New Life Games Tech Forums

Bill Validators and Currency acceptors => JCM WBA 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, and 23 Bill Validators => Topic started by: next_gaming on July 18, 2009, 06:36:22 AM

Title: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: next_gaming on July 18, 2009, 06:36:22 AM
Hi to All

Exist and easy home made way to build a electronic interface for test the jcm units whit the id003 on the pc, whit the software applicattion avalaible on the official website, or is mandatory the use any of this 2 units that i see one on jcm europe, and another on the american website.somebody have documentation about this?

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: Op-Bell on July 18, 2009, 06:47:33 PM
These are just RS232 to 12V current loop converters, with a place to connect the 12V supply for the bill acceptor. You can easily make your own. You use a MAX232 or similar chip and connect the TTL output side to a level shifter that can handle the 12V. An LM393 dual comparator is a good choice for the level shifter, as it is open collector and does not mind input voltages higher than VCC.

Use a 78L05 voltage regulator to step the 12V down to 5V for the MAX232 and the LM393. Put two 10k resistors in series across the 5V to produce a 2.5V reference voltage and connect this to both -ve inputs of the LM393. Take the TTL output of the MAX232 to one of the +ve inputs, and the output of this half of the chip to the input of the BV. Take the output of the BV to the other +ve input, with a 10k pull-up resistor to 5V or it won't work. and the output of this half of the chip to the MAX232 TTL input, with a 10k pull-up resistor to 5V or again, it won't work.

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: brichter on July 18, 2009, 08:43:10 PM
Well, if designing the guy's circuit for hom isn't worth K+, I don't know what is!  :3-

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: Op-Bell on July 18, 2009, 09:43:45 PM
Well, if designing the guy's circuit for him isn't worth K+, I don't know what is!
Why, thank you sir!

He's actually contacted me for more info by email, and I will post my reply here for the benefit of anyone else with the same questions.

The standard JCM interface on pins 4 through 7 is opto isolated. Refer to the WBA interface diagram on page 2-2 of the manual. It really needs 12V on the transmit side, 12V to pin 5 and a circuit that can stand 12V on pin 6, because the internal 2.2k resistor does not allow enough current to pass at 5V to turn on the opto isolator properly. Sometimes it works with 5V, but it is unreliable. If you supply 12V to pin 5, a MAX232 will break down (turn on all the time) because it cannot stand 12V, and the 12V coming out of the WBA on pin 4 will damage its input. So you must use 12V, and you must put a circuit between the WBA and the MAX232 to convert the voltage level.

Now there is an alternative. If you look at the WBA12/13/22/23 diagram on page 2-2 you will see on the left side, the transmit and receive signals are also connected through TD62382 chips to pins 15 (input) and 19 (output). These pins are marked NC or Reserved in the manual, but they are the same communication signals, at 5V logic level. You can connect these straight to a MAX232 with no other interface, though you must put a 4.7k pull-up resistor to 5V on pin 19, because the MAX232 has a pull-down resistor inside and the TD62382 chip is open collector, so it will not work without a pull-up. This alternative is not available on the WBA10/11/20/21.

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: StatFreak on July 19, 2009, 04:55:12 AM
I gave you some more K. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, as always. :131- :131- :3-

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: CaptainHappy on July 19, 2009, 06:20:10 AM
I gave you some more K. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, as always. :131- :131- :3-


CaptainHappy  :95-

Thanks again for Party Favor!

Title: Wba 23 Transporter
Post by: U.S.AutoService on July 21, 2009, 08:55:31 PM
     :99-            I have a question about bill transporters.  I just got some machines that have WBA 23-ss on them. I assume that are from Canada. I had what I thought were new epromes for them.  But none of them work, not even a sound.  I tried them in known working machines and nothing.  Swapped bill heads and nothing.  I sent the eproms back to have them checked and/or replaced.  I know other have these same machines from Canada with the same transporters, did you have any problems, how did you fix it ?   :103-  Don't get too technical, I only pretend to know what I am doing.

Also I WTB Wild Thing Cowgirl glass, and strips 3 coin ,  ... or whole kit

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: jay on July 21, 2009, 09:45:07 PM
I am far from an expert, but in the name of expedience I will give it my best shot.....

In the WBA series of machines the Eproms go in the tranports not the heads.
If these are Canadian Heads they will not read US money - no way no how.
In addition to the roms you will need to change the heads.

If these are indeed Canadian heads please do not discard as there are serveral of us cannucks that want these.

Secondly you did not state what platform the bill validators are on.
In my case I have a IGT S+. In order to make the bill valdidator operate on my platform I need to use a SET CHIP to activate the Bill Validator.
It would be very likely that after the Eprom change you would need to reactivate the bill validator.

My final thought - and in no way do I mean to be insulting - but you did label yourself as a non-technical person - is that EPROMS have a small notch or a shallow hole at one end of the chip. When you put in new eproms the notch needs to align with the notch in the eprom socket. If put the chips in backwards they get fried.

Hope this helps. 

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: U.S.AutoService on July 21, 2009, 10:14:50 PM
      I  need to elaborate, the machines are S2000's made in 2003.  They came out of some Casino in Canada, but the bill heads are U.S.  :137-  heads.  just the transporters are original to the machines.  I made sure the notch was correct in all the transporters. I know the machines work, I pull a good working BV out and put these wba 23's in and nothing. But I sure hope I don't need to do the set chip thing,  the other ones didn't need it.  I sent them back today and will look foolish if I missed a step. He will bang me in the head with a frying pan for sure.   :30-     The others I think are WBA 11 or 12's, didn't notice, they just pushed in and worked.    :3-   funny thing, they didn't have the removable eproms.....   

U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: blueridgeslots on July 22, 2009, 01:26:19 AM
What software did you have? , you need WBA-13 SS ID 024 when using the US Head

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: U.S.AutoService on July 23, 2009, 07:47:51 PM
 :3-    :3-

Problem solved, they said they burnt the eproms for a Bally 6000 slot machine, not for a s2000.  how would a novice know this ?   :81-   Lets hold the applause till I get them back and see if they work.  thanks for ideas...


Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: Op-Bell on July 23, 2009, 08:42:23 PM
how would a novice know this ?
Well he wouldn't. Now you know, so you're no longer a novice - congratulations on advancing a level!   :3-  Pick up your Level 2 robe and hat from the Master of Secrets after vespers.  :79-

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: StatFreak on July 23, 2009, 10:15:39 PM
how would a novice know this ?
Well he wouldn't. Now you know, so you're no longer a novice - congratulations on advancing a level!   :3-  Pick up your Level 2 robe and hat from the Master of Secrets after vespers.  :79-

 :72- :72- :72- :72-

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: U.S.AutoService on July 23, 2009, 11:04:18 PM
                Yea, that's me, Auto Mechanic by day fixing car's with hammers and duct tape, Slot Machine tech by night, fixing slots with hammers and electrical tape.  I will know for sure in a day or two when the eproms come in.   I gotta admit I didn't know what an eprom was till Tuesday of this week.  I also learned that both of the bulbs can burn out in a BILL VALIDATOR LENSE and drive you nuts for 8 days till you try the bulbs.  But only 3 minutes to find burnt bulbs in a backlit reel cause # 1 reel lights 30 times more than the others.   Simple, basic things sometimes are over looked.  I'd do it all again in a fraction of the time, but I think the well of s2000 has gone dry..  Now I need to find out how to print tickets.... is there a simple way ?

Title: Re: Interfacing Jcm Wba 23
Post by: tacman on July 23, 2009, 11:17:13 PM
Dan, look for the S2000/Vision setup pdf in the Submit New File area. In the Options menu its 3.1.7 and 3.1.10. Make sure your tickets are in the printer the right way. Good luck!

 Dan (tacman)