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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: Paladin on August 23, 2009, 03:33:36 AM

Title: How to short cash door switch
Post by: Paladin on August 23, 2009, 03:33:36 AM
I know how to short a switch, but my DBV isn't working and I'm trying everything I can (I've got a post in the validator forum as well). 

I have two wires shorted together, and just assumed that they were the cash box door switch wires.  Tonight I pulled off the shrink wrap to make sure they were shorted, then I followed the wires.  One wire is dark green, and goes to a motherboard connector.  I can't figure out where it plugs into the motherboard because there are several wires of the same color that converge into a thick bundle, but it definately plugs into the horizontal motherboard connector.  The other wire is green with a blue stripe.  I followed this wire up next to the reels where it ends in an empty connector.  My multimeter shows that there is continuity between the connector and the point where the two wires are spliced together.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but shouldn't both ends of the cash door wires end up at the motherboard?  That way when you short them you are completing a circuit.  The way it is now the solid green wire comes off the motherboard, gets wrapped around the green/blue wire - which just terminates with an empty connector next to the reels on the right side of the cabinet.  I guess that would work if the switch is supposed to be 'open' when the door is closed, but in that case you wouldn't need to splice the wires together.

Is it just me, or does something smell fishy here?

Title: Re: How to short cash door switch
Post by: brichter on August 23, 2009, 02:15:57 PM
Not sure what's going on with your wiring, since I'm thick and can't trace it myself, but the solid green wires are usually all grounds in IGT land.

If the other wire doesn't go anywhere, yes, I'd say something is fishy. One option is there may have been another switch in series with the cash door switch. Perhaps there used to be a switch on the belly door? I've seen them in the top left corner of the belly door when viewing the machine from the front.

Title: Re: How to short cash door switch
Post by: Paladin on August 25, 2009, 09:58:58 PM
No sign of any switch on the belly door.  Can someone tell me what color the wires for the cash box door swich are?  Even better, what connector do they go to on the motherboard?

Title: Re: How to short cash door switch
Post by: brichter on August 26, 2009, 02:23:15 AM
On my S+ they are green with a blue trace and green, same as yours. They go to the far right connector on the mobo, right in front of the transformer on the processor board.