New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: mkd3b on August 21, 2009, 11:22:13 PM

Title: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: mkd3b on August 21, 2009, 11:22:13 PM
 :99-  Wondering if I will be able to change a 5 Times double Spin (type 20) over to a Triple Double 3X2X (type 0)  Without any real trouble.  I have a 3Line RWB that I have Had for a while and recently acquired The 5Times Pay Double spin that needed some work to get up and running..  Of course now I have to experiment with another game kit but was wondering what kind of things I can expect to happen.  Thanks ArtD

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: Brianzz on August 21, 2009, 11:26:17 PM
You'll have to change your SP chip over to one that supports type 0 which is no special features, easy to find

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: mkd3b on August 21, 2009, 11:29:45 PM
Can I assume that I will definatley need the Val set and ram clr chips as well If I change the game chip as well

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: OhioGaming on August 21, 2009, 11:30:53 PM
set chip will be needed

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: mkd3b on August 21, 2009, 11:39:20 PM
Ok more chips to buy I guess.   If I decide to convert the RWB 3 line which is a type 0 game I should only have to change over the reel chip and not the game chip  (Im assuming again) but Then Ill have to find a new pay glass but wont need the set chip  ( also the rwb doesnt have Bill Validator )

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: Brianzz on August 21, 2009, 11:47:21 PM
If you're going from type 0 to type 0 you don't have to change the game chip, only the reel chip

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: mkd3b on August 21, 2009, 11:53:31 PM
Thanks for the Info  This site is going to make all the difference to tinker around with some machines..  Lots of great Info just browsing thru the forums, :88- Thanks to all.

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: rickhunter on August 22, 2009, 01:18:32 AM
You are fortunate to enter the hobby today.  When I got into it a little over 2 years ago, this site was not yet around, and getting an answer that you just got would have taken quite a bit of research to find.  Everybody here helps one another and I hope you find your new hobby and tinkering as engaging as we find it.  Please we also ask that if you find this site usefull, that you contribute a token of your appreciation to the forum's operator (Joey) as he gets no proceeds from no-one other than voluntary contributors  Everybody helps out whenever they can and chime in with answers.  I'm sure you will find this community to be unlike other places where certain questions trigger angry responses.  We have a no-flame policy here and everybody here will jump to answer a question no matter what it is.  Since you are new to the S+, I recommend you head on over to the newbie faq for Slot users.  It's a good read, and it will ramp you up on your way to your new addiction hobby.

Here's a general slot FAQ (

and here's one to start you on your S+ tinkering (

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: StatFreak on August 22, 2009, 01:33:30 PM
...When I got into it a little over 2 years ago, this site was not yet around,

My, how time is fun when you're having flies! I hate to break it to you, but it will be four years, officially, as as of October 1st, just a little over five weeks from now. :58-
Man, I feel old. :5- :97- :97- :97-

P.S: Do you think that we will make six million page hits by then?
<ADD> My data suggests that we won't. We'll be at 5.916 million, give or take.

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: CaptainHappy on August 22, 2009, 10:56:13 PM
...When I got into it a little over 2 years ago, this site was not yet around,

My, how time is fun when you're having flies! I hate to break it to you, but it will be four years, officially, as as of October 1st, just a little over five weeks from now. :58-
Man, I feel old. :5- :97- :97- :97-

P.S: Do you think that we will make six million page hits by then?
<ADD> My data suggests that we won't. We'll be at 5.916 million, give or take.


I noticed that too, but did not want to publicly point out Rick's failing :50- memory after all of these fun years! Mainly because he could just throw it back at me and it would stick!  :97- We are all getting older, its a fact of life! :72- In Rick's defense he did say a LITTLE over 2 years ago, we all know LITTLE is a relative term!  :97- :97- :97-

Also why be so vague about your page hit guess, really I would expect it to be 5.916314159265358979323846...  :97- :97- :97- I am sure that you will get this!  :79-  :103- :103- :31- :103- :103-

I hope the average new reader gets that this is all in jest and that we are really good friends!  :30- :103-

CaptainHappy :95-

First to figure it out gets K+

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: StatFreak on August 23, 2009, 02:39:29 AM
Also why be so vague about your page hit guess, really I would expect it to be 5.916314159265358979323846...  :97- :97- :97- I am sure that you will get this!  :79-  :103- :103- :31- :103- :103-

I hope the average new reader gets that this is all in jest and that we are really good friends!  :30- :103-

CaptainHappy :95-

First to figure it out gets K+

I wasn't trying to be vague, I just didn't want to promise any Pi-in-the-sky. :30- :30- :25- :97- :97- :97-

You do realize, of course, that most of the time, when I use the frying pan I'm hitting myself on the head, and not the reader! :30-

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: CaptainHappy on August 23, 2009, 05:36:17 AM
Also why be so vague about your page hit guess, really I would expect it to be 5.916314159265358979323846...  :97- :97- :97- I am sure that you will get this!  :79-  :103- :103- :31- :103- :103-

I hope the average new reader gets that this is all in jest and that we are really good friends!  :30- :103-

CaptainHappy :95-

First to figure it out gets K+

I wasn't trying to be vague, I just didn't want to promise any Pi-in-the-sky. :30- :30- :25- :97- :97- :97-

You do realize, of course, that most of the time, when I use the frying pan I'm hitting myself on the head, and not the reader! :30-

Next time I am going to use Avogadro's number!  :37- :37- :37- That was too easy! :72-

I was going to give you Pi K+'s, but I too am limited to the standard 12 hour rule. And before you say it, I can cheat and change the rules, but that is not as much fun!  :72- :72- :72-

CH :95-

Title: Re: S + Game Kit Conversion
Post by: rickhunter on August 23, 2009, 02:58:31 PM

My, how time is fun when you're having flies! I hate to break it to you, but it will be four years, officially, as as of October 1st, just a little over five weeks from now. :58-
Man, I feel old. :5- :97- :97- :97-

P.S: Do you think that we will make six million page hits by then?
<ADD> My data suggests that we won't. We'll be at 5.916 million, give or take.

Oh my gosh, you are right  :25- :25- :25- :25- :25-

I mean there's been 3 4th of july celebrations!!!  Man how time passes, after 40, it just becomes one big blur I think.  :103- :103- :103- :30- :30- :30-