinking
of trying this.  I even bent the "reject claw" out of the way on the MC-40,
hoping it would force a coin through and give a credit on the original optics.
Note the tri-colored LED on the MC-40 did light green upon power-up. And
if i disconnected the left most black/red connector (which goes to the
additional coin-in optics), the LED would change to red. But that didn't work either.

Title: Re: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: cfh on September 26, 2008, 08:52:52 AM
Dave emailed me some pictures. he has a MC-40 micro comparitor
working in one of his model 40x machines.

The deal is this... you have to *not* use the stock williams
coin-in optos. Since the MC-40 has coin-in optics built in
(this is the difference between a CC coin comparitor and a
MC micro-comparitor), the original Wms coin-in optics are
not used.

Had to make a custom cable from the door harness connector
to the MC-40. I did this, and the MC40 led goes Green (which
is good). Put a coin in though, and it turns Red, and the game
does the "bitch" noise (coin reject noise). Won't turn green
again until i reboot.

So i'm still missing something here. Maybe a software issue?
Or maybe i have to do a game reset chip with the MC40 installed?
not sure... any ideas?


Title: Re: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: cfh on October 11, 2008, 12:15:43 AM
The thing i was missing was a good MC40. mine was bad.
sent it to dave and he tested my newly made cable and
mc40. cable was good, mc40 was bad.

Title: Re: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: westec1 on October 11, 2008, 01:37:48 AM
Great info :3- :3-

I've been thinking of trying this with my Williams 550 :71-

With this info shouldn't be to hard


Title: Re: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: Slotmaster on October 11, 2008, 12:35:51 PM
Great info :3- :3-

I've been thinking of trying this with my Williams 550 :71-

With this info shouldn't be to hard

Just remember when you install it you need to clear it and select the 40 over the 16

Same goes for NXT

Title: Re: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: westec1 on October 11, 2008, 12:52:23 PM
Just remember when you install it you need to clear it and select the 40 over the 16

Same goes for NXT

Thanks for the reminder, could have been scratching my head for a while wondering why it didn't work :5-

Title: Re: Model 40x wms: CC-16 Inh versus MC-40 Inh coin comparitor
Post by: kenokarz on October 14, 2008, 10:43:07 PM
always glad to help when i can clay.  :131- :131- the harness for the lower power supplys  you made saves me a lot of time  :89-