New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => WMS Reel Games. => Topic started by: Greg on August 17, 2009, 06:14:16 PM

Title: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Greg on August 17, 2009, 06:14:16 PM
I have a Jackpot party,on power up I get the "bong" sound but no sound after that. I have changed the IO board, the game board and the 4 sound roms.Still no game sounds or sounds in test. Any Ideas????   

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: knagl on August 17, 2009, 10:00:42 PM
Welcome to NLG -- we'll do our best to get your machine up and running correctly.

Has the sound on this machine ever worked for you?  If so, do you have any idea what happened to cause it to stop working?

Do you have any other (known good) game chips you could try installing in the machine to try and narrow down the cause of the problem?

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Neonkiss on August 17, 2009, 11:12:14 PM
Check these areas of your board.

Another member here posted this on the old site.
I can't remember who?   :103-

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Jeff on August 18, 2009, 10:28:04 AM
The first thing I would do, is to see if your getting a signal out to the speaker. If yes.  (if you are getting a bong at startup. The amp and speaker are probably ok. )
Then check for 8 ohm's at the speaker. If there is not 8 ohm's present then replace the
speaker. If there is no signal out to the speaker then the most likely culprit would be the
audio amplifier and or the driver circuits for the audio amp.

Regards, Jeff

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: jstraa on August 18, 2009, 10:42:41 AM
Or maybe a clear ?

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Greg on August 18, 2009, 02:34:04 PM
The sound never worked for me. I did install a known good IO board. I do not have a known good game board. I did try another game board but it dosent work at all. I have to think the problem is on the game board ,game roms or settings? I do not have another set of game roms. I do not know much about the Williams machines, how do I clear it? Thanks Greg

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Jeff on August 18, 2009, 03:39:44 PM
Okay here's the hard ram clear procedure. You will also need the clear chip with the denomination you want the machine to be.

Hard RAM Clear Chip Procedure
• Remove the CPU Board
q 1. Unlock and open the Main Door.
q 2. Turn power off at the PDU switch.
q 3. Unlock and open the card cage.
q 4. Slant top machines only: Disengage the coin chute.
q 5. The CPU Board is the bottom card in the card cage. Disengage
the CPU Board by pulling its white board ejector tabs toward
you. Remove the board.
q 6. Remove Data EPROM XU3 from its socket. (Leave the other
EPROM XU2, in its socket.)
• Install and Use the RAM Clear Chip
q 7. Install the RAM Clear Chip in EPROM socket XU3. As you insert
the chip, be careful to align chip pins. Inserting the chip
backwards can damage it.
q 8. Return the CPU Board to the card cage. Engage the board by
pushing its white board ejector tabs toward the cage.
q 9. Close the Card Cage Door.
q 10. Turn GD power ON. Verify that the proper denomination
appears on the LED displays.
q 11. Turn GD power OFF.
q 12. Open the card cage.
q 13. Disengage the CPU Board by pulling its white board ejector tabs
toward you. Remove the board.
q 14. Remove the RAM Clear Chip.
• Install the Game Chip
q 15. Reinsert the Data EPROM in socket XU3.
q 16. Return the CPU Board to the card cage. Engage the board by
pushing its white board ejector tabs toward the cage.
q 17. Close the Card Cage Door.
q 18. Slant top machines only: Reengage the coin chute.
q 19. Turn GD power ON. The message "clr" should appear on the
Credit Display. This message indicates proper clearing of the
RAM. If you've also performed a game change, "6AnnE
CHAn6E" appears first. Press DIAGNOSTIC to load the new
game information. Then "clr" appears, indicating the cleared
q 20. Lock the card cage.
• Reinitialize the System
q 21. Push the DIAGNOSTIC button. The machine shuts down and
reboots. If you cleared the machine properly, the message "clr"
appears on the Credit Display. Push the DIAGNOSTIC button to
acknowledge this message.
q 22. Close and lock the Main Door.

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Ohio Chad on August 18, 2009, 04:49:34 PM
I would check the communication (ribbon) type plug coming out of the Digital Display.  In the back, you will see the 2 plugs I am refering to, check the ribbon type.

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: StatFreak on August 19, 2009, 07:29:35 AM
I have a Jackpot party,on power up I get the "bong" sound but no sound after that.

The sound never worked for me.
I do not know much about the Williams machines,

As I read through all of these highly technical suggestions, I am reminded of the scene in the Andromeda Strain where all these tech gurus were combing though the machine trying to fix a problem when it turned out to be a sliver of paper stuck in the bell.

So I had a thought -- Have you checked the programmed volume levels in the setup menu? There are three of them, and if they are set to 000 or too low (particularly the primary one), you will not hear sounds. You can also play the jackpot music when in those options to test the volume settings. If you've done this, please just disregard and continue with the highly technical suggestions... :96- :88-

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Slotmaster on August 19, 2009, 11:43:00 AM
I am not sure we are still on target in terms of advice.  

When you boot, you should get a "bong" sound, if not then the issue is with the following

- Sound Jumper for 4MB or 8 MB EPROMS (J5 / J7) on the CPU board needs to be set correctly for the EPROM size (upper right hand corner)  J7 is 8MB J5 is 4 MB

- Check Sound EPROMS usually if one is bad you will get a series of bongs, if all or the first then no sound (Check the SUM of each Chip and compare to the original checksum number labaled on the original factory chip)  Try another set of eproms if you have another game or no eprom reader etc.

- check for a steady 8 on the cpu board, or ds1 fail light on the I/O, but it sounded like the game came up just with no sound?

- Bad AMP on the I/O (See post on what to look for but it was stated that a known good I/O was tried)

- Bad Speaker or wiring, coin tray not seated on connector (this can be the main issue too) - use a meter to test as noted above

- If you get a bong on boot then no sound check the sound levels in the config menu

Start there and report back

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Greg on August 19, 2009, 06:18:10 PM
 I have the bong at power up,I have changed the 4 sound roms. I changed the jumper for 4-8 meg. With it set to 4 meg I get 3 "bongs" at power up, then the game has sound for the first hand only. With it set to 8 meg as it should be one "bong" then no sound.I really think the problem is in the game roms. I can program my own eproms, is the software out there? Thanks Greg

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: knagl on August 19, 2009, 08:41:42 PM

You can buy new chips from one of our vendors (or if you see them on eBay or whatever).  The trading of software files is not permitted here due to copyright concerns.  The slot machine manufacturers are very protective of their software (even older / obsolete software) and as such we do not allow trading of files here.

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Slotmaster on August 20, 2009, 02:42:53 PM
Sound for JP is 8MB

Check your eproms and report the Check SUM values back here.

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Greg on August 24, 2009, 05:42:10 PM
I checked the checksums.U2= 4D89 U3= B980 This info matches what is typed on the EPROM label. After reading the labels I notice U2 is version 2.02 and U3 is version 2.43 Could this be the problem? U2  reads V121 GFX-202 V2.02 U3 reads V121-X-M-243 O/S V2.43M10 Thanks again Greg

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: Greg on September 03, 2009, 01:11:21 PM
I got my hands on some more boards. I put the EPROMS in, installed the board steeped through the soft clear now the machine comes up with" tilt crc corrupt". I put the board with sound problems back in and it also comes up with "tilt crc corrupt"  Are all Williams machines this tempermental?? I'am thinking of using it for a boat anchor any thoughts

Title: Re: Jackpot party no sound
Post by: knagl on September 03, 2009, 07:59:49 PM
I'd do a full clear with the clear chip each time to eliminate any extra issues.  These snips from the manual may help, and also seem to point to doing a full ram clear:

