New Life Games Tech Forums

NLG Members who host their own Repair Logs of Various Games. => RickHunters Computer Help 101 => Topic started by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:48:22 PM

Title: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:48:22 PM
I have the firewall that came with my windows xp. (http://juknlink.html) I want a better one. (http://juknlink.html) What is a VERY good firewall i can download and use for free that dosen't slow down my computer?
 :( (http://juknlink.html)

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:48:37 PM
Zone Alarm is very good. (

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:48:54 PM
If you want something to prevent you getting viruses or spyware you need to get virus detection and spyware SOFTWARE. If you want a FIREWALL which will stop people from attacting your computer or polling your computer for OS flaws then you need a HARDWARE firewall.

External hardware won't slow your computer.

I would recommend a Linksys router/firewall device. On occasion these fail so buy the extended warranty. Linksys is made by Cisco so I have good faith that they will be around for sometime and occasionally they do have updates from them. Netgear is ok (cheaper too) but I don't like the product as much.

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:49:07 PM
I second Jay's opinion regarding a hardware firewall.  It's always best to stop them BEFORE they touch your pc.

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:49:22 PM
I can't believe anyone would be on boardband without a HARDWARE firewall. Like they said, keep them from finding you to begin with. Now, with that being said....

You need to keep your PC clean or hardware firewalls are ineffective. Trojans will pass through the hardware firewall if the trojan resides on your PC. A software firewall will keep them at bay, but I read once that it isn't good to run software and hardware firewalls at the same time. I can see no reason why one shouldn't - does anyone have any insight on this?

My works computer system was seriously compromised last week. It goes to show how important it is to run anti-viruses (that are up to date) and firewalls. Our anti-virus stopped updating itself which left us vulnerable. It only took a few days for the viruses to hit....

Anyhow, I've hear ZoneAlarm is good. I've also heard that Kerio is good.

Regarding the failure of hardware firewalls - I've never had this problem or seen anyone who had this problem. Has anyone else had a hardware firewall that failed?


Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:49:37 PM
I've used zonealarm it's good and you can download it easy.  The router is a great idea and one I recommend as well.  However, if you are going to use wireless...change the SSID...set the device to not broadcast the SSID....Set the mac address security so only your machines can access the network...CHANGE THE ADMIN login/password.

If you get the linksys the how to for all the above is on-line.

Just looked it up...almost exactly what I was ya go: (

The actual how to:**&p_li=&p_topview=1 (**&p_li=&p_topview=1)

 :71- :71- :71-

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:49:57 PM
One other point to note.  Most corporate computer break-ins are a result of a user clicking on an e-mail attachment which in turns installs a keylogger or a backdoor trojan.  Since the action is originated on the host pc, the remote pc (hacker) is just responding to requests, thereby bypassing the firewall.  So a word of advice:

DO NOT open attachments unless you are expecting them. Even if it comes from a known e-mail (this can be spoofed very easily).  If you know the person, ask them on a separate e-mail (do not reply) if they sent you the message attachment.  I know this seems a little paranoid, but if it will stop you form going through an ID theft  issue, it is well worth the extra step.  You DO NOT EVER want to go through the whole process of re-claiming your stolen Identity, TRUST ME on this one.

So next time you see "Celebrity X Naked!!!!", "Buy this stock", "hot news from ...", "Claim your prize", "You have been selected to receive ..." and any other to-good-to-be-true news on an e-mail subject line Delete it!!!

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:50:20 PM
I have the firewall that came with my windows xp. (http://junklink.html) I want a better one. (http://junllink.html) What is a VERY good firewall i can download and use for free that dosen't slow down my computer?
 :( (http://junklink.html)

Sorry to say but this is just a spam post to get the search sites to link to it from NLG .....   look at the "xp. " and the "one." see that the . are links and the :( is a link to sneaky sob..

But it is a good topic " What firewall is better to install?

We will leave this post as we edited the  links so thay are dead but the user will be nuked ....   :32- :32-

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:50:38 PM
Very Interesting!!!!
How did you discover those???

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:50:52 PM
I have the firewall that came with my windows xp. (http://junklink.html) I want a better one. (http://junllink.html) What is a VERY good firewall i can download and use for free that dosen't slow down my computer?
 :( (http://junklink.html)

Sorry to say but this is just a spam post to get the search sites to link to it from NLG .....   look at the "xp. " and the "one." see that the . are links and the :( is a link to sneaky sob..

But it is a good topic " What firewall is better to install?

We will leave this post as we edited the  links so thay are dead but the user will be nuked ....   :32- :32-

Wow, didn't even notice that, good catch.

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:51:18 PM
Another thing you should do is turn OFF the Universal Plug N Play function on the hardware routers. Malware may use UPNP to open up ports on your router without you knowing about it.

Also, if you are using a Wireless Access Point router, be sure to turn on WEP encryption with a strong pass code.
If you don't, Even if you have the MAC Address set so no other computer can use your network, anyone with the proper software can still sniff your packets and view everything you do through your WAP. That includes Passwords, PIN numbers and anything else you do.
If you have a laptop that you use with public Wireless Access Points, then a software firewall like Zone Alarm is a must.
If you just use your computers on your own private network, then the NAT router along with windows built in firewall protection (XP)  is sufficient.

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:51:38 PM
Sorry to say but this is just a spam post to get the search sites to link to it from NLG .....   look at the "xp. " and the "one." see that the . are links and the :( is a link to sneaky sob..

But it is a good topic " What firewall is better to install?

We will leave this post as we edited the  links so thay are dead but the user will be nuked ....   :32- :32-

Now that is sneaky! But also somewhat ineffective, since almost no-one would ever try to click on those tiny links in the text. So, the "junklink_html" that my status bar shows when I hover over these links does nothing, right? (I'm afraid to try it. :72-)

I agree that we owe the :76- jerk a thanks for starting a thread on this topic!  :71-

A lot of good information here. :89-

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:51:51 PM
:8- :8-I feel used and dirty... :25- :25- :25-

I hate  :76- :76- :76- :76-

 :37- Can't go any where without someone try'n to @#$! ya. :7-

If I could get my hands on em I'd smak em good   :30-
They really make me sick    :86-

.....If you haven't noticed by now a really like those emoticons.. ;D

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:52:07 PM
Well, software firewalls are junk when you have it open for communications and you get a buffer overflow. Buffer overflows are how worms penetrate machines.

You need a hardware firewall. Period.

Antispyware and anti-spam software are required on the PC. Let a hardware firewall protect you at home. The only time I'd advocate a software firewall on a computer is if you have a laptop and you take it away from home.


Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:52:20 PM
It always struck me as strange that Microsoft would create a software firewall as part of their OS. If the OS wasn't flawed in the first place this would not be necessary. Same goes with the anti-spyware. IF they would fix the underlying issues this stuff wouldn't grab hold.

Title: Re: What firewall is better to install?
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on September 30, 2008, 06:52:36 PM
It always struck me as strange that Microsoft would create a software firewall as part of their OS. If the OS wasn't flawed in the first place this would not be necessary. Same goes with the anti-spyware. IF they would fix the underlying issues this stuff wouldn't grab hold.

Well, I'm the first one up to bash MicroC#$P, and they don't do nearly as good of a job beta testing their releases as they should; we're their beta-testers  :60- :60-
However, in truth, these operating systems and programs are so complex that it would be almost impossible to make them bullet-proof. Hackers will go to any length necessary to beat the system, many times just for the thrill or prestige of beating the system -- any system.

One of the important reasons that MAC and LINUX don't have as many of these problems is that they are not ubiquitous. If they were, as Windows is, many more closet geniuses would focus on compromising those systems, and their users would have the same headaches as Windows users do. Mind you, they are more robust that Windows, but no system will stop large numbers of highly determined hackers around the world looking 24/7/365 to crack the system, and Windows is the #1 target of opportunity.